6 Ways How I Met Your Mother’s Alternate Ending Fixes The Finale

The official end of the split how I meet your Mother Several issues were created for the ending, but an alternate ending has been released that will resolve them. After nine seasons in New York looking for a fiancée, Ted Mosby is finally here how I meet your Motherfinal episode. However, the plot of the last season changed the focus of the entire series, but it was a choice that disappointed many people. On the other hand, the alternate ending gave the audience a happier ending.

original ending how I meet your Mother It was revealed that Ted had told his children about how he had met their mother, who had been away for many years. She died of some illness, so Ted’s story was never about him living happily ever after with the mother of his children. Instead, his stories are meant to gauge if the kids are ready for him to start dating Robin. That makes this long story — which seems to focus more on Robin than Tracy — even more meaningful. However, the alternate ending where Tracy resides addresses the plot more satisfactorily and resolves some issues.

HIMYM’s 6 alternate endings make Ted’s question less

Ted is not a perfect character how I meet your Mother, no matter how you look at it. He tries his best to be a nice guy, but he’s made some mistakes over the years as he settles in – after all, that’s the point. However, the official ending that makes Robin the whole point of Ted’s story makes his character seem more problematic. It shows that Robin has always been his guy and that even when he’s with Tracy, he still (at least somewhere in his heart) loves his friend.

The alternate ending continues the lesson Ted learned during Robin and Barney’s wedding – it’s time to let Robin go. His love for his friend gets in the way of most of his possible relationships, and if he meets Tracy before letting Robin go, she’ll be added to his list of past girlfriends. . The fact that he met his future wife on the very day he moved in is a testament to fate. So he should have lived happily ever after with Tracy and not with Robin.

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5 Barney and Robin’s marriage on HIMYM feels less pointless

Neil Patrick Harris and Cobie Smulders at HIMYM - Enter Barney and The Robin play

Barney and Robin’s relationship was pretty messy from start to finish how I meet your Motherbut when they finally got married in season 9, it seemed like they could finally live happily ever after. Unfortunately, both Barney and Robin are divorced Himim The official and alternate ending. The two admitted they were happy together, but started going in different directions. This allows Robin to focus on her career, while Barney ends up having his daughter – who turns out to be a future he never imagined.

While the details won’t change with the alternate ending, the meaning does. In the official finale, it feels like Barney and Robin are forced to separate so that Robin can finally be free with Ted. This is especially annoying because Robin and Barney’s wedding was already planned how I meet your Mother The plot is to bring Ted and Tracy together. If Tracy died and Robin and Ted were together, the romance and the wedding would be superfluous. However, if Ted and Tracy are living happily together, Barney and Robin’s relationship will maintain its purpose.

4 Robin gets the life she always wanted in HIMYM

How I Met Your Mom Robin and Barney Divorce

The biggest obstacle to Robin and Ted .’s close relationship how I meet your Mother In fact, each of them has a different idea of ​​what the future needs. Ted wants a family and kids, while Robin wants an exciting career, traveling the world. These two wishes make perfect sense, but in the official ending, Robin begins to regret her choice. Realizing that her busy schedule keeps her away from her friends, she looks at Ted’s beautiful family and wishes she could end up with him.

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It was a disappointing end for Robin, in a world where women are often looked down upon for choosing careers over marriage. It shows that even if a woman gets her dream job, she will always regret not getting married. This is not true how I meet your Mother Alternative ending. Now that Tracy isn’t killed, Robin’s remorse doesn’t need to bring her back to Tad. That means an ending that more closely matches Robin’s personality and takes her goals and life choices seriously instead of throwing them out the window.

3 Ted and Robin Have a More Realistic Story in HIMYM’s Alternate Ending

Composite image of Ted and Robin from HIMYM

the stories ted tells his children how I meet your Mother The theme of (the official ending) is that time is all in relationships. Since Ted and Robin didn’t want the same things when they were young, they didn’t work together. However, after the two have had time to live the lives they want – Ted is a family man and Robin is a professional achiever – they are able to get back together and eventually. is working. That’s romantic (though not for poor Tracy) but less realistic how I meet your Mother Alternative ending.

Topics of how I meet your Mother Change when the replacement end is applied. Instead of being a story about two people just waiting for the right moment (and someone’s wife to die) to be together, the alternate ending shows that just loving one person isn’t enough. Ted loved Robin for many years, but no love could make them want the same life. By finally letting her go, he can get the happiness he always wanted with a girl. perfect for him. If he holds onto Robin, he won’t be ready for her.

2 “Mother” Tracey would have been a more meaningful HIMYM character if she hadn’t died

In How I Met Your Mother, Ted and Tracy smile at each other under yellow umbrellas

how I meet your Mother Season 9 spent a lot of time showing viewers how perfect Tracy was for Ted, even before they met. She gets along well with each of his friends and is a seamless addition to the team. She ticks every box that Ted has spent nearly a decade building, and their story slowly ties them together over the course of several seasons. However, when Tracy died in HimimBy the official finale, her whole purpose on the show was to give Ted a child and then give birth to him with Robin.

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if ted’s wife is inside Himim Introduced earlier in the series than the last one. In this case, viewers get a better idea of ​​what their real relationship looks like. Instead, they were left with only footage of their time together and the painful realization that it was all over too quickly. how I meet your Mother In an alternate ending, however, knowing that Tracy and Ted are forever partners has a bigger impact on her brief time on screen, as those moments last forever in the film. audience’s imagination.

1 All HIMYM characters have happier endings

How I Meet Your Mother Ted Tracy Mother Crop.v1 (1)

officially ended how I meet your Mother Ted and Tracy didn’t take long to deal with her illness and death. Overall, the idea quickly covered up and it was further revealed that Ted would end up with Robin. However, it’s hard to imagine how devastating that experience would be for them. Tracy lost the man she believed to be her soul mate in her 20s, so she too suffered a tragic fate. In addition, she will painfully understand what Tad must go through after death.

All in all, it seems fate is too terrible for these characters for Ted to be with the woman he once loved. Also, the loss (although it happened a few years ago) doesn’t make the relationship with Robin any easier, and their time together has always been difficult. Overall, it’s hard to imagine how I meet your MotherThe final moments Ted held up the green horn to the smiling Robin were unlike their other attempts at a relationship. Another ending ended up creating a neater little bow to complete the series.

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