Elden Ring: How To Get Comet Azur

Tarnished who have dabbled in the arcane arts in Elden Ring will have undoubtedly heard of Comet Azur, a Sorcery Spell of incredible power known for being able to one-shot elite enemies and even bosses. While such capability requires the proper Stats in Intelligence and Mind, such a spell could come quite in handy for any magic caster. Nonetheless, this powerful Sorcery in Elden Ring only becomes accessible once players have progressed into the northern region of the Atlus Plateau.

The Atlus Plateau is an area that sits above Liurnia, far north of Limgrave. Also referred to as Liurnia of the Lakes, Liurnia is the region Tarnished can access once they’ve defeated Godrick the Grafted, Demigod of the Stormveil Castle. Alternatively, they can enter the zone via the secret cliffside route north of Stormhill Shack. After traveling north, players have two options to get to the Atlus Plateau. They can activate the Grand Lift of Dectus after finding the left and right pieces of the Dectus Medallion, or they can enter through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice. Yet, Tarnished must face the mandatory Magma Wyrm Makar boss if they choose this route.

Once Tarnished have made it to the Atlus Plateau, they can start their journey up Mt. Gelmir, where the Comet Azur Spell in Elden Ring can be found. Beginning from the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace, travel north up the ridge to the Wyndhan Ruins. Here, Tarnished will encounter a Field Boss known as Tibia Mariner. Fortunately, defeating this boss is not necessary to progress. Instead, those who wish to avoid confrontation can ride Torrent towards the entrance of Mt. Gelmir in the northwestern ravine.

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Comet Azur’s Location In Elden Ring

Continue northward up Seethewater River while being cautious of the scalding geysers along the way. Tarnished will soon arrive at a fork in the path at Seethewater Cave. Choose the route on the left, riding onward until reaching Fort Laied. Avoid the enemies by sticking near the cliff wall on the left. Ahead within a lava pool, players will encounter the Magma Wyrm boss in Elden Ring, which can be bypassed by rushing through the gully in the southeast. Next, head up the slope towards Hermit Village, but be careful of the Demi-Human ambush that will occur after passing a small cemetery.

After Tarnished make their way through Hermit Village, they will meet Demi-Human Queen Maggie, guarded by two Raya Lucarian Sorcerers. Behind her sits a Site of Grace, which players can quickly activate to pacify the hostile enemies. Primeval Sorcerer Azur can be found seated next to the site, and interacting with him will grant the player with the Comet Azur Sorcery Spell.

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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