Austin Butler’s Once Upon A Time In Hollywood Role, Explained

in austin butler Elvis Presleyhe appeared in once upon a time in hollywood. Set in 1969, at the height of Hollywood’s Golden Age, Quentin Tarantino’s film tells the story of two very different men who survive the chaos of the film industry: Leonardo DiCar Prio plays the role. Ricky Dalton as a forgotten movie star, while Cliff Booth, a tough stuntman. , used to be Dalton’s chauffeur. In parallel with their story, neighbor Sharon Tate, played by Margot Robbie, is emerging as a star.

What once upon a time in hollywood What it does best is play with the decade’s idiosyncrasies through fictional and real characters. Rick Dalton draws on many of the live-action actors of the era, while iconic reality actress Sharon Tate embodies the kindness and innocence of a time ravaged by violence and war. Charles Manson’s cult represents humanity’s decline in the face of change, a group of people desperately trying to find meaning in their own innocence, and that’s where Austin Butler comes in.

Austin Butler as Tex Watson

exist once upon a time in hollywood, Austin Butler as Tex Watson, a member of the “Manson Family”, first appearing in the film’s Spang Ranch scene. When Cliff’s hitchhiker (Margaret Cooley) lives on the ranch where he works as Rick’s stunt double, he discovers that the place is full of hippies. He immediately suspects they are taking advantage of rancher, the almost blind elderly George Spann (Bruce Dern, replacing Burt Reynolds). After discovering that the guy had punctured one of his tires, Cliff angrily hit one of the hippos. This leads the hippie to call Tex, who arrives just as Cliff is driving away.

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Tex Watson, one of Manson’s followers, murdered Sharon Tate and friends in cold blood at her home in Benedict Canyon, and her unborn child. In the film, Tex is one of four cult members sent to kill the inhabitants of the Tate house, which is located next to Rick’s house. Tex and the others realize Cliff is there and decide to attack him. Though Tex was wielding a pistol, Cliff managed to get past the young man with Rick’s help, killing him and the other members of the cult.

Tarantino changes history with Watson’s fate in the movie

Tex Watson points a gun at someone

Austin Butler’s Tex is clearly a fictional version of Tex Watson. Although Tarantino understood Manson’s admiration and attacks, he changed history by changing the fate of Sharon Tate.exist once upon a time in hollywoodThe attackers never killed anyone because they were stopped by Cliff and Rick, indirectly saving Sharon, her children and all her friends from an unjust fate. This is not the first time Tarantino has used fiction to correct the mistakes of reality: in shameless bastardA character kills Adolf Hitler and many other famous fascists in the cinema.

It’s easy to miss Butler at first glance, as he can hardly recognize him as Turkish. Unlike his complicated personality as Elvis, he looks dirty and disheveled. Tex is a small role, but Butler takes the task seriously, successfully capturing the fear in Tex’s eyes: despite the threats, his inexperience shows clearly in every move. With this role, once upon a time in hollywood Highlights the cowardly and impulsive nature of the Mansons as they try to prove things they don’t even believe in.

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