Choose Your Own Adventurer Plate in FFXIV

In patch 6.1, FFXIV introduced a new feature called Adventurer Plates. I’m sure you’ve seen or heard about all the crazy things people do with them by now, but you probably haven’t tried setting it up yourself.

Adventurer Plates are closely related to another feature that was added at the same time: portraits. If you want to learn about how to change and edit portrait photos, you can read about that in a separate post here.

What is the Adventure Board?

The adventurer panel has been added to FFXIV as a sort of social “business card” feature where people can quickly see stylized information about your character.

Similar to the character window you see when checking someone out, the adventurer board is a profile that others can view to learn more about your character.

It lists your character names, servers, major companies, free companies, and your search rating. You can also display your favorite jobs, titles, hours, and playstyles if you wish.

How to view the adventure board

You can find the Adventurer Board in the menu under Character > Adventurer Board.

You can also drag it to the hotbar or set the keybinding for it directly in System > Keybinding > Shortcuts.

You can view your own or someone else’s adventurer board by clicking their name in one of the many social windows or tabs (Party Party, Friend List, Free Company, etc.) or on the character model their.

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There is also the command /adventurerplate or /myplate to open and close your plate. Unfortunately, there is currently no macro to view other people’s explorer table, but I hope they add one in the future, such as how we check someone’s character with /check or / c.

Edit plate design

You can choose from a variety of board designs available, featuring a variety of styles and colors. Pick your favorites or just browse through them to see what elements you’d like to mix and match with your own designs.

Click the Advanced Settings arrow to view and change various elements of the sheet, such as pattern, border, frame, and accent. If you like the image on the left and the message on the right, please check the mirroring option. Click the Show List button on the right to check out the list of designs for that element.

Some designs can be unlocked by completing various activities and achievements in the game. For example, some design elements can be unlocked using Final Fantasy XIV’s companion app.

Completing a job’s entire plot unlocks a pattern overlay for that job’s icon.

If you want to show off a bit, completing each final battle unlocks a set of their signature designs for many of the plate components.

Edit profile information

If you want your explorer panel to show a specific class, you can select it here. You can also select “Current Class/Job” which will show you whatever job you’re playing while checking license plates.

Select one of your unlocked titles to display next to your name. It will appear above or below your name (regardless of where the “…” is) depending on the format of the title. You can also leave the title blank by selecting None.

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Choose up to six playstyles to add to your profile. They will appear from left to right in the order you choose.

If you want people to know when you’re usually online, you can choose when you’re active by clicking the bubble for those hours.

Finally, this is not part of the edit profile window, but to change the search comments that appear on the explorer panel, you need to go to the social window and edit your search information. If you have a search rating, it will always show up on your explorer board.

privacy setting

Here you can limit who is allowed to see your Adventurer Plate. Everyone can see it by default, but you can set it so only your friends can see it or even keep it completely private.


You may have noticed that there is nowhere in the Adventurer Plate to change your image. To do this, you need to go to your portrait, which I will discuss in more depth in this article. Keep in mind that portraits are currently listed as a beta release, so this may change in the future.

So far, I’ve seen a lot of brands for adventurers, and it’s always interesting to see the different designs for players you happen to come across. You can also check out r/ffxivadventureplates if you need inspiration or feedback on your own creations. Happy designing!

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