Cocaine Bear Vs. M3GAN Is Now 2023’s Best Movie Fight: Who Wins?

Warning: Spoiler for M3GAN and Cocaine Bear.

cocaine bear And M3GAN took a surprise win at the box office, but only one of them managed to win Best Horror Comedy of 2023. Directed by Elizabeth Banks, cocaine bear Based on the true story of a bear who dropped millions of dollars worth of cocaine into a national park in 1985 from a passing smuggler’s plane. The film takes creative liberties with the bear’s response to drugs, including a deadly rampage.

M3GAN Directed by Gerard Johnstone, the film centers on an orphan named Cady, played by Violet McGraw, who recovers from her health. I received the gift of an advanced AI companion named M3GAN from my aunt, Gemma. both M3GAN And cocaine bear is a crazy roller coaster that uses violence and comedy to tell quirky stories. While each film gives credit to the horror genre, only one out of 2023 is considered a good movie.

Cocaine Bear and M3GAN is the craziest horror comedy of 2023

cocaine bear And M3GAN Start 2023 with two of the most ridiculous horror comedies of every year in recent memory. Inspired by films of the same genre from the early 1990s and 2000s, all of them combine compelling stories with gore, grit, and humour. M3GAN satirizes modern youth’s technology addiction and turns it into a terrifying cautionary tale, while cocaine bear It may be ridiculous, but being based on a true story helps create its more outrageous moments.

both cocaine bear And M3GAN Know what genre they are in, with comedy interspersed with lively violence. After Cocaine Bear kills a victim, she inhales cocaine from the victim’s severed leg, while M3GAN performs an interpretive dance while stabbing a developer with a paper cutter. filled with extremely catchy phrases that have begun to permeate pop-culture zeitgeists, though cocaine bearbelong to Character development is a bit less than M3GANbelong to.

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How M3GAN Became a Slasher Villain Compared to a Cocaine Bear

m3gan horror ai dance battle doll

both M3GAN And cocaine bear Possesses similar villainous behaviors, such as dogmatically stalking their victims and attacking them bloodthirsty, but only one of them has the added benefit of stealth. From Ghostface to Freddy Krueger, in addition to high damage, these murderous villains are often characterized by moving from the dark and attacking suddenly. The Cocaine Bear is capable of stealth for a few minutes — which seems very unlikely for a rabid animal of its size — but for the most part, it attacks head-on in broad daylight.

In addition to being less stealthy, the bear turns into a bear after the potion wears off, and M3GAN will always be an iconic horror villain. All the ways that Cocaine Bear presents itself as the murderous villain is entirely dependent on how much white powder it gets. On the contrary, her movie’s failed attempt to reprogram M3GAN means that no matter what a human tries to do, she will always be a killer cyborg. Not only that, but she clearly remembers who wronged her and will even do whatever it takes to avenge her years later.

Which character kills the most (and is the scariest)

Keri Russell as Sari, dodging bears in Cocaine Bear

out of 11 people died cocaine bear, the bear is responsible for almost all of them, whether it directly injures two hikers at the beginning of the movie or kills an EMT while another hurls through the windshield. The bear appears to be able to gain more speed and agility than usual when using cocaine, making it even more of a threat to those who have experience with wildlife in the national park, for example. like Ranger Liz. While protecting the young, the animal attacked Syd White and opened his stomach before he had a chance to shoot.

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Just because she has less lives doesn’t make M3GAN any less scary. As a doll that is lifelike and could easily be mistaken for a child, her menace is unsettling on the “strange valley” level. M3GAN mention destroyer At the end of the movie it is implied that nothing can stop her – not her body being ripped apart, not a screwdriver going through her processor, not even being powered off. Something in the flesh like Cocaine Bear could eventually be killed, but M3GAN could technically last forever by backing up her program and consciousness.

M3GAN has a better story than Cocaine Bear (but has reservations about Gore)

m3gan sing

Since M3GAN is the AI ​​companion of a newly orphaned girl, her main goal is to protect Cady, even when that is taken to extremes. M3GAN Coping with loss, abandonment and what it means to be alive. By transforming her into a cyborg and distinguishing her from other killer dolls like Chucky, M3GAN is not only a clone of the usual horror archetypes, but also allows M3GAN Avoid its greatest cinematic tandem. Between inventive murders and iconic dance scenes, the story of the AI ​​runaway finally tackles themes of disrespect for technological progress, the dangers of device time and emotional attachment to technology.

M3GAN there could be a better story cocaine bear, but it definitely stops the gore. Most of M3GAN’s bloodiest murders display a high level of violence, but the actual action – such as M3GAN tearing apart and burying a dog – is done offscreen, while Cocaine Bear makes Her victim turned horrible, obviously incomplete. M3GAN The lack of gore makes some of her murders imaginative, which in itself is offensive. cocaine bear The ambulance scene is now infamous, the film has too many characters, most of which appear only once, and the story only connects tangentially and is easily forgotten.

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Why M3GAN wins the movie war in 2023

M3GAN doll's skin is scratched, metal skull is exposed, and eyes are full of strong menace

M3GAN The reason for winning the movie battle in 2023 is also the reason why M3GAN defeated the cocaine bear in real combat; ability. Humans are considered top predators because of the evolutionary traits that M3GAN possesses—intelligence, stamina, and a defiant thumb. Even with cocaine, it takes a huge amount of energy for a bear to move its body, but M3GAN still does not tire. M3GAN’s alloys allowed her to defeat the cocaine bear with ease, and even if the creature took a hit, M3GAN uploaded her consciousness elsewhere. Although the bear is full of energy, like the real Cocaine Bear, she still cannot possess complex intelligence, or is tired and lacks dexterity.

M3GAN Accomplish the goal it sets, and execute it very skillfully. cocaine bear It has its own strengths and advantages, but since everything in between Bear Kills is underdeveloped because of its large scale, it does not have a convincing story like this M3GANrely more on public gore. M3GAN Not only does it have a stronger plot, but it also establishes a series of iconic killers that have made their mark in horror film history.

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