Destiny 2: How To Get The Calus Mini-Tool SMG (& God Rolls)

The Calus Mini-Tool is a unique SMG in Destiny 2 that is part of the Opulent weapon set in Season of the Haunted. Calus Mini-Tool is one of the few weapons with the MIDA Synergy Archetype, which gives the user additional speed benefits when the MIDA Multi-Tool Exotic is equipped. Without the Exotic equipped, the weapon still has phenomenal handling and allows the wielder to move faster. Additionally, Calus Mini-Tool deals Solar damage, making it perfect for the subclass’ rework for Season of the Haunted.

Like all guns in the Opulent set, the Calus Mini-Tool is a weapon that players can craft in Destiny 2 once they’ve completed five Deepsight Resonance extractions. Fortunately, both variations of the SMG can be earned through the same drops, but it’s much easier to get a standard roll. Nonetheless, players that have the time should still seek to craft their own Calus Mini-Tool so they can get enhanced perks.

With enough Crown of Sorrow upgrades, players can focus the standard and Deepsight variations of the Calus Mini-Tool with Umbral Engrams in the H.E.L.M. Additionally, the Calus Mini-Tool can also be acquired by opening Opulent Chests that are scattered around the Derelict Leviathan. These chests can only be opened after finding Opulent Keys in Destiny 2 from the other chests aboard the Derelict Leviathan or by completing the Nightmare Containment Tier III activity.

The Calus Mini-Tool has the same barrel and magazine options that other Rapid-Fire Frame SMGs have in Destiny 2, so many veteran players will be familiar with what they’re looking for in the first and second columns. Fluted Barrel, Hammer-Forged Rifling, and Smallbore are all versatile options for PvE and PvP activities, but Corkscrew Rifling is also a good option for a PvE roll. Both the Tactical Mag and Accurized Rounds are perfect perks for Calus Mini-Tool in the second column, and Appended Mag and Extended Mag are great PvE options as well. These perk options make the build similar to the Funnelweb SMG in Destiny 2, but the Calus Mini-Tool third and fourth column perks are very different

  • 1. Unrelenting/Incandescent – Fantastic PvE combination that synergizes with Solar 3.0 builds in Destiny 2. This is a solid PvP perk combination as well.
  • 2. Moving Target/Eye of the Storm, Tap the Trigger – Great PvP combinations that favor Guardians who use it in one-on-one fights.
  • 3. Threat Detector/Surrounded – Classic perk combination that synergizes perfectly with one another.
  • 4. Moving Target/Incandescent – Better suited for PvP activities, but this still remains to be a great PvE option as well.
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Destiny 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and Google Stadia.

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