20 Cutest Pokémon Of All Time

Ah, we’ve all heard the saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When it comes to Pokémon, cuteness factor can be a close substitute. Recently, our team looked at Pokémon that get worse when they evolve, most unfairly difficult gym leaders and even darkest Pokemon fan theories. When it comes to deciding on the most adorable, aww-inducing Pokémon of all time, this was a tough one. Although this was a difficult list to put together, we sorted through the Pokédex to find some of the most adorable, cute, and cuddly. For starters, we decided to include all Eeveelutions in one entry, because, um, Eevee! Just kidding, but in all honesty, we could have made over half this list include every version of Eevee evolution, ever, and kept it at that. 

We also opted to include many Pokémon from the original series (we’re looking at you, Red and Blue fans), but also chose to feature several favorites from newer installments to the franchise. Sadly, as much as we wanted to include tons of adorable favorites, we capped this list at twenty. Some of our Honorable Mentions include Pachirisu, Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Oshawott, Shinx, Buneary, Axew, Celebi, Mudkip, and of course, Cubone. All in all, this was a fun list to put together, so let’s get going!

Here are the 20 Cutest Pokémon Of All Time!

20. Jigglypuff

A beloved favorite by so many Pokémon fans, Jigglypuff is certainly considered one of the O.G.’s in terms of cuteness. With a round, ball-like shape, googly eyes, and pointy cat-like ears, it’s pretty safe to say that Jigglypuff hits all the major determining factors for “totally adorable”. The Jigglypuff fandom extends well beyond the original series, as the character has also popped up as a playable character in Super Smash Bros and multiple side games.

Don’t be fooled by Jigglypuff’s cute appearance, this is one Pokémon that should have you on your guard at all times. From first generation players of Red, Blue and Yellow to recent Sun and Moon gamers, everyone knows that Jigglypuff holds the key to insomnia. The saccharine-sweet Pokémon can instantly lull opponents to sleep. Try to resist the urge to playfully squeeze its face, and remember, store an extra pair of ear plugs for good measure.

19. Dratini

Dratini Pokemon

With a sleek snake-like shape and aww-worthy eyes, Dratini is a Dragon Pokémon that’s simply too cute. At first glance, Harry Potter fans might have been reminded by the similarly designed Occamy from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Sure, the two might seem totally different at first thought, but the creature’s serpent-like shape certainly reminds us of Dratini. With large oval eyes and a rounded snout, Dratini is just… so… cute.

Yes, we know, Dratini lacks fur and oversized ears, which are two hallmark traits of most traditionally “cute” Pokémon. But it still has a certain je ne sais quoi that so many people know and love dearly. Fans of aquatic Pokémon will appreciate the teeny white fins extending from either side of Dratini’s face, while a small rounded nub on its forehead adds even more whimsical charm. Fans of the first, third, and fourth generation Pokémon games will experience waves of nostalgia from trying to snatch up a Dratini from the Safari Zone.

18. Shaymin

Shaymin Pokemon

One part Chia Pet, and another part a cuddly version of Sonic the Hedgehog, Shaymin is an undeniably adorable Pokémon. Seriously, just look at that cute face! Some believe that Shaymin gets its name as a mash-up of the words xiè (the Chinese word for thanks or gratitude) and harinezumi (the Japanese word for hedgehog), while others note that the “Sha” prefix resembles the word “shaman” or even “stamen”.

Originally introduced during Generation IV, this Grass-type Pokémon has a sweet-looking design, looking like a hedgehog with flowers and leaves instead of spikes. On screen, Shaymin had its original debut during Giratina and the Sky Warrior, the second Diamond & Pearl series movie. In Sky Forme, the Pokémon’s shape alters drastically, almost resembling a small deer-like creature. Whether you prefer the Pokemon’s hedgehog version or the Sky Forme, it’s pretty clear that the adorable Shaymin well deserves its slot among the twenty cutest Pokemon in the universe.

17. Mareep

Scrapped Pokemon Mareep

Say baa! (Or meh, your preference.) Mareep is an electrifying add to the Pokémon universe, originally introduced during the second generation games in Pokémon Gold and Silver. If you’ve ever imagined what a blue sheep might look like in the Pokémon world, Mareep is the most obvious answer. With puffy tufts of wool and a lightbulb-like tail, Mareep is totally adorbs.

