Effective Ways to Get Likes on Facebook

With over two billion users, Facebook offers a great platform to promote your business or brand. But it’s not as easy as you think. Getting likes on Facebook requires a good strategy to follow as there is a lot of competition. You should focus your marketing strategy on everything that ultimately results in getting likes from your viewers. You need to work on creating content that is impressive enough to get automatic praise from your audience in the form of likes.

If you are new to Facebook and want to know how to get likes on Facebook, here are some tips to help you get more and more likes:

Create an interesting and informative business site

It goes without saying that to rack up likes you need a good Facebook business page with useful content. There must be something on your page that deserves a thumbs up. Don’t post just for the sake of posting and getting likes.

The page you create should fully speak about your business, that is, all the necessary parts should be complete. The ‘About’ section, profile photo and cover photo should be compelling enough to give the best visual impression of your Facebook page. Pinning your post to the top is another way to get the most likes.

Post meaningful content

‘Facebook Like’ won’t work just because the audience needs something useful and engaging to engage with, and then you can expect them to like it. Continue to create posts that demonstrate the value, usefulness, and trustworthiness of your brand or product. Also, people like to share content that they find useful, so if you post something good to share, your followers will automatically share it or may even like your page.

Here are some helpful tips to get more likes when posting great content:

  1. Add some kind of visual content that is more attention-grabbing compared to text.
  2. A compelling headline is also enough to draw attention to your post, but be careful not to use clickbait as it won’t help you in the long run.
  3. Even if you are promoting your business, your content should not be too promotional. Make it fun, informative, not just a bunch of sales pitches.
  4. Post content that helps people learn more about your product or listen to their inquiries and requests and post accordingly.
  5. Creating videos to promote your business is another great strategy to get attention and get likes.
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Focus on attracting your audience

Engaging the right audience requires patience and time. Consistent posting means your followers are aware of what they will get from you and shows your total commitment to serving them.

  1. Schedule your Facebook posts in advance so you can be planned and consistent.
  2. Research what time is best for your post and post it at the same time every day to increase engagement and likes.
  3. Do not leave your comments or questions unanswered if you want to attract more followers. Facebook is a place to socialize and without being social, you cannot make your brand reach the heights.

Run contests on Facebook

Running Facebook contests to get a good number of likes is a trend these days. You can make a competition related to your product, maybe some kind of ‘Discount Offer’ or ‘Giveaway’ will also work. Make sure the contest you’re about to run is subject to Facebook’s rules.

To enter the contest, you can meet the conditions, such as liking a post or commenting or posting on the page timeline. Facebook has some hard and fast rules for running contests and you must follow them to avoid any negative consequences.

Have a Facebook Marketing Strategy

A well-planned marketing strategy aligned with your business goals is all you need to create an unwavering presence for your brand on Facebook. A marketing strategy will really increase Facebook likes if it is created and followed up correctly. Here are the important steps to do so:

  1. The first step is to build a genuine audience area that gives you regular engagement. Intermittent likes won’t help and you need followers who are genuinely interested in your business.
  2. Keep an eye on competitors to find out what strategy or techniques they are using. You can research which competitor is ahead of you and how far behind you are.
  3. Have a realistic goal that is measurable, just aiming for likes won’t help. The goal you create should be SMART, meaning specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-oriented. This will allow you to analyze if you are capable of achieving your goal.
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Make your site easy to find

It’s just ‘people won’t like your site if they can’t find it’. You need to constantly work on increasing the visibility of your page so that you get as many viewers as possible. To increase page visibility, here are some tips:

  1. People remember easy names, so keep your site name short and simple. Prevent it from looking like spam by adding keywords.
  2. The username should be something that is consistent with your other social channels so that someone who already follows you can easily contact you on Facebook as well without much difficulty.
  3. You can add Facebook Follow and Like buttons to your website to make it easy for viewers to connect.

Interact with other brands and communities

You cannot ignore your competitors when you are on a social platform. A better idea is to keep an eye on a relevant niche and strike up conversations with them. A simple conversation can give you a chance to get their attention and you may have opportunities to work together in the future. You can even tag other brands in your posts, but make sure it’s relevant.

You can also be a part of Facebook groups where you can find people related to your niche. But wherever you go, make sure your participation is useful, not just promotional.

Know the Facebook algorithm

Knowing the Facebook algorithm is essential to increase your organic reach. The Facebook algorithm always privileges quality content above anything else, and the game is knowing what quality content is being talked about. This is to ensure that people who use Facebook enjoy using it and are not overwhelmed by the amount of promotional content they see.

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If your post will be authentic, informative and engaging, it will automatically help you get more likes on Facebook.

You can also benefit from live videos as they are prioritized by the algorithm and they usually stay higher in the news feed.

facebook ads

A Facebook ad is an effective way to put maximum focus on your brand. If you have something useful for your audience, Facebook Ads will show it to them, which will drive more likes. Facebook advertising includes the following two categories:

  1. You can boost a post to expand your audience. This is a smart move for posts that have already been liked by a large number of your followers.
  2. Another option is to launch a campaign that is relevant to your business. This will also broaden the reach of your post and increase the number of likes.

Facebook Information

Facebook Insights will give you an overview of your current followers, likes, posts that have the most engagement, and more. This way, you can analyze which strategy worked for you to get the maximum number of likes and what needs to be changed. When you are aware of the mistakes you have made, it will be easier to correct them. This will get your followers more likes and they will surely like you in return.


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Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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