BOTW Dragon Farming & Spawn Time Guide

Three dragon gods are flying in the sky over Hyrule The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, as Hylia’s chosen champion, Link can harvest their parts for upgrades and stat boosts to help him complete his quest. Dragons, Dinral, Narda, and Faroosh, each drop four different parts: scales, claws, fangs, and horns.Despite the overwhelming dominance of the Dragons in the game Botswanagrowing them is actually quite simple, and they are not hostile to Link as they glide across land, seemingly unaware of his presence.

in every dragon Botswana Associated with one of the three sacred springs. Praying at each spring will cause the dragons to spawn regularly, making them easier to track and farm since they will appear in the same place and time every day.

dragon name

holy spring



fountain of power

Akara region, west of East Akara Stables.


fountain of courage

North of Lake Dracozu in the Faron region.


fountain of wisdom

Located at the top of Mount Lanayru

Bert’s Nedra is the only dragon to be infected with the Disaster when the player first encounters it, requiring Link to rescue it from the Disaster before it is discovered flying over Hyrule.

dragon spawning time

Before starting a farm breath of the wild Dragons, players should make sure to stock up on enough wood to build campfires and bring something to light them with, whether it’s flint, flaming arrows, or pyro weapons.The Dragons are here Botswana They usually spawn in the morning and fly close to the ground shortly after, giving Link a chance to get close enough to hit them.

  • Farosh spawned at 5am.
  • Dinral spawns at 5am.
  • Naydra spawns at 5am (but players should wait until 6-7am to farm Nydra)

minimalism when dragons are around breath of the wild The background music changes and gusts of wind blow around, allowing Link to glide and aim with ease. However, each dragon also produces elemental orbs that can hit Link and knock him out of the air if he gets too close. Additionally, camping directly on a dragon’s spawn point or too close to the dragon’s path may prevent them from respawning there, so players should make sure to find a more strategic location where they can easily glide when the dragon arrives.

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Players can only obtain one dragon part from each dragon per day, so they must sleep or wait by the fire until the next day before taking another shot at the dragon they are farming.

To get dragon parts from Dinraal, Naydra and Farosh breath of the wild, Link has to be close enough to shoot the dragon with an arrow, and whatever part he hits will come loose. Players can target the dragon’s horns, feet, or mouth to obtain horn fragments, claw fragments, or fang fragments, and if hit anywhere else on the dragon’s body, scales will be obtained. Once the dragon is hit, the piece will glow and fall to the ground, where players can easily collect it.

Best Farming Sites in Farosh

In Breath of the Wild, Link attacks Farosh at Lake Floria.

Farosh is the easiest dragon to farm Breaking of the wilderness Because he spawns above Lake Floria just west of Lakeside Stables and descends from a waterfall, making the entire area an easy place to camp. Link can even stay in the stables inn or sit by the fire there until morning, and there’s a handy cooking pot that allows players to cook meals and elixirs while farming. Farosh spawns here at 5am, so players can head to the bridge after Link wakes up and wait for Farosh to be close enough to shoot.

Players can take advantage of the updrafts surrounding Farosh breath of the wild Paraglider to get closer to the part of the dragon they’re targeting, though Farosh’s lightning balls can easily hit them if they get too close. The Thunder Helmet, Rubber Suit, or the upgraded Desert Voice Suit can help players avoid being harmed by Farosh’s lightning, as they increase Link’s resistance to electricity. Players can also cook anti-electricity foods and potions to achieve the same effect. .

Once part of the dragon falls into the lake below, players can simply swim over to collect it, then return to the stables and sleep until morning.there are many Botswana There are treasure chests hidden in the lake for players to collect while swimming.

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Best Dinral Farming Locations

Dinral appears near Hebra Tower in Breath of the Wild.

One of the easiest places to farm breath of the wild Dinral’s Dragon Parts are located near Hebra Tower, and players can simply teleport there to set up camp. Dinral will pass through the Tanaga Canyon southeast of the tower between 6 and 7 am, allowing players to aim and shoot from above. In the morning, Link can glide to the cliff above the canyon and wait for Dinral to fly down.

This area is very cold, so it’s a good idea to bring cold-proof armor, such as a snow goose feather suit or warm tights, to prevent Link from freezing. Fire retardant potions also come in handy when farming Dinral, as they can help Link avoid being harmed by dragon fire. Once they’ve shot Dinral with arrows and collected the dragon parts, players can simply teleport back to Hebra Tower and set up camp until the next morning.

Dinral can also be grown in the northernmost East Depulian Wastelands breath of the wild Erding region. The dragon spawns here at 5 a.m., which is earlier than the spawning time of Hebra Tower. There are plenty of cliffs and cliffs in the area for Link to camp on, which are easy to climb and farm fairly quickly.

Best Agricultural Locations in Nedra


Once the player rescues Naydra from disaster, as breath of the wildfountain of wisdomIn the shrine mission, the dragon will spawn at 5 a.m. every morning at the top of Lanayru Mountain, and then descend from the east into the canyon of Lanayru Promenade.Players can camp on the northern cliffs of Lanayru Bluff and wait for the dragon to come within range at 6 a.m. and 7 a.m.

Reaching this location may take more time than other dragon breeding areas, but if the player has the Zora Armor, they can easily climb the waterfall in Lanayru Promenade and head east to camp on Lanayru Mountain. Equipping the Snow Quill Suit can help Link avoid being frozen when near Nidra’s icy elemental ball.Unfortunately, there isn’t any easy way to get back to camp without climbing, which makes Botswana Than other dragons.

Why raising dragons is useful

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Link is happily cooking in front of a house, covered with a text box that contains the description

Dragon parts can be used for various armor upgrades breath of the wild, and they can also be cooked into food and elixirs to increase the duration of their effects. The Champion’s Tunic, Barbarian Set, Wild Set, and Firelord Set all require multiple parts from each dragon to fully upgrade, so players will have to do some farming to unlock the set bonuses for these armor sets.

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Bert’s Dragon parts are one of the few monster parts that can be cooked into food, as the game generally treats them as spices when cooking. However, this also means that they cannot be used as the basis for an elixir, so the player must also include another monster part.Dragon parts can also be sold to earn more rupees Botswana Or switch to Monday. See the table below for all its benefits, sales prices and transaction prices:

dragon part

Extend the life of food/elixirs

Selling Price (Rs.)

Transaction price (Monday)

dragon scale

1 minute 30 seconds



dragon claw

3 minutes and 30 seconds



dragon tooth

10 minutes and 30 seconds



dragon horn

30 minutes



  • Breath of the Wild Poster-1 The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

    Series: The Legend of Zelda

    Platform: Nintendo Switch

    Release time: 2017-03-03

    Developer: Nintendo EPD

    Publisher: Nintendo

    Genre: Action-adventure, open world, role-playing

    ESRB: E10+

    Introduction: “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” is an open-world action-adventure role-playing game developed by the Nintendo EPD development team. Recently, Link woke up from a hundred-year slumber in a mysterious chamber with no memory of how he got there. Through a disembodied voice, he is told that he must stop Calamity Ganon from destroying Hyrule – and to do so, he must regain his memories and gain the power to do so. Link will travel across Hyrule to reawaken four sleeping beasts, help approach the darkness-shrouded castle, and retrieve the Master Sword. With the help of four Guardian friends and tribes from all over the world, Link will battle the forces of darkness and save his friend, Princess Zelda.

    Expansion Pack: Master Trial, Song of Champions

    Sequel: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

    Prequel: The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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