Anthony Stinson Obituary: 13-Year-Old killed In Police Car Accident

On Saturday, September 9, 2023, a 13-year-old boy named Anthony Stinson was struck by a Suffolk County Patrol cruiser in Shirley. Claudia, the teenager’s mother, later told News12 that her son died Monday from his injuries.

As news of Anthony Stinson’s death spread, Stephanie Byrnes, who met Anthony while camping with her several years ago, started a GoFundMe account for the 13-year-old. The fundraising goal is to raise $2,000, and as of this writing they have received $1,271 from 32 contributors.

Stinson was seriously injured after being hit by a police patrol car while riding his bicycle on Saturday night. According to News12, the crash happened near the intersection of William Floyd Parkway and Adobe Drive.

GoFundme raises more than $1,200 after police vehicle tragedy

To help the family through this difficult time, a GoFundMe fundraising page has been set up to help the Stinson family cover Anthony’s funeral and other related expenses.

Dana Glaber, a former co-worker of Anthony’s mother, Claudia, created a fundraising website.

“Anthony was Claudia’s only child and now she desperately needs all our help and prayers,” Glaber wrote on the GoFundMe page. “All donations will go directly to his mother, Claudia Stinson, to cover any expenses she may incur as a result of this tragedy.”

As of Tuesday at 9 p.m., the GoFundMe campaign had raised approximately $10,000. More than 220 gifts and emotional comments were received.

The accident is still under investigation.

Suffolk County officials shed light on the crash, saying the officer driving the patrol car had his lights and siren on. They were obviously responding to an ambulance.

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According to detectives, the officer ended up hitting three other cars as they swerved to save the child.

Categories: Entertaintment
Source: HIS Education

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