Dr Michael Mosley lay in position used to stop fainting before he died of ‘natural causes’ in 40C heat yards from safety

TRAGIC Dr Michael Mosley sat down on a mountainside before losing consciousness when he died just meters from receiving help, a coroner has heard.

The way he was positioned suggests that Dr. Mosley chose to lie down as his body was found with his feet up on the rock without any signs of external injury.

Dr Michael Mosley probably fit in before he passed away


Dr Michael Mosley probably fit in before he diedCredit: FacebookThe 67-year-old was spotted walking around Pedi with an umbrella to protect himself from the sun


The 67-year-old was spotted walking around Pedi with an umbrella to stay out of the sunCredit: Enterprisedr.  Mosley was found just a 90-second walk from help as he came within striking distance of a bar in Agia Marina


dr. Mosley was found just a 90-second walk from help as he came within striking distance of a bar in Agia Marina

There was no indication he was hit in the head or collapsed while walking, police sources said.

The Sun found the dad-of-four, 67, lying peacefully on his stomach.

Rhodes coroner Despina Nethena is said to have revealed that the condition of the body has so far made it impossible to determine the cause of death.

Further tests are underway and results are needed before the exact cause of death can be determined.

Read more about Dr. Michael Mosley

Dr Mosley, who walked for more than two hours and was found in a shaded area by a wall removing his rucksack, appears to have followed routine medical advice used to prevent fainting.

The NHS website encourages people who feel weak to lie down with their legs elevated if they ever feel weak.

Agia Marina, the beach resort where he was found, is considered one of the hottest areas in the region.

Temperatures between Wednesday and Sunday, when it disappeared on the Greek island of Symi, were at times above 40C, speeding up the decay.

New CCTV shows Michael Mosley walking past the marinadr.  Mosley waved goodbye to his wife Clare before disappearing on Syma


dr. Mosley waved goodbye to his wife Clare before disappearing on SymiCredit: RexThe search team at Agia Marina in Symi, Greece


Search team at Agia Marina in Symi, GreeceCredit: PA

Symi Mayor Lefteris Papakaloudoukas said the island was “in complete shock”, adding: “We are saddened and in complete shock.

“Everyone wanted to find him alive. It was difficult, very difficult and nobody ever thought we would ever find him where we are, so close to the beach.”

dr. Mosley was tragically found about a 90-second walk and 260 feet from Agia Marina, a beach resort that could have offered shade and water.

His devastated wife Dr Clare Bailey Mosley, 67, said on Sunday: “He almost made it.”

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CCTV seen by The Sun showed him zig-zagging at the top of the Agia Marina perimeter at 3.44pm, and is believed to have been looking for a gate leading to the beach.

He is then seen struggling down a rocky mountain before making his way to a wall.

He is believed to have been clinging to the wall before lying down.

But the way down seemed to be part of the hiking route, as the rocks had blue and red markings, but the route is unclear and very rocky underfoot with many tripping hazards.

He was last seen on camera in Pedi at 1.52pm, meaning he had been on the mountain track for around an hour and 45 minutes.

The walk from Pedi to Agia Marina can take 30-40 minutes, suggesting he may have gone off track.

On Monday, his devastated friends arrived at the scene and laid a single white flower.

Two men and a woman arrived at the rocky mountain shortly before noon and wiped tears from their eyes.

They crouched for almost 20 minutes and comforted each other on the other side of the wall from Agia Marina in Syma before leaving again by boat.

The flower they left was the oleander flower, a symbol in Greek mythology for charm.

It is connected with a poignant story of lovers in which a man died on the rocks.

They asked to be shown the exact spot where he was found before saying, “Can we have a moment?” Later they said thank you when they were told they were brave to come.

It came five days after his wife Clare reported him missing on Wednesday, a day after they arrived in Symi.

He left St. Nicholas Beach at 1:30 p.m., and she raised the alarm when he did not return home six hours later.

He was seen on CCTV walking through Pedi with an umbrella and did not turn left which would have taken him to Symi Town where he was staying.

Instead, he continued and took a walking route that rescuers described as “treacherous” and “dangerous”.