A small little curly wave of wooly fur rests on the center of its forehead, making Mareep literally the definition of, “It’s so fluffy, I’m gonna die!” Trainers beware: as cute as this Pokémon might appear to be, static electricity continuously builds up inside its body. As tempting as it might be to touch, Mareep’s fleece only amps up the volume of its static charge, and touching it will deliver a powerful electric blast.

Mareep can evolve into Flaaffy, which retains traces of its sheep-like design, but its third evolution, Ampharos, is devoid of any fleece completely.

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16. Lillipup

Lillipup Pokemon

For any Pokémon trainer  who is also a dog person, Lillipup is a dream come true. With face full of puffy fur, Lillipup resembles a sweet terrier puppy. With big brown eyes, a teeny tail, and fuzzy fur, the pup is undeniably cute. Lillipup’s fur is known for being used as a type of radar detection, and helps give the canine Pokémon additional information about its environment.

When viewed on the Pokédex 3D Pro, Lillipup has three toes per paw, and the bottom of its pads are actually blue. Lillipup looks cute in its naturally unevolved state, and continues to look adorable even when it starts to evolve.

Trainers can evolve the Pokemon into Herdier, which resembles a tiny Miniature Schnauzer or Terrier, and later into Stoutland. Fans were able to get a glimpse of the aww-worthy Lillipup in “The Battle According to Lenora!”, where it defeated Ash’s Tepig in the Gym battle.

15. Emolga

Emolga Pokemon

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, no—it’s Emolga! In the anime, fans were first introduced to the Pokémon in “Emolga the Irresistible!” when Iris caught a female Emolga. Super cute and squee-inducing, Emolga is reminiscent of a flying squirrel and another rodent-type creature. With round black eyes and bright yellow dots on its cheeks, Emolga is just one those Pokémon that make it hard to hold back a smile.

Trainers first got to add Emolga to the squad while playing the fifth generation games like Pokémon Black and White and Black and White 2. Classified as a Sky Squirrel Pokémon, Emolgas dwell in treetops and collect energy stores of electricity inside of their big cheeks. When they glide or attack, they can release a burst of electricity against an opponent. Some believe that Emolga is based on an actual Japanese dwarf flying squirrel. Fans were given a glimpse of the flying squirrel Pokémon in August 2010. The name “Emolga” seems to be a combination of the Japanese word “emon” which means drapery or clothes, and momonga, a scientific term for a Japanese dwarf flying squirrel.

14. Growlithe

Growlithe Family Pokemon

Fans of Disney’s 1992 animated classic Aladdin will probably note a close comparison between this Pokémon and the lovable tiger, Rajah. With bold stripes and orange/cream colored fur, Growlithe is an adorable Fire-type Pokémon. At first glance, Growlithe might seem to be some sort of tiger, but the Pokémon is more reminiscent of a wolf-like puppy.

Originally introduced in the first generation Pokémon games, Growlithe can evolve into Arcanine with the use of a Fire Stone. Fans of the anime might recall that James of Team Rocket had a pet Growlithe in the series. Affectionately know as Growlie, James had the Pokémon as a pet when he was a child, but it remained behind when he ran away from home. Officer Jenny also worked with Growlithe and Arcanine Pokémon, which acted as police dogs in the series.

Growlithe might look tough right off the bat, but the Pokémon is actually friendly and extremely loyal to its trainer. Don’t mistake its kindness for weakness, as Growlithe Pokémon are strongly protective of its territory.

13. Clefairy

Several Clefairy stand together in the Pokemon anime.

For obvious reasons, we think Clefairy is totally adorable. Not only does it have teeny tiny little eyes, pink dots on its cheeks, and pointy cat-like ears, but it’s essentially a cute roly-poly ball of fluff. A Fairy-type of Pokémon from the original Red and Blue series, the Pokémon is known for being extremely shy.

