Elden Ring: How To Open The Chest Near Rennala

After defeating Full Moon Queen Renara in the Great Library of Rayalukalia Elden Ring, tarnished adventurers may notice a locked chest near the queen’s right. Unlike other loot containers between lands, this chest is locked, preventing players from accessing its contents.Searching for the key in the library or talking to Renara yields no results, as the solution is not in the world, but in the specific NPC’s quest line Elden Ring.

The only way to open the treasure chest near Renara Ring of Elden It follows the storyline of Lanny, who becomes a slave of the demigod of the moon. Her main storyline begins after Taint defeats the Starscourge Rad’an of Kelid, thus entering the underground eternal city of Nokron. After talking to Lanny and her subordinates in Lanny Heights, the protagonist must retrieve the Finger Sword from Nokran, which is hidden in a building in the Night Sanctuary. Afterwards, Lanie will leave the tower, never to return. The player’s next step is to use the portal in Reina Heights to teleport to the northern half of the Eiinsel River.

Near the Grace Ruins on the Main River in Einsel, adventurers will encounter Lanny again; however, her appearance will be very different from her previous appearance. In “Lanny Rising,” the witch’s spirit inhabits a human-sized, four-armed doll. Her spirit is now housed in a miniature figurine called “Micro Lanny.” After talking to her a few times, she will reveal the next step to the protagonist, which will soon allow them to open the chest next to Renara in the Great Library.

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Rennala unlocks the treasure chest in “Elden Ring”

Lanny will ask the protagonist to kill a two-fingered assassin named “Malicious Shadow”. This mini-boss can be found in the caves south of Nokstra’s Eternal City, near Nokstra’s Falls Basin.Humanoid enemies will be challenging, but vulnerable to magic and frost-based attacks Elden Ring. After the battle, Lanny will praise the Defiler for his efforts. Before her soul departs for the final time, she will leave behind the abandoned palace key, the solution to the mysterious box in the Great Library.

Return to the Great Library of Rayalukalia and approach the chest, using the Abandoned Palace Key to unlock it. Inside, the Dark One will find the Darkmoon Ring. From here, players must return to the Eiinsel River and cross Lake Rot.After defeating Astor, the Voidborn, adventurers can continue to the Cathedral of Manus Cyrus, where they will experience the conclusion of Lanny’s quest line Ring of Elden.

Elden Ring Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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