Final Fantasy XIV: How to Get Aglaia Coins (& What They Do)

players in final fantasy 14 More new content available after launch final fantasy 14Patch 6.1, including the introduction of the Aglaia Coin trophy. Aglaia Coin is the newest raid currency added final fantasy 14, which can be used to get some of the most powerful gear available in the game. Like other raid currencies, Arglaias are non-tradable loot, meaning they take up space in your character’s inventory and must be traded with specific NPCs to receive rewards. Rewards from this new currency will be desired by players of all types, making earning Aglaia Coins an important part of life in Patch 6.1.

Players who want to earn Aglaia coins can do so by completing final fantasy 14The latest Alliance raid, Realms of Myth. After defeating the final boss of the Aglaia Raid, every player present will be able to earn Aglaia Coins. Currently, players can only get one coin per week, this limit will usually be lifted in a future patch. As a result, players who want to equip quickly will want to make sure to finish Aglaia at least once a week.

Players can exchange their Aglaia Coins for upgrade components that can be used to upgrade ilv 590 Enhanced Radiant gear to ilv 600 Enhanced Radiant gear. Alternatively, players can purchase Radiant Twine to upgrade. Level armor or Radiant Coating to upgrade accessories. Radiant Twine and Radiant Coating were previously only available in the Savage Tier of final fantasy 14Pandaemonium attack. These items create upgraded versions that are not only stronger than the base equipment, but can also be dyed.

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Where to use Aglaia coins in FFXIV

Players who wish to spend their hard-earned Aglaia coins can do so in the city of Radz-at-Han. The player can find an Au Ra NPC named Nesvaaz (X: 10.6, Y: 10.0) north of the main Aetheryte Crystal in Radz-at-Han. Additionally, by selecting the Out-off-this-world Oddities option, the player will find that the Radiant Twine or Radiant Overlay can be traded. As of patch 6.1, these two items are the only items that can be purchased with Aglaia Coins.

The player can then take this upgrade material to another Au Ra NPC named Khaldeen (X: 10.9, Y: 10.4), located south of the Aglaia Coin supplier. Finally, players can trade braids or overlays with Codex Radiant gear for enhanced Radiance gear. Getting premium gear is just another reason for players to play final fantasy 14The league’s attacks are inspired by Greece.

final fantasy 14 Available on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam or the official Square Enix website.

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