7 Lord Of The Rings Stories Warner Bros’ New Movies Might Be About

Warner Bros. announced a new movie Lord of the Rings Films by New Line Entertainment and Middle-earth Enterprises – JRR Tolkien There are several stories in the works that may be related to them. For now, all that is known about these movies is that there will be many full-fledged installments, covering every aspect. hobbits And Lord of the Rings It’s impossible to discover a Peter Jackson movie. Exactly what that means remains to be seen.

This means, of course, that Tolkien’s writings, such as Silmarillion And unfinished storywill not be used as inspiration for Warner Bros.new Lord of the Rings Movie. This largely excludes the events of the First and Second Ages in Middle-earth, with a few exceptions. Overall, it can be concluded that most new events Lord of the Rings The setting of the film will take place in the third era. This could be anything from a deeper remake hobbits And Lord of the Rings Original stories about villains in Middle-earth, but some options are more likely than others.

The Complete Remake of The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit (chronological order)

Overall, Peter Jackson this Lord of the Rings The trio was wildly successful, and not even popular hobbits The film is still doing business at the box office. However, both adaptations inherit or change many of Tolkien’s originals, so it’s possible New Line Entertainment now wants to tell the entire Hobbit and Lord of the Rings story from beginning to end. . This version may involve previously cut characters such as Tom Bombadil and Glorfindel, or tell hobbits No too many unnecessary additions.

Given the classic status of Peter Jackson’s films, it’s hard to imagine Warner Bros. will soon make such a new adaptation. 20 years have passed The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King The end of the original trilogy and almost a decade later The Hobbits: The War of the Five Armies Did the same for the prequels. Maybe in 10 or 20 years, the time will come to re-enact and retell this beloved tale, but in the 2020s, the risk of destroying cinema’s legacy remains too high.

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6 The Hobbits and the Lord of the Rings from Gandalf .’s perspective

Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings.

Gandalf is one of the most iconic characters this Lord of the Ringsand Ian McKellen’s stellar performance in Peter Jackson only adds to that. still, hobbits And Lord of the Rings It only scratches the surface of Gandalf in Tolkien’s book. The origins, overall purpose, and nuances of his role in Sauron’s War are all completely unexplored, leaving huge possibilities for future adaptations. If Warner Bros.the new movie stands out hobbits And Lord of the Rings From Gandalf’s point of view, including his arrival and departure from Middle-earth, that could have been an easy blow.

Amazon Prime Video Series The Lord of the Rings: The Ring of Power It is implied that one of the characters, The Stranger, is Gandalf, who has just arrived in Middle-earth. If true, that would be a stark departure from the Tolkien canon, as Gandalf and the rest of Istari should have arrived before the beginning of the Third Age. new warner bros Lord of the Rings The movie could totally beat that record, but showing both versions of Gandalf’s story at the same time could result in the movie and TV show cannibalizing each other, which could be bad news for everyone. Middle-earth cinematic universe.

5 The Lord of the Rings The Rise of the Sorcerer King of Angmar

The Lord of the Rings Sorcerer King Angmar

The Sorcerer King of Angmar was the leader of Nazgûl, or Ringwraith, and Sauron’s right-hand man for most of the Second and Third Ages of Middle-earth. this Lord of the Rings Confirmed that he died at the hands of Lady Eowyn during the Battle of Pelennor Field. However, his story is much more than that. Of course, the story of the Sorcerer King originates from hobbitsBut since his story is in Lord of the Ringsincluding the addendum, New Line and Middle-earth Enterprises may own the copyright to his story.

The story of Sorcerer King Angmar is dark, grim and tragic, as he begins as a human king before being corrupted by Sauron’s ring of power. It might be interesting to watch the Númenóreans slowly fade into darkness and lead the Dúnedain on a hunt. However, the story may once again fall into ring of powerterritory. Sauron was in ring of power Part 1, and it is likely that soon he will create the Nine and give them to the King of Man. As such, it seems unlikely that the Sorcerer King’s Spotlight will appear in the new version. Lord of the Rings Movie.

