Elden Ring: Where To Find The Claw Talisman

Despite the specific name and intuitive design, Claw Talisman Elden’s ring Leap damage increased by 15% for all weapons. However, Talisman works especially well when dual wielding Talon weapons, as the weapon’s strongest attack will be a jump slash. Talon Talisman’s buff stacks with the Raptor’s Black Feather Chest fragment, resulting in a total damage increase of approximately 25%. Elden’s ring when combined with amulets Elden’s ring.

The mighty Claw Charm is located in one of the areas that Tarnished will explore the most in the first few hours of the game – Stormveil Castle. However, the collection is hidden atop a watchtower and can be accessed by a rather confusing route, causing many explorers to miss the amulet. Fortunately, getting to the watchtower doesn’t take long, as long as Tarnished knows where to make the first move.

Firstly, Elden’s ring Fans must go to the Venue of Grace inside the Rampart Tower. This Grace Point is mainly accessed via the “hidden” path that the Gostoc Gatekeeper recommends to the player when they first arrive at the Stormveil Main Gate. Upon reaching the Grace location, they can immediately take the Talisman Claw to the watchtower Elden’s ring.

Location of Talon Talisman in Elden’s Ring

From the Wall Tower, step out the doorway to the Wall Walkway, which is lined with explosive crates and protected by Storm Veil Warhawks. However, instead of going left, look at the statue of a martyr sitting near the ledge. Turn slightly to the right and notice a small log nearby. This table shows where Tarnished should sprint on the far roof. Players will need a bit of faith and confidence to make sure they land safely, as the angle of the roof they land on will be obscured as they jump. Elden’s ring In order for the adventurers to hop on, they had to make sure to aim for the left corner of the roof, as the rest of the landing on the left was blocked by a short rock wall.

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Once you’ve passed, head straight for the fallen pillar on the east side. Go to the cliff above, then go around to the base of the watchtower. Several castle guards will guard the area. If they are tarnished, take them out first to avoid difficulty climbing the ladder ahead. After the enemy dies, climb to the top of the tower. Clear the herd and loot the corpse in the upper right corner to get the Talon Charm Elden’s ring.

Elden’s ring Available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

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