Elden Ring: How To Get The Erdtree Greatshield

The Erdtree Greatshield is a defensive gear piece in Elden Ring that scales with Strength and Faith, providing decent protection against both Physical and Holy Damage. However, the main appeal of the Erdtree Greatshield is not its defensive properties but the overpowered build it creates when combined with the Incantation, Fire’s Deadly Sin.

For further clarification, the Erdtree Greatshield is equipped with a unique Shield Skill known in Elden Ring as Golden Retaliation. This skill is activated whenever the shield is struck with an Incantation or Sorcery. Once this occurs, it will retaliate by channeling the magic and firing back a holy beam of light at the opponent. Adventurers who’ve battled with the Limgrave Tree Sentinel using Spells will likely be familiar with Golden Retaliation. For example, whenever a smell such as Glinstone Pebble is cast at the guardian, the sentinel can fire back a powerful blast if they manage to shield-guard on time. Likewise, those wielding the Erdtree Greatshield can perform the same protective Incantation.

To take advantage of this unique passive, Tarnished have paired the Erdtree Greatshield with Fire’s Deadly Sin, an Incantation in Elden Ring that temporarily sets the caster ablaze. This Spell procs the Greatshield’s Golden Retaliation, allowing the wielder to blast away as long as they are in flames. Tarnished can acquire Fire’s Deadly Sin by solving the “Flightless Bird” Painting puzzle within the Fortified Manor of Leyndell. As for the Erdtree Greatshield, adventurers must defeat a specific boss duo to obtain it.

Erdtree Greatshield’s Location In Elden Ring

To get the Erdtree Greatshield in Elden Ring, Tarnished must slay the Tree Sentinels that guard the western gate of the Leyndell’s Outer Walls. Travelers can reach this location by riding east from the Altus Highway Junction, located in the Altus Plateau. The Altus Plateau is the region above Limgrave and can be accessed by activating the Grand Lift of Dectus with the Dectus Medallion or crossing through the Ruin-Strewn Precipice. Keep in mind that those who take the precipice route will need to fight a mandatory boss. Once Tarnished arrive in the Altus Plateau, they must travel eastward to reach the Capital City’s Outer Walls.

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To beat the Tree Sentinel Field Boss duo of Leyndell’s Outer Walls, adventurers are recommended to rush past them and activate the Site of Grace at Outer Wall Phantom Tree. Next, return to the gates, and take them out one by one. For melee or close-range fighters, try luring one into the walls to make the fight more manageable. On the other hand, spellcasters and Tarnished equipped with ranged attacks can sit atop the ledges on the side of the road and easily take down each boss. Unfortunately, neither of the Tree Sentinels has a ranged ability in Elden Ring, except for the one with Golden Retaliation. Once both have been defeated, players will be rewarded with the Erdtree Greatshield.

Elden Ring is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, and PC.

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