Do you have hands of earth, fire or air? The shape of your hand reveals your personality

Hector Honores Molina July 6, 2023. 10:00 am

The test you will develop is very simple. To be able to access the results, you just need to recognize your hand shape. This personality test It completely caught my attention, because it was illogical and even funny to me to learn through a body part how to exist. But as I progressed, I made great discoveries about my personality and I’m sure you’ll be pleased too. The test has become one of the most requested tests in the past few hours, as it is also very similar to others that have received considerable acceptance by Internet users, such as the test. check it out “it will help you to know if you are honest about the shape of your nose” and others that you will discover “The truth about your relationship when choosing the happiest couple”.

The central chart shows four options: the hand of earth, fire, air, and water. You just need to compare all the alternatives with your hand shape. When you find the most similar or what you think is right, I invite you to find out what it means.

Look at the picture and choose only one option

As I pointed out above, it is enough just to make a simple and easy choice between all the options that appear. Remember to be honest. Before I continue, I need to make one thing clear to you: this test has no scientific merit, but its success lies in the fact that it has been spread by millions of users on social networks. If you want to have fun, you can know the results.

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PERSONALITY TEST | The option that you find most suitable will reveal the result.| Photo: namastest

Discover the meaning of this personality test

earth hand

If your hand looks like this option, it means that you are a persistent person and always follow your dreams. You don’t let anything or anyone stop you, the company of your loved ones is very important to you. You are also independent, responsible and capable of doing whatever you set your mind to.

fiery hands

You have a very imposing personality, you always defend your ideas to the teeth, but above all, you consider yourself a risk taker. Stepping out of your comfort zone shows how capable you are. You are very careful in the field of love, so you must express your feelings in a very confident way.

hand in the air

You are a very social, smiling person and you always try to see the positive things in life, however, when something bothers you or bothers you, you will not hesitate to show it. go out. Also, you are proud of your feelings and you are very impulsive, how you feel is your business! On the other hand, academically, you consider yourself very intelligent.

water hand

You have a very sweet, gentle personality but at the same time are also vulnerable because you are not afraid to show your true self and this can be a powerful weapon for some people. Likewise, you are a very unconditional friend, because if someone needs you, you will not hesitate to support them.

Since when are personality tests used?

The first personality tests were conducted in 1920 for the selection process of personnel, especially in the armed forces. Over time, they have changed to be used in different contexts, not only for employment but also for career options, relationships, etc. It is also helpful for self-awareness.

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Find out what are the best benefits of personality tests

These are just some of the many benefits associated with personality tests, which is why they are used in fields as diverse as personnel selection or clinical psychology.

  • It helps to better understand others. Each of us has our own way of interacting with the world around us and it is important to remember that no personality type is better than another, but each of them has its own characteristics and must be valued equally. .
  • Help in personal relationships. These content can be more helpful for personal relationships than you think, because in this way you can understand some basic personality traits of the people around you, all of which will contribute to building stronger relationships with the people around you.
  • It contributes to the knowledge of likes and dislikes. With this kind of content, we can know what we like and don’t like, thereby gaining a better understanding of ourselves, which is essential for our own evolution as human beings.

Find out what is the best personality test

RORSCHACH Test: This test is one of the most famous and well known tests in the world of psychology. It involves analysis of ink stains and its goal is to assess a person’s personality based on their answers.

Solve more tests in this video

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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