Euphoria: 10 Quotes That Prove Maddy And Nate Are Perfect For Each Other

Although HBO Euphoria’s Nate Jacobs is a terrible person with little-to-no conscience, he and Maddy are meant to be. Whether it be their killer (quite literally) personalities, the way they insult people, or just their general ability to understand one another, Nate and Maddy are perfect for each other.

Throughout the first season, the show heavily revolved around their toxic relationship and how Nate abused Maddy, but fans are left wondering if they will get past Nate’s abuse in season two and if they will end up together. Looking back on season one before moving on to season two, here are quotes that prove they should be together.

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Rue On Nate’s Standards In A Girl

“He Made A Long Mental Checklist Of The Things He Liked And Disliked About Women. He Liked Tennis Skirts And Jean Cut-offs, But Not The Kind So Short You Could See The Pockets. He Liked Ballet Flats And Heels. He Hated Sneakers And Dress Shoes. He Was Fine With Sandals, As Long As They Were Worn With A Fresh Pedicure. He Liked Thigh Gaps, Hated Cankles. He Liked Tan Lines, Long Necks, Slender Shoulders. He Liked Good Posture And Fruit-Scented Body Mist. He Liked Full Lips, And Small Noses. He Liked Chokers, But The Lacy Ones With Flower Cutouts Or Delicate Patterns. He Hated Girls Who Sat Like Boys, Talked Like Boys, Acted Like Boys. But There Was Nothing On Planet Earth He Hated More Than Body Hair.”

One of the longest quotes from the show regarding Nate Jacob’s, and the most pretentious, this quote proves that Nate and Maddy are perfect for each other because this quote describes her to a tee.

In the show, as Rue is narrating the episode that focuses on Nate and Maddy’s relationship, there are clips of Maddy being, wearing, and doing all the things that are listed above. Rue even goes on to say that, “there was nothing on the planet earth he hated more than body hair. That’s one of the first things he noticed about Maddy, she was hairless.”

Maddy Being Iconic

“First Of All, Ew. Second Of All, Ew.”

Maddy wears a hood and shades in the hall on Euphoria

Maddy has some of the best quotes in HBO’s Euphoria because of her charming personality. She always tells it like it is, and that’s something she fundamentally has in common with Nate, which is one of the reasons they are perfect for each other.

Maddy also keeps it short and simple, another instance of this is during the carnival episode when she confronts Nate in front of his family for saying she looks like a “hooker.”

Rue Telling Us How Maddy Really Feels

“It Wasn’t The Violence That Scared Her. It Was The Fact That She Knew No Matter What He Did, She’d Still Love Him.”

Rue crying in Euphoria.

Another moment where Rue is narrating during the Nate and Maddy episode is when she explains that Maddy isn’t scared of Nate because of how violent he is, but rather because she will love him no matter what he does. At the end of the day, that is what unconditional love is.

Even though their love is toxic and abusive, Maddy and Nate love each other and would do anything for one another, which they proved in how they handled the case with the cops after Nate physically abused Maddy.

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Maddy On Kissing And Sex

“Kissing Is Worse. It’s So Much More Intimate.”

Alexa Demie in Maddy in Euphoria

When Maddy is talking about sex, she says that “kissing is worse. It’s so much more intimate,” and in a way she’s right. There’s something about kissing that is more intimate than sex, and this is a moment where Maddy is far more wise and self-aware than Nate Jacobs, and it’s why he needs her in his life.

Without Maddy, Nate doesn’t have a certain level of maturity (no matter how low) because he is far more immature and impulsive than she is, which is saying a lot considering how immature and impulsive Maddy is. But, that’s what makes them perfect for each other, they are both in the same lane.

Nate Threatening Someone, Yet Again

”Don’t Try To Ruin My Life And I Won’t Have To Ruin Yours.”

Nat and Cal Jacobs at the high school in Euphoria

A moment where Nate isn’t threatening someone in Euphoria is kind of hard to find, but this one in particular shows that he and Jules are not right for each other, they simply have a connection of mutually assured destruction.

Instead of this quote proving that Nate should be with Maddy and that they are perfect for one another, this quote proves that Nate and Jules would never work out because of this moment of betrayal and broken trust. Although Nate does break Maddy’s trust by talking to Jules on the internet in the first place, he does so intending to protect his family’s reputation and in turn, protect Maddy’s reputation by association.

Maddy On Love

“I’m Just Saying, Love Is A Million Things. Sometimes It Feels Good And Sometimes It Doesn’t.”

Maddy dressed up in Euphoria

One of the wisest things that Maddy ever says is, “love is a million things. Sometimes it feels good and sometimes it doesn’t.” This quote proves that Maddy and Nate are perfect for each other because they both understand that no love is perfect, and, one thing’s for sure, their love is most definitely not perfect.

Because Maddy is aware of the reality of the situation she is in and chooses to stay in it, proves that she’s choosing Nate for who he is, because she loves him anyway.

Nate Talking To Fez

“You’re, Like, Half A R***rd. You Dropped Out Of School At 20, And Now You’re A Gangster. What Are You, Like, F***ing Tony Montana? What’s The Plan? Hmm? You Gonna Be Living In A Mansion, Fuckin’ Pet Tigers And Sh*t? Go F*ck Yourself.”

Jacob Elordi as Nate in Euphoria Season 2

One of the reasons that this quote proves Maddy and Nate are perfect for each other is because of the way they speak to other people. They take no prisoners and they always tell it like it is, which is why they should be together in season two of Euphoria as the season progresses.

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Although Fez does get back at Nate for saying this to him, it has nothing to do with the current quote.

Maddy Talking To Nate

“You’re Abusive, Psychopathic. Most Of The Time I Really Hate The Way You Make Me Feel.”

One of the only times that Maddy is truly honest with Nate is during the dance in the last episode. She calls him abusive and psychopathic, and she completely calls him out on everything.

Hopefully, Nate will learn from this moment in season w and become a better person for Maddy. Even though they are perfect for each other, Maddy deserves better than a boyfriend that would hurt her like Nate continually does. Anyone in a relationship would deserve better than that.

Nate, Asking A Very Important Question

“You’re A Virgin?”

Nate and Jules in the Euphoria special

One of the only genuine times that Maddy lies to Nate (other than about blacking out at the party where she almost had sex with someone else), is when Nate asks her if she’s a virgin. And she, of course, tells her she is one, even though she isn’t. But this is a moment where perception is key because Nate feels that Maddy is perfect for him.

After all, she is a virgin and she checks all the boxes for him. However, it could be different if he knew the truth.

Maddy Being Honest And Accepting

“Look Nate, I Don’t Mind If You’re Into Guys! It’s Not Like Anyone’s 100% Straight Or 100% Gay! Sexuality Is A Spectrum.”

Maddy pretends she's pregnant in the mirror on Euphoria

The final quote that proves that Nate and Maddy are perfect for each other is when Maddy finds pictures of other men’s junk on Nate’s phone. Instead of being cruel and homophobic to him, she lets him know that she would accept him either way, whether he liked guys or not, which is one of Maddy’s best moments.

She’s honest and accepting with Nate, and instead of treating her with honesty and acceptance in return, well, you know what happens next. Still, Maddy and Nate are perfect for each other, even if Nate doesn’t see it in this specific moment.

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