Whimsical and charming, Clefairy often dance together beneath the light of a full moon. When the sun comes up, Clefairy Pokémon head back to bed and sleep in the mountains. Fans were given a look at the Fairy-type Pokémon during the episode “Clefairy and the Moon Stone” from the anime series. In the first episode of the anime series, Clefairy was even going to be Ash’s starter Pokémon instead of Pikachu.

The precursor form to Clefairy is Cleffa, a baby Fairy-type Pokémon that was introduced in the second generation series. Reminiscent of Nintendo’s Kirby, Cleffa is just as aww-inducing as Clefairy, but doesn’t seem to have its pointy teeth yet.

12. Jirachi

Jirachi smiles while floating in the mountains

Jirachi made its first debut during the third generation of Pokémon games, introduced in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Jirachi is referred to as a male, but the Pokémon is genderless in the main games. The name “Jirachi” is a combination of the Russian word for “wish” and the Japanese word for wish, happiness, or fortune.

Jirachi is a Steel and Psychic mythical type, and will not evolve into other forms of Pokémon. With googly eyes and an adorable design, Jirachi is just so… freaking… cute! Although it has tiny legs, the Pokémon has lengthy arms and several flaps which flow downwards. Rare and mysterious, Jirachi are known for hibernating for decades.

Every thousand years, Jirachi will wake up for seven days and grant wishes. Jirachi was prominently featured in the anime entitled Jirachi: Wish Maker. Jirachi awakened during the time of a thousand-year-old comet, and Butler controlled it to create a destructive Groudon Pokémon. Butler, Max, and Ash worked together to help Jirachi destroy the devious Groudon Pokémon by using Jirachi’s signature move, Doom Desire.

11. Snorlax

Snorlax in Pokemon

Out of all the Pokémon, Snorlax lives the life that most of us dream of. The gigantic Pokémon spends most of its days sleeping, snoring, and waking up only to eat (with the exception of some lax exercise days). Talk about a tough life!

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With its large belly and pointed ears, Snorlax is pretty much the Pokémon equivalent of Hayao Miyazaki’s lovable Totoro character. Although it’s still undetermined if Snorlax has some type of undiagnosed sleep disorder, it seems like the Pokémon is inspired by hibernating bears or the sleepy behaviors found in sloths.

In the generation IV games, Munchlax was introduced through the main games of Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. Unlike its evolved form, Munchlax is more of a hyperactive Pokémon with a severe appetite, often running around looking for food. Fans of the first generation games can instantly recall times when a wild Snorlax could be found inconveniently blocking one’s path.

In the animated series, Snorlax was heavily featured in the episode “Snack Attack!” and Ash finally was able to capture it in the Grapefruit Islands. A long-time favorite, Snorlax also made appearances in several of the Super Smash Bros games.

10. Bulbasaur

Happy Bulbasaur

A classic starter from the original Red and Blue series, Bulbasaur is a beloved favorite of many Pokémon fans. Bulbasaur is a Grass and Poison type Pokémon, with wide-set eyes, pointed teeth, and a large bulb-like seed on its back. The bulb gives Bulbasaur energy through the process of photosynthesis; as Bulbasaur soaks up more energy from sunlight, the seed will grow in size.

This cute dion-like Pokémon can evolve into Ivysaur, and later Venusaur, but its cutest form by far is Bulbasaur. We first saw Bulbasaur in the original animated series in “Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village”, where Ash caught Bulbasaur by using Pikachu in a battle. Bulbasaur is known for being loyal and can help rock young Pokémon to sleep by using its vines.

Bulbasaur is also a playable Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. Melee and Brawl. Like Sunkern, Bulbasaur and the other evolutionary phases are categorized as Seed Pokémon.

9. Teddiursa

A Teddiursa smiles and spreads its arms as it runs

Teddiursa might look like a cuddly teddy bear, but this Pokémon is definitely cunning. A Normal type Pokémon, Teddiursa was originally introduced in the Gold and Silver Pokémon games. In the animated series, fans were delighted to see Teddiursa in the episode titled “UnBEARable”. The Pokémon relied on its sweet and innocent appearance as a ruse, distracting humans in order to steal their food.

