An In-Depth Guide to “Lord of the Flies” Chapter 1

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” Master of Flies’ by William Golding earned the first place on many reading lists in high school. The classic story revolves around a group of English schoolbones whose aircraft falls on an abandoned island, leaving them to take care of themselves. But how does it all start? What are the ideas introduced during the 1st chapter and how do they break through the rest of the novel? Continue reading for comprehensive analysis on the first chapter of this famous book, from characters to tropics to important, repeating topics.

A plane full of English school player crashed on the island after an atomic event. The four main characters are Ralph, Piggy, Jack and Simon. Piggy, which is chubby and smart, finds a shell, which helps to establish order. Ralph is voted on the boss, walking in the jungle with Jack and Simon to discover that the island is uninhabited.

  1. Ralph and Piggy meet. Ralph, who is about 12 years old and described as “fair”, climbs down the rocks towards Laguna when he comes across another boy like Piggy. Piggy is described as “chubby” and wears thick glasses. They exchange introduces and their conversation reveals that they are in the midst of the war. After the atomic bomb is extinguished, a group of schoolchildren to whom Ralph and Piggy belongs they flew to safely when their plane was broken. The collision landed on this tropical island without signs of adult survivors.[1]

  2. Piggy finds a shell. Ralph and Piggy go to the beach and wonder about the remaining survivors, hoping that the pilot is still alive. Piggy stumbles on a shell of a cream of cream, which he realizes can use a sound that will help other potential survivors know how to gather on the beach. Piggy’s idea is a success, and other boys start to run into the beach, at the age of 6-12. Among them is the boy’s choir, dressed in black dresses and seemingly led by an older boy named Jack, who commands them to stand in attention. Piggy’s name and appearance are ridiculed.

  3. The boys vote on the leader. Deciding to try to maintain some semblance of structures and civility, surviving boys choose the leader. Ralph receives most votes, although all the boys of the choir vote for Jack. Ralph assumes a leading role, but asks the choir to serve as hunters, with Jack as their leader. Ralph asked Jack and one of his choirs, Simon, to help him explore the island, denying Piggy’s demands to come together.

  4. Ralph, Jack and Simon find out that the island is uninhabited. Three boys begin to walk through the jungle, binding to the possibility of undiscovered land unattended adult supervision. When they reach the end of the thick jungle, they can see rocks and mountains, but there are no signs of civilization. They climb one of the steep hills and notice that the view was beautiful, and Ralph expressed excitement because the island was to itself.

  5. Three boys meet with a wild pig on the return to the beach. While Ralph, Jack and Simon return to the beach, they meet with a wild boar tangled in dense vine of the jungle. Since Jack Ralph has just appointed the main Hunter, he takes out a knife and tries to kill him, but ultimately he is unable to follow. The pig manages to free himself and run away. Jack promises not to hesitate the next time he has a similar opportunity. The boys continue to walk until they reach the beach, where other boys are waiting for their direction.

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Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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