Cruella De Vil’s 15 Most Wretched Quotes, Ranked

Cruella de Vil is one of Disney’s most memorable villains. She is one of the most ruthless villains because she wants to kill a lot of puppies to get the dog coat she wants. Stylish and eccentric, she’s an undeniably attractive character.

Naturally, a character like Cruella has some memorable quotes. Whether she’s yelling at Horace and Jasper, commenting on the puppies, or voicing her own opinion, Cruella doesn’t have many filters and speaks her mind without thinking. She is brutal, but she always shows her true nature.

Updated by Kristen Palamara on June 11, 2021: Cruella de Vil is a brutal and terrifying villain in the original Disney animated film 101 Dalmatians, the same villain with many various live-action versions, including the recent Cruella movie that gave her the origin story. Cruella de Vil’s quotes are often tragic and befitting of her status as a villain. Here are some of the weirdest Cruella quotes repeated by the Cruella cast in original Disney animated films, including Glenn Close in the 1996 live-action film and Emma Stone in the live-action film. year 2021.

“Anita, stop joking. You can’t feed them. You can hardly feed yourself.”

When Anita tries to tell Cruella that the dalmatians will not be sold for any price and the pair intend to keep the puppies, Cruella decides to attack Anita and her life with Roger.

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Anita and Roger are not as rich as Cruella, who immediately tries to belittle her and entice Anita to sell the puppy. Cruella said Roger and Anita couldn’t even afford to feed themselves, let alone a few dalmatians.

“Lovely, innocent Anita! I know, I know! This creepy little house is the castle of your dreams! Poor Roger is your intrepid Sir Galahad!”

Roger and Anita meet in 101 Dalmatians

Roger and Anita lead a simple, happy life and care deeply for each other, but Cruella doesn’t see it that way at all. She chooses to mock Anita and considers Anita a failure in life because she has not found wealth or fame.

Cruella doesn’t understand how Anita can be happy with her simple existence, instead of keeping it to herself and letting Anita live the life she wants, she chooses to voice a point of view that she hates and just want Annie Tower sad.

“When can a puppy leave its mother? Two weeks? Three weeks?”

Puppy watching TV at 101 Dalmations

It is clear from the beginning of the film that Cruella de Vil doesn’t want Roger and Anita’s dalmatians so she can take care of them. It’s more sinister than that, because she wants all the puppies to make fur coats.

The comment was especially cruel, as she pestered the couple about the earliest time she could buy the puppy from them. Thankfully, the pair turned down the offer, but that only led Cruella to resort to an even more insidious plan to take it all in.

“Congratulations. You just won gold, silver and bronze at the Olympics for fools!”

Jasper and Horace from 101 Dalmatians

Cruella spends most of the film’s time centered around her two henchmen, Horace and Jasper, who try to steal puppies from Anita and Roger so Cruella can craft her precious fur coat.

She often scolds them for ruining her perfect plans, thinks they are complete idiots, and isn’t afraid to tell them how she really feels. Calling people who work for you idiots is a typical Cruella de Vil day.

“Now stand somewhere until I need you.”

Cruella De Vil at Anita's house in 101 Dalmatians

Cruella is known to be ruthless and unconcerned with those she comes in contact with, and this quote is no exception, as she uses her consistent demeanor to destroy all who stand in her way. she.

Cruella often considers herself a superior and treats the people she deals with like idiots who don’t understand anything. She thinks she has to do everything on her own, but she likes to dictate to others anyway.

“Idiot! You… idiot! Oh, you idiot!”

Cruella, Jasper and Horace sit in the ruins of 101 Dalmatians

Jasper and Horace pass by and crash into Cruella’s car, sending all three off the hill, ending the pursuit of the puppy, who has escaped to safety.

Cruella doesn’t take loss lightly, as she has a number of different names for the assistants she hires, at this point, Horace and Jasper have parted with their owners, and as she cries in the snow, Jasper tells she “Shut up”. . Cruella has received her karma and this is the lesson she needs to learn.

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“So now, what do we have here? So they think they can outrun Cruella?”

Cruella De Vil celebrates at 101 Dalmatians

When Cruella sees the dog’s tracks in the snow on the road, she is happy about their tracks, despite Pongo’s efforts to cover it up. She said the above, boasting about her detective skills, and as always, underestimating the escape dog’s intelligence.

In the village, she doesn’t immediately see through their camouflage because of Soot, and she certainly doesn’t understand how far Pongo and Perdita will go to get their beloved puppy back, and all the pups. another that Cruella was planning to turn into a coat. .

