During his appearance on The Voice, 10-year-old Bjarne showed off his incredible voice with a performance of “Someone You Loved.”

Bjarne, who was only ten years old at the time, performed Lewis Capaldi’s “Someone You Loved” at the audition for The Voice. Last month, he passed the blind audition for The Voice Kids Germany, and his amazing voice left everyone in awe. Despite his innocent appearance, Bjarne’s voice showed a maturity beyond his years.

From the beginning of the song, Bjarne displayed a deep, resonant tone, seamlessly transitioning into a beautiful high range. The first judge hit the horn even before the chorus started, prompting cheers from Bjarne’s family on stage. By the end of the chorus, all four judges had turned their chairs in his support, ensuring that it would not go unnoticed.

Bjarne has many more surprises in store. He poured his heart and soul into the last note before the bridge, leaving judge Lena Meyer-Landrut speechless; her jaw remained dropped for a while. She later described his voice as “sounds that are like from heaven”.

The young talent completely delighted everyone at the audition. The judges rushed to the stage to congratulate Bjarne, and Meyer-Landrut gave him a joyful hug. Both the young singer and his proud mother were overwhelmed with emotion at the monumental moment. Later, judge Álvaro Soler took the piano, and Bjarne joined him in a duet of “Another Love Song” by Tom Odell.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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