Are there too many ads and trailers before movies? Kinemagoers in Connecticut can see two initial times for these films – one before advertisements and one for – if the MP successfully brings a new account.
State Senator Martin Looney of New Haven, Conn, proposed Bill no. 797 21 January, in an effort to “demand that each movie ad or list includes a separate list, scheduled start time for (1) film trailers and advertisements that preceded the advertised or listed movie and (2) The the the advertised or the above movie. ”
Looney did not immediately respond to the request of people to comment.
“It seems to be the abuse of time of people,” said an interview MP Register a citizen about his proposed law.
If the audience members “want to get there early and watch promotions, I can,” he added. “But if they just want to see the feature, they should be able to get there on time.”
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In the Popculturology blog post last March, writer Bill Kuchman recalled the experience in the film when the trailers did not start just 10 minutes after the initial time stated on the tickets. “Before the trailers could start, we had to go through a few commercials for cockroaches, promotion for IMAX and a new part where AMC thanks to their investors,” Kuchman wrote. “By the time we reached real trailers, the audience became restless.”
Kuchman continued, “Maybe it’s time to lower our collective foot and everyone appears twenty minutes before the start of the movie.”
Nicole Kidman amc ad.
Nicole Kidman wants to perform his viral AMC advertisement live with the Queen Draga: It’s ‘My Dream’
The AMC, the world’s largest film exhibitor, contains a note on its website or application in addition to launching a movie that promotes protectors to “please allow about 20 additional minutes for pre-shows and trailers before the show starts” by indiewire. Among the clips playing before the Movies in the AMC Theater are Nicole Kidman’s advertisement for the company.
Peter H. Gistelinck, CEO at Avon Theater in Stamford, Connecticut, replied to Looney’s proposed proposal by pointing out Register a citizen To “definitely take away the video messages of our business partners, which would have a direct negative impact on our financial stability in such a challenging environment … We, as an independent film house, depend financially on our reviews.”
Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education