“Fifteen. Fifteen puppies! Awesome! Awesome! Perfect! Oh, damn, they’re hybrids! No spots! No spots at all! What a scary guinea pig!”

101 Cruella de Vil in Dalmatians

Cruella was disgusted when the puppy didn’t spot the spot right away. If they don’t look absolutely perfect, then they’re “assholes” to her. Newborn puppies, and instead of commenting on how cute they are, Cruella says the opposite.

Did she really expect Roger and Anita to sell them after saying what she did? Cruella definitely needs a filter, but at the same time, she’s still herself. Neither Roger nor Anita expected anything different, and audiences certainly weren’t surprised by Cruella’s behavior in the film.

“Why your scary man…you…you…well, let these little beasts be as you please! Treat them as you please! Submerge them!”

Cruella vs Roger in 101 Dalmatians

Considering what Cruella ultimately plans to do with these puppies, the quote above is a big red flag. Roger did a great job of defending her and declaring that she would never take any puppies.

However, it was clear that Cruella wasn’t used to not getting what she wanted. Her reaction to not getting what she wants is dark and unsettling in itself.

“My true love, honey. I live for fur. I love fur! After all, is there a woman in this wretched world who doesn’t like fur?”

Cruella De Vil in 101 Dalmatians

Fur is the love of Cruella’s life. She can’t go anywhere without her precious fur coat and matching handbag. Cruella often mocked Anita’s lifestyle; she doesn’t understand Anita’s appreciation and love for the simple things in life. She doesn’t need feathers to keep herself happy, which Cruella will never understand.

Sadly, the only thing Cruella really liked was fur; It was she who missed the best parts of life, not Anita. However, even if she were a little different, she wouldn’t be the Disney villain that audiences know and love.

“Blow up the pen! Blow the damn pen, damn it!”

Cruella angrily looks at her pen in 101 Dalmatians

Cruella doesn’t have much patience. for anything. This included a pen that didn’t work immediately so she could write a check to Roger and Anita for the new puppy. Plus, while trying to get the pen to work, she gets ink on Roger and Pongo, making the pair even more upset.

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However, at the time, the pen was her least concern. When she found out she couldn’t get a puppy, she literally threw a tantrum, claiming she was “enough” with all puppies.

“Oh no, you don’t have to! If we have to wait until next Christmas, we’ll find that bastard. Start now! Be careful driving, you idiot, do you want to get caught by the police? ”

Cruella talks to Jasper and Horace in 101 Dalmatians as they both drive different cars

Cruella won’t lose her investment and she won’t let Jasper and Horace give up on the puppy hunt.

The most interesting part of this line is that after she berates Horace and Jasper for their driving skills, she herself roars away, with snowflakes flying towards Horace and Jasper behind her. If anyone gets caught driving, it’s Cruella.

“I don’t care how you kill the little brat, but if you want to do it, do it!”

Cruella shouted at Jasper and Horace 101 Dalmatians

Cruella is not interested in many things, including kidnapping and killing puppies. However, she is clearly worried about the police as she urges Jasper and Horace to kill the puppies ahead of time.

She scolded and slapped the hired maids and threatened to call the police if they didn’t follow her orders when she returned. She doesn’t care much for other lives, be it dogs or people. Cruella hosts the show and she makes sure everyone knows about it.

“Whatever you want! Poison them. Drown them. Smash them in the head. Do you have chloroform?”

Cruella talking to Jasper and Horace in her car 101 Dalmatians

Cruella had hired Horace and Jasper to do the dirty work, sending them out to catch dogs and kill people, but she clearly didn’t regret it or think twice about it. She’s the mastermind and she doesn’t care what happens to those innocent puppies as long as she gets what she wants.

Cruella is lousy from start to finish, and quotes like these show just how pitiful her conscience is. She doesn’t even hesitate to express her thoughts on how Horace and Jasper get their “work done”. She is very arbitrary in killing, which is a bit troublesome.

“I’m miserable as usual. I’m miserable.”

Cruella DeVil visits Anita

From the first appearance, Cruella de Vil has haunted. The above excerpt is her response when Anita asked how she was. Cruella certainly has a unique perspective; while she is clearly rich, that doesn’t seem to mean much to her happiness.

It’s a memorable quote that certainly fits Cruella’s personality. She’s often in a bad mood, why doesn’t she pamper herself?

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