Animal Crossing: How To Get All Squirrel Villagers

Players can guarantee that all 10 inhabitants of their island are squirrels Animal Crossing: New Horizons, but they take some time and effort to find them. Players starting a new island will easily fill every household with squirrel villagers, but those who have already established the island can still replace their inhabitants. Before the player can start tending, they need to earn Nook Miles or buy an Amiibo card.

Players earn Nook Miles for almost any activity they complete, from picking grass to catching new bugs or fish. Players can complete long quests and daily activities to earn Nook Miles Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Nook Miles can be tracked using an app on the player’s in-game phone. After the player has 2,000 Nook Miles, they can purchase a Nook Miles Ticket to visit the deserted island. If the player is starting a new island, they can earn free Nook Miles tickets by upgrading tents to housing and upgrading the Resident Service Building.

Players will probably have to go to a lot of deserted islands to find 10 squirrels to invite as residents. There’s no guarantee any villagers will walk on a deserted island, so players must keep trying until they come across a squirrel they want to invite. Alternatively, players can use the Amiibo card to invite villagers to their camp and make them residents there, or just wait for a random squirrel to visit the camp. Players who already have a full island will need to complete some extra steps to get all the squirrel villagers.

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Inviting squirrel villagers in Animal Crossing: New Horizons

Invite villagers to join Animal Crossing: New Horizons It is easier for the player to start a new island, as the houses do not automatically fill up no matter how much time passes. For players with a full island, they need to wait until the villager they want to leave decides to move, then immediately fill the gap. If the player waits too long to find a replacement villager, a random villager (usually a lower level villager) will automatically move in.

Players can come across 19 unique squirrel villagers, so when players first start looking, chances are they’ll find one quickly. The more time players spend on Nook Miles looking for squirrel dwellers, the more their island will grow. Every squirrel has a predetermined personality Animal Crossing: New Horizonsso players may want to consider which squirrels to invite to live on their home island.

Every squirrel in ACNH

  • Agent S: Vivid
  • Caroline: okay
  • hazelnut: lazy
  • ionic: normal
  • Kelly: normal
  • Blair: arrogant
  • handsome man: complacent
  • Hickory: Pride
  • Snacks: Vivid
  • Hazel: sister
  • Opium: Normal
  • Peanuts: Vivid
  • Mint: Pride
  • Ricky: irritable
  • Sally: normal
  • Tasha: arrogant
  • Silvana: normal
  • Static: irritable
  • Sheldon: Jock

Depending on the personality the player wants on the island, they may have trouble finding the right squirrel. Big Sister, Jock, Lazy and Smug each corresponds to a squirrel Animal Crossing: New Horizons. If players want their squirrels to have specific personalities, they’ll need to spend a lot of time farming Nook Miles or using Amiibo cards to get them. Players have 19 squirrels to choose from and their island can have a total of 10 inhabitants Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

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Animal Crossing: New Horizons Compatible with Nintendo Switch.

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