Big Brother 25 Week 2 Veto Competition Spoilers

In this article, you will get to know which housemate of Big Brother Season 25 has got the Veto power. By reading this article till the end, you will get to know who has the power to veto one of the new HOH nominations. In case, you missed the HOH results or the Nominations spoilers, this article will help you in catching up on those now. For the competition that was a long run of downtime for the feeds. On Saturday at 2:20 pm BBT feeds were cut and did not come back until Sunday, when 19 hours were left of downtime. In the following sections of this article, we have revealed which housemate has gained the Power to Veto. Keep reading this article and learn more details.

Big Brother Veto Competition Spoilers

This week, we only got two nominees and no reverse nomination elimination. The head of house knew who wanted on the Block. Hisam was not mincing his words and actions as he said he would not try a Backdoor scenario with anyone. It was a great strategy used by Hisam. Matt, Blue, and America were the picked players. While Hisan was playing as Head of House along with the nominees, Reilly and Cameron. Meanwhile, Mecole had to host the Veto camp. Who is the winner of the Veto camp? Scroll down the page and unveil the name.

The player who won the Power of Veto is Hisam. There was a tussle for who would be the new target if Reilly came down. But Hisam had no issue with Cameron as well because he wanted Matt out. But Cory could not last long as the target. Hisam went on to pitch to Red they could target Blue if Matt won the power and saved Reilly. Nevertheless, Hisam called all the shots this week. It is apparent that Hisam will hold Noms and allies to vote out Reilly. However, Cirie may be planning differently.

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On Sunday, August 13, 2023, the latest episode aired. It was day nine of the new season of Big Brother when the houseguests were involved in a scary Nether Region to become the next Head of Household. The task happened in rounds and each round saw a contest being eliminated and sent back to the backyard. Hisam and Jared were the last-standing contestants for HOH. Meanwhile, Hisam emerged as the winner of the HOH competition when Jared chose the wrong door to determine if or not he won the Power to Veto.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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