10 Most Intense Deaths In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Series

With the Halloween season once again here, the spooky horror franchise fans have been wanting to indulge in is Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The feature-length series has been hailed as one of the most disturbing horror films of all time, and features one of Leatherface’s most terrifying villains, delivering some of the bloodiest, most brutal deaths in the genre event.

Aside from Leatherface’s grisly chainsaw moves on his victims, there are several other extremely gory modes of death in the series that aren’t for the nervous or faint of heart. For hardcore horror heads, they are truly a treat!

Kirk hits head with mallet – Texas Chainsaw Massacre

After half an hour of moody terror, the entire world’s first death traditional Chinese medicine The franchise has a shocking intensity. Nosy Kirk (William Weir) wanders to Sawyer’s house in search of gasoline, but is brutally hit twice on the head with a sledgehammer by a burly figure wearing a human skin mask named Leatherface . Leatherface’s introductory salvo is creepy, especially the screeching sound he makes as he closes the door.

As well as setting the standard and establishing Leatherface’s horrific lethality, the aftermath of seeing Kurt’s body hacked to pieces through Sally’s (Marilyn Burns) eyes also made Kurt’s death Disturbing.

Pam Meat Hook Impaled – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Pam hangs on a meat hook in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

In terms of pure visceral fear, traditional Chinese medicineThe greatest achievement will always be Pam’s meat hook impalement in the middle of the movie. While Tobey Hooper doesn’t actually show the hook stabbing Pam (Terry McMinn), the power of suggestion creates an even more shocking image in the viewer’s mind.

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In addition to displaying Leatherface’s brute force and sadism, Pam’s stumbling to her death in an ultra-creepy Sawyer house adorned with decorative human bones is all the more disturbing. Just as Pam reaches the porch, Leatherface rolls her back and turns her into a piece of meat to be slaughtered in one of the greatest horror movie death scenes of all time.

Franklin’s Chainsaw Massacre – Texas Chainsaw Massacre

In The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Leatherface kills Franklin with a chainsaw

While Franklin (Paul A. Patan) is so annoying that viewers might actually want him to die quickly, when it finally shows up to his sister, Sally, it’s more disturbing than anyone could have imagined . That said, this is the first time in the series that Leatherface uses his trusty chainsaw to kill a victim.

What made Franklin’s death so upsetting was his inability to defend himself, leaving him a sitting duck, savagely slashed five times in the stomach by Leatherface with a spinning blade. The emotional impact of the death on the last girl adds to the dramatic stakes.

Leatherface’s chainsaw impalement – Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2

In Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2, Leatherface fights Lefty with a chainsaw

While Tobey Hooper took the horror franchise in a new direction with this dark comedy sequel, it also featured some of the franchise’s most gruesome deaths. However, when left-handed Lieutenant Enright (Dennis Hopper) engages in a chainsaw fight with Leatherface (Bill Johnson), it is definitely the best scene. Oddly enough, Leatherface lost to one of his most formidable foes.

Although Leatherface was eventually resurrected in a future sequel, his alleged death Traditional Chinese Medicine 2 It is extremely bloody and lethal. After being pierced through the abdomen and disemboweled by a giant chainsaw, Leatherface was hammered on the head and killed by a hand grenade. While a little over the top, the violence that Leatherface (who is rarely victimized) suffers makes anyone’s heart skip a beat.

Andy’s Hangup – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003)

Andy hanged in 2003's The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

The brutal torture Andy (Mike Vogel) suffered in 2003 traditional Chinese medicine The remake is one of the most traumatic and enduring series of deaths. The unsuspecting victim had his legs amputated by Leatherface, who took him to his shop and hung him on a meat hook, leaving him bleeding profusely.

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What really boosts the intensity quotient is when the last girl, Erin (Jessica Biel), finds Andy’s mutilated body still alive, and makes the difficult but kind decision to end Andy’s life to end his suffering. Out of the blue, Erin peels open Andy’s ribcage with shocking emotion.

Eric’s Massacre – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

Eric was slaughtered in

from top to bottom, Traditional Chinese Medicine: Getting Started Arguably the most viciously violent picture in the entire series. It also has possibly the scariest Leatherface aside from the original. Take Eric’s brutal massacre for example. His arms were flayed with a knife, his breastbone was pierced by a chainsaw in motion and his face was carved. The amount of blood alone is enough to keep the barf bag secure.

In addition to seeing this through the eyes of the last girl, Chrissy (Jordana Brewster), the dynamically shaky camera framing and close-ups of the bloody geyser on Eric’s face left viewers horrified. Withdraw.

Bailey – The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

Bailey at the dinner table in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning

After Eric’s tragic death, Bailey (Diora Baird) met a similar fate in the 2006 prequel. In a scene reminiscent of the horrific dinner table dynamic in the original film, Bailey somehow survives being hung on a meat hook, only to be dragged from the back of a trailer, strapped to a dining table and had his throat slit with a knife .a pair of giant scissors

The sheer punishment Bailey suffered is hard to swallow, especially when it’s suggested she survived. Just when it seemed she could escape, she was brutally butchered onscreen, in a moment of desperation.

Kenny is cut in half – Texas Chainsaw 3D

Kenny hangs on a meat hook in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D

Extravagant tip for Kenny (Kayram Maric-Sanchez) being cut in half from the waist down Texas Chainsaw 3D is the very definition of torture porn. Purely to cater to the faintest of gore appetites and pay homage to the series as a whole, Kenny is stabbed in the back with a crowbar, taken into a basement, impaled with a meat hook, and slowly sawed into pieces by Leatherface’s chainsaw Two halves.

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The elongated, near-slow-motion shot of Kenny’s belly being slowly chewed in half, with vats of viscous blood poured on the floor and splattered on the walls, suggests as much excess as one can imagine. It works, and some of it, especially through the eyes of the last girl, Heather (Alexandra Daddario).

Burt’s Meat Grinder – Texas Chainsaw 3D

Burt falls into a meat grinder in Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D

As one of the bloodiest and most unique fatalities in the series, Texas Chainsaw 3D In the end, Mayor Burt Hartman was hanging off the edge of a giant industrial meat grinder, only to have his hands sawed off by Leatherface and his body ripped apart as he fell into the giant spinning blades into bloody shards.Think Steve Buscemi fargo ten times.

To give viewers one final moment of jaw-dropping violence, the exaggerated death scene does feel gripping as Burt struggles to hold on to a ledge. Suspenseful, original, and downright scary, this is a bizarre death in a not-so-good horror sequel.

Howl’s Eviscerate – Leatherface

Hal was killed in Leatherface

Speaking of the Hartmann family, leather face Not only the titular terrorist’s backstory is involved, but also relative Hal Hartman (Stephen Dorff), a vengeful law enforcer looking to end his reign of violence. Hartman fails miserably and is brutally eviscerated by teenage Leatherface in one of the most visually disturbing deaths in the entire series.

Part of the pain comes from the surprise that the main character is killed, not the other way around. Yet the horrific mutilation, the smoking chainsaw, the spewing sound effects, the size of the blades, the amount of blood shed and the sinister satisfaction of seeing it in the eyes of young Leatherface, all screen time make up the most intense of the series die. .

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