With small rounded eyes, rounded ears, and a marking of a crescent shape on its forehead, the furry Pokémon is totally adorable. When the Pokémon is not being mischievous, Teddiursa creates honey using Beedrill pollen. When out hunting for honey, the crescent-moon shaped marker will glow as soon as Teddiursa discovers some.

Teddiursa also had an appearance in two Pokémon movies, Celebi: a Timeless Encounter and The Rise of Darkrai. Teddiursa can evolve into Ursaring, a formidable Pokémon that’s certainly more tough-looking than the sweet Teddiursa.

8. Skitty

A Skitty Pokemon

With pink and cream colored fur, Skitty is an adorable feline Pokémon. Originally appearing during the third generation Pokémon games, Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, Skitty is classified as Normal-type Pokémon. Given its rounded face, oversized ears, and a puffy, balloon-like tail, Skitty certainly meets much of the “cute” criteria.

When used in battle, Skitty’s tail can become deadly, puffing out and intimidating other opponents by enlarging in size. Just like Teddiursa’s moon-like facial markings, Skitty also has a subtle crescent-shaped mark on the center of its face. With tiny eyes, tufted ears and a rounded shape, Skitty has a heart-melting design that’ll definitely appeal to cat lovers.

Skitty is known for being obsessed with moving objects, often chasing its own tail until it becomes dizzy. In the anime, a super cute Skitty appeared in the episode “I Feel Skitty!”, and it was captured by May. Fans were also given a look at Skitty in the episode “Big Meowth, Little Dreams”, where Meowth fell madly in love with a Skitty.

7. Vulpix

Vulpix Pokemon

Originally introduced in the first generation games, Vulpix is a Fire-type Pokémon. With a fox-like design, Vulpix has a reddish-brown color, large eyes, pointy ears, and six curled tails. Vulpix are born with one colorless tail, which eventually splits into other tails and changes color as the Pokémon ages.

The fire Pokémon is known for having a flame deep within its body, which leads to the its ability to control fire in a precise manner. In the animated series, Brock had a Vulpix in the episode “Pokémon Fashion Flash”, but later returned it to Suzie in the episode Beauty and the Breeder. Much like Growlithe, Vulpix can evolve into Ninetails via a Fire Stone. Originally inspired by fox creatures from Japanese mythology, Vulpix has several tails and is known for breathing fire.

Unlike the Kanto region, the Vulpix in the Alola region are all white, with blue eyes and paws. An alternative name for Alolan Vulpix is Keokeo, which stems from the Native Hawaiian word ke’oke’o, meaning white.

6. Squirtle

Squirtle Looking Happy

One of the three original starter Pokémon from the first generation games, Squirtle is an adorable tortoise-like Pokémon. With light blue skin, a rounded shell, and oval shaped eyes, this Water-type Pokémon is totally adorbs.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Squirtle is shown running on all fours, but in the animated series, fans will also spot the Pokémon walking around on two legs. Just like a real-life turtle, Squirtle’s shell is super important.

In the animated series, Squirtle’s appearance dates back to the first episode of the anime, “Pokémon – I Choose You!”. Although Squirtle was Ash’s first choice for his starter Pokémon, his rival Gary Oak had taken it. Squirtle fans can’t possibly forget the episode “Here Comes The Squirtle Squad”, where a team of Squirtles banded together after becoming abandoned by their Trainers. Ash helped out the squad, and eventually became friends with the leader of the Squirtle Squad, who joined him on his adventures. The rest of the Squirtle Squad turned into a firefighting group.

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5. Charmander

Ash's Charmander

Char! Charmander! With super cute wide set eyes, tiny fanged teeth, and a dinosaur-like design, Charmander is definitely a serious cute contender.

The fiery blaze at the end of this Pokémon’s tail helps a Trainer know about the Charmander’s condition. The fire is reminiscent of the Pokémon’s health, with a bright bold flame meaning that the Pokémon is in good health, and a weak, near-dissolving flame representing a Charmander that needs some intensive help.

If you’re a fan of the animated series, you’ll definitely remember the heart-breaking episode, “Charmander – The Stray Pokémon”. When Ash, Misty, and Brock discover an abandoned Charmander, cuteness awaits. The poor Charmander was waiting for its former Trainer, Damian, who had abandoned it because it was too weak. Nineties kids can certainly attest that the scene when Charmander becomes seriously sick in the rainstorm is totally heart-wrenching. When Ash helps take care of Charmander and brings the Pokémon to a nearby Pokémon Center, Charmander joins Ash’s team.

