Cheer 2: Why Jada Wooten Parted Ways With Rebel Athletic Apparel

Earlier this week, cheer Star Jada Wooten took to Instagram to claim that a representative for the Rebel Athletic clothing brand asked her not to attend a previously scheduled meet-and-greet event. The former Trinity Valley cheerleader went on to say that she also wasn’t invited to a scheduled performance at NCA or Cheersport, where she was originally scheduled to attend along with other members of the program. Her post included a photo superimposed with a quote about someone not being a good fit for a brand, which many of her fans believe was taken from a letter to Jada from Rebel Athletics.

Jada, who starred on the Emmy-winning series along with several other Trinity Valley and Navarro cheerleaders, signed a deal with Rebel Apparel before the season aired. A contract to participate in some photo shoots and live events. Jada claimed that the company knew at the time which athletes would appear in the new season, but had not yet seen any episodes. She said that after the new season aired, Rebels representatives changed their minds and no longer wanted her to participate.

The 2021 NCA cheerleading champion said the reason for rescinding her invitation was her use of profanity during the show. While no specific examples were given, Jada posted on Instagram that the company’s letter accused her of using “too much foul language“It’s inconsistent with their brand. She also quoted,”Moms don’t want their daughters to take pictures with you“She claimed it came from the company. Rebels employees responded to the cheerleader’s claims in a statement vulturepointing out that due to “Based on her diction in Cheerleaders Season 2 and the fact that our average audience age is 8 to 10 years old, we asked her to participate in 3 meet and greets that would appeal to a younger audience.

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However, the company insists it has not terminated its partnership with Jada, who was once one of the Cardinals’ most skilled athletes. Rebel representatives insist they hope to include her in other campaigns and expressed interest in including her in a lookbook for their new TVCC merchandise. However, according to the company, “Jada chose to reject these offers and requested a complete end to her relationship with Rebel.

long post on cheer The star’s page further hints that she comes across as “Too much“And she needs to”clean up her language“On behalf of Rebel Athletics. Jada said she wouldn’t change who she is to appease anyone:”Because what do you know? It never stops there. There is always more “too much”.“Shameless cheer The tumbler’s post ended with a reference to a photo that defined rebellion as having the courage to be oneself rather than who society wants one to be.

Jada wants cheer Fans know they are both perfect. She suggests they find a tribe that accepts them for who they are, rather than being forced to change to make others happy. She encourages her followers to believe that they will eventually find their place. This is also the motto behind her plans to live alone.

Source: Jada Wooten/Instagram, Vulture

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