Attack On Titan Fan Figures Out How Big The Walls Are Through Geography

one Attack the giant Fans geographically calculate how big the walls are. This anime series, based on the Japanese manga series “New Drama no Kyoto” by Hajime Isayama, was first broadcast in 2013. The story revolves around an isolated country called Paradis, the last remnant of humanity. , forced to live in a cage behind large walls. fear of being devoured by giant giants roaming the other side. When the abnormal giants appeared and destroyed one of the walls, along with many people inside, Eren Yeager, one of the young survivors, vowed to fight back, wiping out all humans. giant and free humanity from forced captivity.

The walls were once thought to be impregnable Attack the giantFirst, the Titans destroyed the Wall of Maria that surrounded the outermost human habitation, forcing the survivors to retreat behind the second wall, the Wall of Roses. Leads to overcrowding and overcrowding, many socio-political topics Attack the giant Born out of nascent living space scarcity, competition for dwindling resources and ruling class privileges, hidden behind the last, innermost and protected wall Most defended – Sina Wall.

Loyal fan and Reddit user EscobarssecretlairAI decided to accurately calculate the size of the surrounding walls Attack the giant Use real-world geographic information. Starting with the widely accepted theory that the show’s central state, Paradis, is actually a reflection of the real-life Madagascar state, the Redditor put together a number of expert maps, charts, and recipes deeply to support his point. They concluded that the circumference of the Sienna Wall was 287 km (178 mi), the Rose Wall was 841 km (522 mi) and the Maria Wall was 1603 km (996 mi).

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Measurements for walls have previously been provided in the comics, but as is the case with many works of fiction, these dimensions can largely be inconsistent, especially when applied to physics the real world. While the amount of detailed information provided about the Redditor’s work is impressive, other users were quick to point out that their estimates were flawed. Although Paradise’s shape may reflect Madagascar, its size remains unclear. in Westeros Game of Thrones Quoted as an example of a fictional country with a map in the shape of “UK on top of Ireland upside down”. Author George RR Martin cites that Westeros is about the size of South America, or about 60 times larger than the actual British Isles, which raises questions about the actual size of the “Madagascar” shaped paradise and any estimates Calculate the size of the 3 walls.

The 4th and final season is currently airing, Attack the giant Still very popular in Japan and internationally. Although the series’ stories have extended beyond the boundaries of Paradis, the construction, protection, and restoration of the walls remain a central theme throughout. The ending is clear, the mystery is still unrevealed Attack the giant With regards to Walls and Heavens, this might confirm the Redditor’s analysis.or, like Game of Thrones end, Attack the giant That could leave questions about the true vastness of the world beyond fan speculation, and possibly even the source of a sequel.

Source: EscobarssecretlairAI

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