It was found along this perimeter wall - within range of the lounge chairs and busy bar


It was found along this perimeter wall – within range of lounge chairs and a busy bar Credit: PAAgia Marina is nestled between unforgiving steep and rocky hills


Agia Marina is nestled between unforgiving steep and rocky hills Credit: PA

Search teams were out every day looking for him, including specialist search teams, firefighters, the Red Cross and British volunteers.

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But questions remained last night about how it took five days for a barman and then a reporter to find Dr Mosley.

Search crews scoured the rocky area less than 50 meters from where he was found just a day earlier, and a low-flying helicopter circled the area for hours.

Bar manager Ilias Tsavaris, 38, who found the body, told The Sun of the long search: “It’s unreal. The helicopters didn’t see him. Why?

“They walked the whole island. Well, who will believe that he is behind the wall. You can miss.

“But from drones and helicopters? All day before the helicopter was here, there and back. Come on.”

He said he didn’t eat anything for the rest of the day after he found it and said it upset him to have to see the body, adding:

“I’m not a doctor, I’m not used to it. It’s not my job.”

Ilias found Dr. Mosley’s body after they called the restaurant and told them to check the area.

A Greek TV crew caught the flash of his watch and told the mayor they saw something unusual.

At the same time as Ilias was leaving, The Sun walked to the edge of the resort to film a news report on the search.

Ilias warned us about something he saw. Sun then peered over the wall and saw the body, complete with his signature umbrella, before rushing back to where others had gathered to help raise the alarm while Ilias had a colleague call the police.

Wife Clare said on Sunday that Michael was a “wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband”.

And the tributes to the late BBC doctor continued to pour in.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman yesterday called the outcome “heartbreaking”, adding: “At what must be a deeply sad time, we have seen some incredibly moving tributes which have highlighted the huge impact that Dr Mosley has had and helped to have on people and helped change people’s lives for the better.

“He will be known as an extraordinary broadcaster who used his platform to influence and change the way we think about many public health issues.”

Calypso Haggett, CEO of The Fast 800 weight loss program, the intermittent fasting diet popularized by Mosley, was a “shining light for the entire team” and his “incredible legacy” will “fuel the continued movement for better health.”

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Chris van Tulleken, Mosley’s co-host on the BBC series Trust Me, I’m a Doctor, said: “Broadcasting can be very competitive and a bit rough.

“Michael set the tone where we all became friends. On screen we’re all friends, off screen we’re all friends.”

Timeline of Dr. Mosley’s disappearance


  • 13.30: Dr. Mosley decides to go home alone to his holiday home in the town of Symi after going swimming at the beach
  • 1.50pm: Rumor has it that the walk home will take about 20 minutes from Saint Nikolaos beach despite the doctor never coming back
  • 1.52pm: CCTV captures Dr Mosley walking past a shop in Pedi
  • About 2.20pm: Witnesses claim to have seen Dr Mosley talking to an elderly man in the town alongside another person
  • 14.30-17.00: Doc was last seen on the home camera on the dangerous road to Agia Marina
  • 7.30pm: Dr Mosley’s wife, Dr Clare Bailey, raises the alarm and calls the police


  • 10:30 a.m.: The police have reported a missing person and the search is underway
  • 11:00 a.m.: The police are asking for any information
  • 14:00: Six firefighters, one vehicle and a drone team are seen arriving in Symi from Rhodes
  • 19:00: Helicopters deployed over the island
  • 20:00: The first day of the search is called off for the night


  • 7:00 Additional police squadrons, coast guard officials, specially trained sniffer dogs and military helicopters assisted in the search
  • 17:00 The first CCTV images have been released showing Dr Mosley with his umbrella near the Blue Corner bar


  • 7 a.m. Police begin searching a new area of ​​about 7 km while intensifying the hunt
  • 10.50am: New surveillance footage has been released showing Mosley leaving Pedi and heading towards the mountain track
  • 11:00 The mayor of Symi says there is ‘no way’ the search will be called off until he is found
  • 12:00 Mosley’s wife Clare says the family ‘will not lose hope’ but admits the last few days have been ‘unbearable’
  • 15:00 The helicopter joins the search in the mountains


  • 10.50 A body found in a search near the cave known as ‘Bezdan’
  • 11:00am Police say they believe the body is Dr Mosley’s
  • 14.50 Body removed by boat from Symi
  • 15.30 dr. Clare Bailey confirms the death of her ‘wonderful’ husband

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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