Elden Ring’s Grand Lift of Rold: How To Reach Mountaintop of the Giants

exist Elden’s ring, the player can use the Roald’s Great Cable Car to reach the top of Giant’s Mountain. Before players can enter this elusive area in the Middle Lands, they need to obtain a Rold Medal to unlock the larger east sector, and they need two pieces of the Halitree Secret Medal to unlock the area. West. Giant mountain top Elden’s ring is a difficult location late in the game, so players should level up appropriately before attempting to explore this treacherous terrain. In addition, this area is home to difficult bosses and side quests. While some of the optional bosses can be challenging, there are great rewards as well.

To find the Rold Medallions, the player needs to progress in the game until reaching the royal capital, Leyndell. Once there, the player needs to defeat the boss, Mogot the Omen. To make this fight easier, players may want to use a Simulated Tears of Spirit Summon or opt for Hoarfrost Stomp Ash of War Elden’s ring. After successfully defeating Omen King Mogot, the player needs to talk to Melina to get the Roald Medal.

Once the player has obtained the Rold Medal, they can head northeast through the Forbidden Land until reaching the Grand Lift at the Rold Site of Grace. Along the route, the player encounters a Kindred boss that they can fight or hide from. In Land of Grace, the player must climb the stairs to the elevator. Upon reaching the top, the player will find two large guardian statues holding spears. There is a circle marked on the ground in front of the statue. Players stand in a circle and select the “Gourd Medal” to use the Roald Medal to reach the top of the giant mountain.

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Elden Ring: Go to the area west of Giant’s Peak

To get to the western part of the area, the player needs to be in Elden’s ring And use them on Rold’s Grand Lift. To find the right half of this medal, the player should go to Lirunia in the lake: the village of Albinauries in the southwest of the Liurnia region. Once there, the player should follow the path of the Gracelands and quickly overcome the enemies using the flame. Players will find a crate and they must circle it until an NPC appears from within the crate. The player needs to talk to this NPC until he gives them the Halitree Secret Medal (right). It’s worth noting that the player may have to talk to this NPC multiple times to claim the prize.

To find the left half of the medal, the player needs to start east of Giant’s Peak. After taking the Grand Lift from the Elden Ring to this location, the player should head north and follow the cliff to Castle Sol. At this location, the player needs to defeat Commander Neil. After defeating this enemy, the player should follow the path hidden behind where they stand, which will lead them to the Hallitree Secret Medal (left).

Once the player has both left and right halves of the Halitree Secret Medallion, they can return to Rold’s Grand Lift. Giving the completed medal to the statue will allow the player to access the area west of Giant’s Peak.

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Elden’s ring Available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X.

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