Elden Ring’s Best Dual-Wield Weapon Combos Every Tarnished Must Try

Dual-wielding weapons is a high-risk playstyle in Elden Ring, but some particular combos can reap a powerful reward. In lieu of a shield, players can equip two different armaments (or both of the same kind, if they happen to come across two) to dish out high damage and satisfying dual-wield combos on their enemies. However, since offense ends up being the main tool of survival, it’s important to choose two weapons with synergy. With 309 weapons in Elden Ring to choose from, this can be a daunting task.

Similar to Dark Souls 2, players are somewhat restricted in what armaments they can use to power stance, unlocking higher damage and a unique move set. Technically any two weapons can be dual-wielded in Elden Ring, but only by using those of the same category can one unlock these additional benefits. So whether it’s against players in Elden Ring‘s best PvP locations, or against NPC enemies or bosses, it’s generally recommended to stick to one weapon type for maximum efficacy. That being said, there are still countless weapon combos, and some are certainly better than others.

Elden Ring’s Godskin Peeler & Eleonora’s Poleblade Are The Best Twinblade Combo

Twinblades are among the most satisfying weapons in Elden Ring due to their attack speed, and this effect is only doubled when dual-wielding. Specifically, pairing the Godskin Peeler and Eleonora’s Poleblade makes for some particularly bloody results (literally). Both weapons can inflict a significant chunk of blood loss onto enemies, especially when running a Dexterity and Arcane build. The Godskin Peeler does a decent amount of physical damage on its own, but equipping it with the Seppuku ash of war and the Occult affinity can proc bleed at an even greater rate, quickly melting through enemies. Dual Godskin Peelers is a popular combination for this reason.

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However, it’s even stronger when paired with Eleonora’s Poleblade: one of Elden Ring‘s best Arcane weapons. This twinblade is by far the most powerful in its class, not only because of its 50/50 split between physical and fire damage but also because of its passive blood loss buildup. This grants it excellent synergy with the Godskin Peeler, especially whilst utilizing its weapon art, Bloodblade Dance. As long as the enemy doesn’t have a high Robustness stat, a few jump attacks from a player wielding the Godskin Peeler and Eleonora’s Poleblade will cause considerable damage.

Halo Scythe & Grave Scythe Are Elden Ring’s Best Reaper Combo

Elden Ring's Halo Scythe and Grave Scythe against official game art.

Scythes, otherwise known as Reapers, are one of Elden Ring‘s most underdeveloped weapon categories, currently only having four to choose from. Even so, it’s worth dual-wielding the Halo Scythe and the Grave Scythe, especially for any Tarnished running a Dexterity and Faith build. The Grave Scythe lays a solid foundation for this power stance combo, having the highest base damage output of any Reaper and decent blood loss buildup. Plus, since Elden Ring‘s Colosseum update included a buff to Scythe attack speed and recovery time, players really can’t go wrong with this gothic weapon, especially when infusing it with an ash of war.

The Halo Scythe is an absolute must-have for any Tarnished running a Faith build. It also has solid blood loss buildup alongside both physical and holy damage, but it truly sets itself apart through its unique weapon art, Miquella’s Ring of Light. As its name would imply, this ranged attack sends out a glowing ring of light that does holy damage, making it a menace to Undead enemies – and it can be fired in rapid succession, provided the player has the appropriate amount of FP and stamina. Combined with the high damage output of the Grave Scythe, these two Reapers can create a surprisingly versatile bleed-based build in Elden Ring.

Giant-Crusher & Prelate’s Inferno Crozier Are Elden Ring’s Best Colossal Weapons

Elden Ring's Prelate Inferno Crozier and Giant-Crusher against official game art.

Colossal Weapons were one of many underpowered weapons buffed in Elden Ring‘s 1.07 patch, and any player running a Strength build can benefit from dual wielding them. These giant armaments not only look cool in the hands of the Tarnished, they also pack a devastating punch to all those unlucky enough to oppose them. A classic combination is the Giant-Crusher and Prelate’s Inferno Crozier, which will require 60 and 45 points in Strength respectively, but they’re well worth the investment (especially for those frequenting the PvP Colosseums).

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Apart from the Prelate’s Infero Crozier high damage output, it also deals fire damage with its default weapon art, Prelate’s Charge. It can be infused with ashes of war, and it even has a unique animation that can send squishy enemies catapulting through the air. But the true hero of this dual-wield combo in Elden Ring is the Giant-Crusher. Like all Colossal Weapons, it’s painfully slow to wield, but its weapon art in Elden Ring, Endure, can aid in this problem. Plus, when upgraded to the Heavy affinity, it raises Strength scaling to S – increasing its damage significantly for the player who already has 60 Strength as a prerequisite.

Elden Ring’s Best Halberd Combo Is The Dragon Halberd & Guardian’s Swordspear

Elden Ring's Dragon Halberd and Guardian's Swordspear against official game art.

A power stance combo for Tarnished focused on both Strength and Dexterity comes from the category of Halberds: specifically, the Dragon Halberd and the Guardian’s Swordspear. Just like Colossal Weapons, these armaments typically have a lower attack speed, but the tradeoff is extremely high damage output. The Guardian’s Swordspear is actually the exception to this rule with an unusually fast move set. Even being able to use ashes of war, its only downside is that it can be tricky to locate with a maximum drop rate of 2% – but it’s well worth keeping an eye out for this particular weapon.

The Dragon Halberd is also unique in that it deals 10% extra damage to all Dragons in Elden Ring (apart from Ancient Dragons, which will only take 5% extra damage). Plus, it has the highest base attack damage out of its entire class, making it a solid pick even against non-Dragon enemies. Combined with the strength of the Guardian’s Swordspear, these two Halberds go hand in hand for any Dexterity and Strength-based player.

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With 309 armaments across 23 different melee categories, the near infinite amount of possibilities can become overwhelming – but the above power stance combinations for Twinblades, Reapers, Colossal Weapons, and Halberds can prove the most useful. Being both versatile and high in damage, Tarnished should not hesitate to dual-wield these weapons if they happen to come across them in Elden Ring‘s Lands Between.

Source: Bandai Namco Entertainment America/YouTube

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