Dungeons & Dragons: 10 Best Magic Items For Sorcerers

Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves has an exciting new trailer, and it showcases quite a variety of classes within it. This time around, it seems like a lot of the villains are magic casters such as the famed Red Wizards of Thay. For those that like casting magic but not the nerdy parts, Sorcerer is the way to go.

Sorcerers are naturally talented at magic, and while learning more is an option for them, they simply do not need to half the time. Still, there are times when a magic item or two could come in very handy.

Mizzium Armor

As a full caster, the player is going to be “squishier” as players say due to the lower hit dice. For the reckless sorcerer, the back lining isn’t going to cut it. To establish magical dominance, sorcerers need to be able to take a hit or two when necessary.

Mizzium armor is a fantastic magical item that covers many of the Sorcerer’s weaknesses. It increases AC, cancels critical hits, and provides a pseudo “Evasion” effect but for Strength and Constitution. Sorcerers usually dump these two stats, so this is an incredibly helpful benefit.

Sentinel Shield

Sentinel Shield by u/Excellent-Put-1320

Sorcerers need to be able to act fast to make the most out of their combat potential. Being low on the initiative means way more chances to get one shot by the enemy. In such cases, the Sentinel Shield is the perfect companion piece, especially in beginner campaigns.

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Not only does it provide extra survivability with the AC boost, but it also gives an advantage on initiative rolls and Perception checks. Sorcerers need to be extra wary so being able to hit first with devastating spells is a powerful benefit.

Cloak of Displacement (Requires Attunement)

The Cloak of Displacement in 5e

It’s better to not get hit than not, and Cloak of Displacement excels at that. This cloak projects an Illusion next to the player. This confusing image means any attack rolls made against the player are made with a disadvantage. This significantly helps with survivability.

Not only is it a solid survival tool, but it also fits the Sorcerer flavor perfectly. Few things are more magical looking than a mirror image constantly looming over the sorcerer’s shoulder. Paired with other magic items, it only gets better. Any tabletop veteran or DnD YouTuber will suggest this magic item for pretty much any class.

Astral Shard (Requires Attunement)

The Planar Shards of MTG

Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything provided several shards for Sorcerers to attune to, but out of all of them, the Astral Shard is perhaps the most consistently powerful. This hard attaches itself to one of the Sorcerer’s tiny items and becomes a spellcasting focus for spells.

The effect this gives the player is the ability to teleport anywhere within 30 feet to an unoccupied space after using Metamagic. With how often the Sorcerer casts Metamagic, this makes for one of the most annoying classes to hit in a boss fight.

Winged Boots (Requires Attunement)

The WInged Boots in 5e

Some certain Sorcerer subclasses gain the ability to fly in later levels. However, most games of Dungeons and Dragons occur in the 1 to 10 range. For sorcerers that want to experience the wonders of flight without looking dorky on a broom or wasting a spell slot, this is the perfect item.

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Winged Boots give the Sorcerer a flying speed equal to their movement speed, for a maximum time of 4 hours. Being able to fly at will has many benefits, the most obvious of which is being harder to hit for those melee-crazy enemies. It also makes spell sniping much easier, perfect for raining down fireballs. Just be careful of any airborne powerful creatures.

Ghost Step Tattoo (Requires Attunement)

Ghost Step Tattoo in 5e

In the Sorcerer’s evergreen quest to not get hit, body art may be the solution they’ve always needed. The Ghost Step tattoo inscribes a pattern of the player’s choosing onto their Sorcerer’s body. As a bonus action, the player can turn themselves incorporeal until the end of their turn.

During this time, Sorcerers will have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks, make grappling or restraint impossible, and move through solid objects as if they were just difficult terrain. Ghost Step Tattoo is the best panic button a Sorcerer could ask for.

Staff of Defense (Requires Attunement)

Staff of Defense 5e

The ultimate defense tool for the squishy sorcerer. This special staff gives a +1 bonus to AC and holds 10 charges. The charges can be used to cast Mage Armor (for 1 charge) or Shield (for 2 charges). No components are required for this either.

The ability to cast Shield five times for free potentially every day is incredibly powerful, especially for Sorcerers. Most sorcerers will want to be using their spell slots for more potent offense, so being able to mitigate heavy damage essentially for free is amazing.

Pearl of Power (Requires Attunement)

Pearl of Power in 5e

Pearl of Power is a simple yet incredibly powerful magic item for a Sorcerer. Spell slots are a valued commodity for Sorcerers as the primary source of Sorcery points. Pearl of Power allows for the rejuvenation of a single spell slot once per day up to the 3rd level.

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With how often Sorcerers will burn through spells and spell slots, Pearl of Power allowing the player a free 3rd-level spell is very handy. Not to mention, it’s more sorcery points in a pitch, which can turn the tide of any battle.

Ring of Spell Storing (Requires Attunement)

The Ring of Spell Storing in 5e

Ring of Spell Storing is the ultimate way of saving spell slots for Sorcerers. While it needs a bit more prep than Pearl of Power, it potentially saves more spell slots. This magic item can store up to 5 levels worth of spells at any given time.

These spells are stored by casting the spell directly on the ring. At a later date, these spells can be released at the best possible time. These are usually done before a long rest to maximize spell slot usage. Few things are more dangerous than a Sorcerer with extra spell slots.

Bloodwell Vial (Requires Attunement)

Red Vial by Tomasz Chistowski

Perhaps the best Sorcerer-specific magic item to come out of Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything, the Bloodwell Vial requires a few drops of blood from the Sorcerer to be powered. The divine essence stored within manifests as a bonus to spell attack rolls and saving throw DCs of Sorcerer spells (depending on rarity).

In addition, Bloodwell Vial will restore 5 sorcery points once a day whenever the Sorcerer rolls Hit Dice to recover hit points. The additions to attack potency was good on their own, but the second feature essentially makes this a must for any Sorcerer. 5 sorcery points are a free 3rd level spell slot, and as established, Sorcerers love their spell slots.

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