4. Togepi

Misty's Togepi, from the Pokemon anime series

Is anyone feeling hungry? We jest, we jest, but  Togepi did appear on our “Pokémon We’d Most Like To Eat” list. Originally introduced during the second generation of Pokémon games, Gold, Silver, and Crystal, Togepi is an adorable egg-like Pokémon.

With a teeny round body and small oval eyes, Togepi actually retains its shell design. The eggshell has small red and blue splotches on it, adding even more points to the cuteness scale. Although it has stubby arms and rounded feet, Togepi’s face includes several pointed spikes. Sure, the Pokémon is super adorable, but don’t try to fry it up anytime soon. Togepi can release poison from those pointed spikes, and when it does, it means business.

Togepi made a big appearance in the animated series during episodes “Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon” and “Who Gets to Keep Togepi?”. Ultimately, the Togepi ended up imprinting on Misty, given that she was the first person the Pokémon looked at.

3. Mew

Mew Pokemon

Originally appearing in the first generation Pokémon games, Mew is a highly rare Pokémon. Some people mistakenly believe that Mewtwo is the evolved form of Mew, however, Mewtwo was actually cloned from Mew. Mew is not known to evolve into any other forms.

Although Mew might look like Skitty or even resemble the pink color found in Clefairy and Jigglypuff, it is a Psychic-type Mythical Pokémon. With small pointed ears, oversized feet, and a long, swirling tail, Mew is a Pokémon that’s definitely one of the cutest on our list. From the Pokémon’s pink fur to its short, teeny arms, Mew is one of those Pokémon that’ll make even non-fans say, “Aww…”

Mew has appeared in several Pokémon movies, including the first Pokémon movie, Mewtwo Strikes Back and Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. Curious, playful and highly intelligent, Mew isn’t just a cute ball of fluff. Mew’s fur supposedly has traces of the DNA from every single Pokémon, which lends it the ability to utilize any attack.

2. Eevee and all Eeveelutions

Eevee Pokemon

Aww, Eevee—how do we love thee? Let us count the ways! A lovable favorite of many die-hard Pokémon fans, we couldn’t fathom making a list of “Cutest Pokémon” without mentioning Eevee. That being said, Eevee’s numerous evolved states are equally as cute, and if we were to add them all to this list, we’re pretty sure this list would 80% comprised of Eeveelutions! In order to keep things brief, we decided to rank Eevee and all the subsequent evolutions as second on our list.

Somewhat reminiscent of a fox, Eevee has brown bushy fur and a large poofy tail; wide, oval eyes and adorably long, rabbit-like ears. Eevee might be a Normal-type Pokémon, but it can evolve into eight different variations, including Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Leafeon, Glaceon, and Sylveon. Eevee’s name is supposedly a play on words for the letters “e” and “v”, deriving from the word “evolution”.

1. Pikachu

When it comes to cute Pokémon, it’s pretty safe to say that Pikachu reigns supreme. Designed by Atsuko Nishida and Ken Sugimori, few other Pokémon have captured the hearts of so many. Originally appearing in the Generation I Pokémon games, Red, Blue, and Yellow, along with the animated series, Pikachu is the real MVP when it comes to the whole adorable thing. With its puffy cheeks, pointed ears and a lightning bolt-style tail, Pikachu is the epitome of cuteness in the Pokémon universe.

In the animated series, Ash scooped up Pikachu in the very first episode of “Pokémon – I Choose You!”, and the Pokémon certainly hasn’t lost any fans since then. Pikachua became so popular that its status as the mascot of Pokémon was quickly set in stone. Also known as a Mouse Pokémon, Pikachu’s name is a mash up of two Japanese onomatopoeias, including “pika pika” (sparkle) and “chuchu” (squeaking noise). When people think of Pokémon they think of Pikachu, the ultimate adorable pocket monster.

Who do you feel is the cutestPokémon of all time? Let us know in the comments!

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