7 Snyderverse Moments That Prove Ben Affleck’s Batman Critics Wrong

Ben Affleck’s Batman is arguably the character’s most controversial cinematic yet, but there are some moments in the DCEU Snyder Universe that prove Affleck’s Batman captures some aspect of the hero. the dark Knight In the trilogy, Affleck’s Batman has the daunting task of replacing the now-popular Batman as part of a shared universe. limited to two movies, one of which is Cameo suicide squadSeems like a goodbye speed.

While there isn’t a standalone film, Ben Affleck’s Batman has moments not seen in any Batman movie before. From the Batsuit to the world around Bruce, it’s good that the Batman of the Snyder universe is very different from the Batman of Nolan or Burton. Here are seven moments that highlight how good Ben Affleck’s Batman adaptation is, regardless of the story’s divisive decisions.

7. Bruce Wayne was destroyed during the invasion of Zod

Although scouting is often complicated, getting started Batman vs Superman with event steel manThe final battle, told from Bruce Wayne’s perspective, worked. While he doesn’t wear a vest and actively participates in Superman’s fight with Zod, Bruce is around steel manTerrain process begins. Seeing a relatively helpless Bruce Wayne trying to help people through the devastation of Metropolis without using a Batman-like suit or boat, even more so when Bruce runs towards a collapsing building fell while the others were on the run.

6 Batman v Superman’s Sneaky Trailer

Batman's Intro in Batman v Superman

Ben Affleck’s Batman Suit Batman vs Superman was the first to choose a gray vest over the simple black armor that has been a tradition since the time of Tim Burton BatmanNot only does this give a visually distinct Batman, but it also allows Zack Snyder’s movies to get more creative with Batman’s agility or stealth. Ben Affleck’s Batman Batman vs SupermanIn a horror movie scene, Batman appears as a wall-climbing creature, scaring everyone in the room.

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Offers the James Bond-style Batman approach used in Christopher Nolan’s films the dark Knight trio, special the dark Knight And Graduate darkness hydrophobic rise, the idea that Batman has to be super scary is a bit lost. That’s what Tim Burton’s first Batman movie understood, and Snyder took it back with Affleck’s Batman. In fact, Batman is Batman vs Superman, but regardless of the difference in creative decisions, Affleck’s Batman image conveys exactly how the Dark Knight feels. Batman’s voice modifier and alternate suit also contribute to this effect, but it all goes back to Batman’s perfect stealth intro.

5 sequences to prepare for Batman in Batman v Superman

batman ready to fight superman

The idea that Batman can do anything if given enough time to prepare is often seen as a joke, especially when it is used to justify the Dark Knight being able to defeat the character. or the other character in the comic. However, Batman’s use of technology against his enemies is an important part of the character’s unexplored character in live-action films. Batman vs SupermanBruce Wayne’s training footage shows the character getting ready to fight Superman while also working with kryptonite. Every utility that Batman comes up with in the later trailer pays off in the battle between Superman and the Apocalypse.

4 Batman v Superman warehouse scene

Batman v Superman warehouse scene

from Tim Burton Batman arrive Graduate darkness hydrophobic rise, no Batman movie has ever depicted how good of a fighter Batman must be. Keaton’s Bat armor doesn’t even allow Batman to move his neck; Kilmer and Clooney’s Batman films reimagine the character’s playfulness, helping to remove any weight from the fight scenes, while Nolan’s film the dark Knight The trilogy never really focused on the fight scenes. Compared to readers who love Batman comics or those who know the Dark Knight through other means such as animation, video games, Batman movie version seems to be a very different character in terms of skills. fight.

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Batman vs SupermanIn the warehouse scene, Batman finally breaks the tradition of Batman’s bad fight scenes by taking down dozens of enemies before saving Superman’s mother, Martha Kent. Between dodging and punching, watch Batman in action Batman vs SupermanFeel the order of the warehouse arkham batman The game comes to life, with Batman battling one to four opponents at once using a variety of skills. the dark Knight trilogy, Batman vs SupermanThe warehouse scene was easy to follow on screen, leading to an instant classic Batman movie moment.

3 Batman meets the apocalypse

Doomsday and Batman by Ben Affleck

Perhaps the greatest thing that sets Affleck’s Batman apart from all the others is Batman vs Superman Set Bruce Wayne in a world inhabited by aliens, magic, and superheroes. For the first time in Batman’s cinematic history, the Dark Knight interacts with someone much stronger than him, which is often seen in the comics but has never been brought into live action. The comic style of the Batman suit and Ben Affleck’s paraphernalia makes his battle with Superman more believable, but it’s really confusing. Batman vs SupermanThe Doomsday War leaves Batman in an unprecedented situation. Even Alfred couldn’t fully explain what happened.

Batman’s battles with aliens, gods, and monsters are a regular occurrence in the comics, but a live-action adaptation seems unlikely. Fortunately, with Batman vs Superman takes place in a much worse place than the word the dark Knight In the trilogy, there’s no limit to what Batman can or can’t do. That said, Batman fights the Apocalypse because the crusaders can’t deal with the Kryptonian monster other than shooting it with kryptonite. Still, just seeing Batman trying to devise a strategy to counter the Apocalypse on the spot is already a highlight of Affleck’s Batman journey.

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2 Batman Visits Lex Luthor

Batman visits Lex Luthor in prison in Batman v Superman

Another example of the fear associated with Batman being forgotten in the movie is Batman vs SupermanThe ending scene of The Dark Knight, in which the Dark Knight visits Lex Luthor in prison. While Luthor is not a Batman villain, there is an interesting dynamic between Superman and Batman’s greatest enemies in the comics as well as in animated series like The Dark Knight. dc cartoon universe Alliance justice. Lex is Batman’s villain from start to finish Batman vs Superman, thus leading to their final match in the finale. Again, the atmosphere where Batman emerges from nowhere is like something straight out of a comic book or game.

1 Batman joins Justice League in Flying Fox

Cyborg and Batman in Justice League by Zack Snyder

Batman in the DCEU is very divisive, especially in Batman vs Superman. That is, Justice League by Zack Snyder Ben Affleck’s Batman part paid off, or at least found a satisfying ending.exist Batman vs SupermanBruce has completely lost faith in humanity and what Batman stands for, resulting in Robin’s death and Zod’s invasion. During the infamous Martha scene, where Bruce finally confronts his skepticism, Batman realizes that he has become what he swore to fight. Bruce’s change is summarized by the time Batman joins the Flying Fox Justice League, Bruce tells Alfred that he has “Trust” Everything will work.

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