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4 The appearance of Istari and the work of the whole LOTR in Middle-earth

Gandalf and Saruman in The Lord of the Rings

Lord of the Rings Two of Middle-earth’s Istari – Gandalf and Saruman – and the third introduced in Peter Jackson’s original trilogy hobbits With Redagast. However, just as the entire story of Gandalf has never been explored, the relationship between the three and how they formed during Tolkien’s creation of Middle-earth has been overlooked. In fact, these mages are Maiars, demigod-like beings from Valinor who can change form and can cause all kinds of trouble. They were sent to Middle-earth to help fight Sauron, who was also a Maia.

A movie based on Istari will likely begin in Valinor, long before they begin their journey. This will allow the series to be compared with ring of power, as it mainly focuses on the relationship between these wizards, particularly Gandalf and Saruman. The knowledge that the White Wizard is destined to be a corrupted “Wizard of Many Colors” makes this all the more interesting. However, the land is in doubt as it is unclear whether it is included in the rights held by New Line and Middle-earth Enterprises.

3 The Lord of the Rings by Tom Bombardier Origins and Story

Frodo and Tom Bombardier from The Lord of the Rings

Although Tom Bombadil was in Lord of the Rings One of the most mysterious creatures living in Middle-earth, he was removed from Peter Jackson movie completely. In the books, Frodo and his friends meet Bombadil early in their journey and learn that he is as old as the world itself. Sauron’s Ring has no effect on him, and he seems to possess great power. Lord of the Rings For many years, it was thought that Bombadil was the reincarnation of the creator of the world, Eru Ilúvatar – which Tolkien vehemently denied. Oddly enough, the author claims to have no idea who Bombadil really is.

The mystery surrounding Tom Bombardier seems to make him a good candidate to explore more new worlds. Lord of the Rings A movie by Warner Bros. Unfortunately, this is probably exactly why it should be avoided. Since Tolkien himself has never confirmed the identity of the character, any adaptations will rely on the writers’ creativity. It’s an unwelcome move for the frontrunners Lord of the Rings adaptive, as seen in ring of power. Therefore, Tom Bombadil may need to be a mystery.

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2 Gollum The Complete Hobbit and Lord of the Rings Story

Gollum holding the Ring in The Lord of the Rings.

Gollum, or Smeagol as he was known before the Ring corrupted his soul, is a different story than Lord of the Rings Movies have time to explore. this the return of the King Briefly describe how Smeagol found the ring and murdered his friend to get it, Tolkien’s this association of the ring This book is much more detailed. In addition, Gollum is one of the few characters that plays an important role in both games. hobbits And Lord of the Rings trilogy, so it looks like he has a lot to offer in the new adaptation.

The Complete Story of Gollum series may well be the easiest series for Warner Bros. and New Line Entertainment adapted, as actor Andy Serkis has done since his first. Lord of the Rings. This is combined with ever-improving motion capture technology – like Avatar: The Road of Water – Make Gollum-themed series more likely. Moreover, it is clear that this character already belongs to Tolkien’s copyright that Warner Bros.

1 Aragorn’s Childhood and Adventures as a Ranger Before the Lord of the Rings

lord of the rings aragon arthorn

as the prophesied king of gondor Lord of the Rings, Aragorn is one of the most important characters in the trilogy. However, Peter Jackson made significant changes to his character and motives to better suit the film, which gave Warner Bros. adapted his entire story into a new series. This dates back to Aragorn’s childhood, when he was taken to Rivendell for safety and was eventually told by Elrond, who essentially adopted him, that he was heir to the throne of Gondor.

The series can tell about Aragorn’s travels as the Ranger of Dúnedain, his first encounter with Gandalf, his miraculous healing powers, and his complete love story with Gandalf. Alwen. Focusing on the future King’s youth also meant that he could be re-enacted without much objection. Actor Aragon Viggo Mortensen is still deeply rooted in Jackson’s original Lord of the Rings Movie series, which may later return in sequels from Warner Bros.new Lord of the Rings Audiences had never seen a movie about King Elessa on the silver screen in those years.

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