Elden Ring: How to Find (& Use) the Golden Parry Ash of War

golden parry war ash Eldon’s Ring It’s a shield skill that can be used on small and medium shields. It comes with a unique yellow animation, similar to Parry Ash of War. Players can Elden’s ring On the outskirts of the capital, Lindale.

The nearest place of grace would be the Facade Phantom Tree. The Golden Parry Ash of War will be near a large framed door, with nobles begging on the floor. This is a white teardrop-shaped scarab ball. As the player walks towards the portal, the player can find the Teardrop Scarab sitting on the ledge.

Pay attention, because the location of the Scarab is easy to miss. The tear beetle will try to escape from behind buildings when the player threatens or hits it. Get close to it and wait for it to slow down for best melee or shoot it. After killing the Tear beetle, it will reward the player with gold for parrying Ashes of War.

How to use Golden Parry in Elden Ring

Players must meet the minimum attribute requirements to use Medium or Small shields Elden’s ring To bear the golden ashes of war. Unlike Ashes of War, Golden Parry can only be used on shields, not melee weapons. When the Golden Parry Ash of War is equipped to the shield, it automatically comes with Divine Affinity.

But the Golden Parry can be equipped with many other attributes, including Standard, Heavy, Subtlety, Mass, and Lightning. Using the Golden Parry shield with one hand or two hands doesn’t change the animation or timing. To use Golden Parry, the player must place his action skill button in front of an enemy’s attack to break their stance.

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This will cause an animation to play and the enemy to be killed with a critical hit. When using Golden Parry War Ash, the block duration is different from normal parry. It starts much faster, giving players more time Elden’s ring Resist enemy attack.

This is basically better than Parry Ash of War, as players can be less late than usual and get the same results. The only downside to Golden Parry is that early tankers are instinctively vulnerable to punishment. The player can counter this by parrying with a weapon that is not the enemy’s weapon.

Elden’s ring Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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