Elden Ring: Why Fia Kills D In The Roundtable Hold

several characters in Ring of Elden There’s a happy ending, but the story in the game can be complicated, which means Tarnished may not have a clear idea of ​​why Fia killed D in the roundtable. Quest lines in FromSoftware’s Souls games typically end with the death of the quest giver. Sometimes this ending is legendary and accurate, dark soul After the character completes the task, he disappears or commits suicide. However, others’ journeys are interrupted by enemies and bosses, just like D in “D”. Ring of Elden. However, once players discover each character’s intricate backstories and goals, murder becomes the inevitable outcome.

[Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Elden Ring.]

Ring of Elden The story takes place in a land that has been torn apart. Players control a tarnished character who has been brought back from the dead to become Lord Elden and restore order to the kingdom. However, they’re not the only tainted characters in the open world. Players can meet other NPCs at the Round Table Fortress and rest with other Defilers. Those who seek the title of Lord of Elden rest in the Sanctuary, where violence is forbidden. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop Phia from killing D and fleeing the scene shortly after.

Ring of EldenD, Fia, and Rogier all offer intersecting questline steps. Players must complete numerous steps and kill dozens of bosses and enemies before witnessing a fatal murder. After the player returns the item called the “Weathered Dagger” to D, a new area in the Round Table Fortress opens, showing Fia standing over D’s body. While Fia gives a brief speech about her betrayal and loyalty, her intentions are a little unclear to those unaware of the in-game story.Both Ring of Elden The characters have conflicting goals, but D’s murder hints at growing tensions across the continent and a greater need for the next Lord of Elden to take their place. Thankfully, there are several indications that the FIA’s murderous intentions are due to ideological differences and (possible) mutual aggression. The sheer number of competing authorities across the land all contributed to this simple murder, likely affecting some of the defilers more than others.

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D. “Death Hunter” serves the Golden Company of “Elden Ring”

Elden Ring's twin armor set.

Ring of EldenThe Golden Knights wish to return the lands between to the side of the Great Will.Former ruler Queen Malika was responsible for crushing the country Ring of Elden After the death of her demigod children. Although she and her husband were eventually imprisoned in the tree, Malika had already caused irreparable damage to the kingdom. Ring of EldenThe opening cutscene shows that Golden Godwin’s death has plunged heaven and earth into chaos. However, Godwin’s murderers were a group known as the Black Knife Assassins, who used weapons with death runes to destroy the current organization in the Land Between Worlds. The undead have been corrupted by the Mark of the Death Curse, attracting loyalists like D to hunt them down.

Ring of EldenThe open-world design hides many secrets, but D, Death Hunter is relatively easy to find. Additionally, his dialogue is more direct than the other Defilers and NPCs lurking around the world. He is hunting a group of undead who bear the mark of a corrupting curse that seems to be tormenting the Defiler across the land. While he appears to be a noble knightly archetype, his intolerance for those he deems impure goes beyond contempt and even borders on malice. His separation from his former hunting partner Rogier filled the roundtable with tension and highlighted the disconnect between different ideologies. Ring of Eldenopen world. This disconnect, prejudice and inability to move beyond previous orders resulted in D’s death at the hands of Fia.

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FIA serves and persecutes the Prince of Death in Elden Ring

Elden's Ring, Is Fia a Dying Companion? The Golden Order, Those Who Live in Death, Godwin

Fia is one of the first characters the player encounters in the game Ring of Elden‘s roundtable, offering to hold the player character in his arms. Unfortunately, this act of care places a curse on the player’s vitality (health), and a tarnished player can only regain vitality after consuming the Canopy Gold Blessing in their inventory. Like many of the Defilers in the Round Table Fortress, Feia’s loyalties extend beyond Two-Finger and the other warriors seeking to become Lords of Eldon. Fea served as the deathbed companion of Godwin, the Prince of Death, and was closely associated with the undead sect known as the “Death of the Living” due to persecution.Fea’s duties as a dying companion ensure that she helps in the most compassionate of ways, including protecting her undead companions and Ring of Eldenof tarnished characters.

Because of her loyalty, Fia is likely to be threatened by Death Hunter D.Another merchant is Ring of EldenRogier, the magician of the Round Table Guild, said that he hunted the undead with D a long time ago. However, he discovered that the undead they hunted were unable to control their pain and needed mercy rather than destruction. Unfortunately, D couldn’t accept this mentality, which led to their breakup. Since D is likely still hunting those who live in death, it’s possible that Fia killed him to prevent herself from being killed or to save her fellow undead. Giving the PC the Weathered Dagger may be a plot to infect D with a curse mark, as D’s corpse is shown to be growing Death Roots when the players arrive.

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Neither D nor Fia is entirely innocent in Elden Ring

D's brother Devin in

Just like most quest NPCs Ring of Elden, Fia and D both have ulterior motives and serve their masters. Fia serves the Prince of Death, and D swore allegiance to the Golden Knights and Beast Priests, but both follow flawed ideologies that lead to death and destruction throughout the lands. Phia’s murder of D violated the sacred laws of the Round Table Fortress, for no defiler was allowed to draw a blade within the sanctuary. Additionally, her crimes don’t go unpunished, as the player can give his armor to D’s twin brother, which leads to her quick execution later in the game. D and Rogier, who have been humiliated in pursuit of Fia, are destined to see this conflict play out in a murderous cycle. However, the results can help players decide how to rule the lands between.

As with most FromSoftware games, Ring of Elden There are multiple endings that players can unlock based on the bosses they defeat and the quest lines they complete. Feia and Death Hunter D represent the two fates that the inhabitants of Heaven and Earth may experience after players complete the main campaign. The moral ramifications of FromSoftware’s game ending can be difficult to determine upon first playing the game. However, Ring of Elden Allows players to choose the best (imperfect) solution as they learn about the personalities, intentions, and goals of different NPCs. Fia and D’s conflict and murder are a perfect example of inevitable consequences that can shape many save files but provide little satisfaction in each character’s ending.

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