Five unanswered questions in Dr Michael Mosley tragedy from fatal ‘wrong turn’ to how he wasn’t found 100 yards from bar

QUESTIONS are being asked why it took four days to find Dr Michael Mosley despite his body being just 100 meters from a beach resort.

The body of a 67-year-old man was tragically discovered not far from a bar on the Greek island of Symi, where he was combing his hair.

Michael Mosley was photographed for the last time on the beach before leaving


Michael Mosley was pictured for the last time on the beach before leaving Credit: FacebookThe place where the body was found is circled a short distance from the lane


The place where the body was found is circled a short distance from the laneA sad task for the members of the search team as they retrieve the backpack from among the rocks


A sad task for the members of the search team as they retrieve the backpack from among the rocksFirefighters combed the mountainside after the search shifted to rocky outcrops on Saturday


Firefighters comb the mountainside after the search shifted to rocky outcrops on SaturdayCredit: News Group Newspapers ltdDr Mosley, 67, was found dead on Sunday morning


Dr Mosley, 67, was found dead on Sunday morningCredit: AP


dr. Mosley apparently became disoriented while trying to walk from the beach to his and wife Clare Bailey’s cottage on the ten-mile-wide island on Wednesday.

He set off alone at 1.30pm without a mobile phone back to their accommodation in the town of Symi – a journey that should have taken 20 minutes.

The health guru is believed to have then taken a wrong turn, climbing over the rocky two-mile path towards Agia Marina, which can only be reached on foot or by water taxi.

On Sunday, his body was found off a marked trail bordered by barbed wire, with his backpack about 20 feet away up a rocky hill.

Dr Mosley’s devastated wife Dr Bailey, 62, said: “I don’t know where to start with this. It is devastating to lose Michael, my wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband.

“We had an incredibly happy life together. We loved each other very much and were so happy together.

“I am incredibly proud of our children, their resilience and support over the past few days.”

Downing Street said Michael Mosley was an “extraordinary broadcaster” who had a “huge impact” on people’s lives.

Now questions are being raised about Dr Mosley’s final moments – and why it was four days before his body was found so close to the bar.

Why was Dr. Mosley’s body not found for four days?

dr. Mosley, who has appeared frequently on The One Show and This Morning, began returning to his accommodation at 1.30pm on June 5.

Beloved doctor Michael Mosley changed the lives of millions and popularized the 5:2 diet used by stars in a 20-year TV career

But when the TV favorite did not return from the trip, which was supposed to last less than half an hour, his wife and friends raised the alarm at 7:30 p.m.

A search was launched the next morning involving up to 100 people – and his children Alexander, Jack, Daniel and Katherine flew out to help.

It soon developed into a major operation involving helicopters, divers, dogs and drones and most of the small island’s 2,600 inhabitants.

On Sunday morning, Dr. Mosley’s body was found very close to safety.

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Symi Mayor Eleftherios Papakalodoukas accompanied the media to Agia Marina on a 15-minute water taxi, but looked back as they left for Pedi.

Spotting something suspicious in the rocks near the Agia Marina bar, he called the beach restaurant and alerted the staff.

Bartender Ilias Tsavaris is sent to investigate – and there he makes the heartbreaking discovery of Dr Mosley’s body.

Sun reporter Ed Southgate and photographer Simon Jones were nearby when the tragic discovery was made.

Timeline of Dr. Mosley’s disappearance


  • 13.30: Dr. Mosley decides to go home alone to his holiday home in the town of Symi after going swimming at the beach
  • 1.50pm: Rumor has it that the walk home will take about 20 minutes from Saint Nikolaos beach despite the doctor never coming back
  • 1.52pm: CCTV captures Dr Mosley walking past a shop in Pedi
  • About 2.20pm: Witnesses claim to have seen Dr Mosley talking to an elderly man in the town alongside another person
  • 14.30-17.00: Doc was last seen on the home camera on the dangerous road to Agia Marina
  • 7.30pm: Dr Mosley’s wife, Dr Clare Bailey, raises the alarm and calls the police


  • 10:30 a.m.: The police have reported a missing person and the search is underway
  • 11:00 a.m.: The police are asking for any information
  • 14:00: Six firefighters, one vehicle and a drone team are seen arriving in Symi from Rhodes
  • 19:00: Helicopters deployed over the island
  • 20:00: The first day of the search is called off for the night


  • 7:00 Additional police squadrons, coast guard officials, specially trained sniffer dogs and military helicopters assisted in the search
  • 17:00 The first CCTV images have been released showing Dr Mosley with his umbrella near the Blue Corner bar


  • 7 a.m. Police begin searching a new area of ​​about 7 km while intensifying the hunt
  • 10.50am: New surveillance footage has been released showing Mosley leaving Pedi and heading towards the mountain track
  • 11:00 The mayor of Symi says there is ‘no way’ the search will be called off until he is found
  • 12:00 Mosley’s wife Clare says the family ‘will not lose hope’ but admits the last few days have been ‘unbearable’
  • 15:00 The helicopter joins the search in the mountains


  • 10.50 A body found in a search near the cave known as ‘Bezdan’
  • 11:00am Police say they believe the body is Dr Mosley’s
  • 14.50 Body removed by boat from Symi
  • 15.30 dr. Clare Bailey confirms the death of her ‘wonderful’ husband

But the question remains why it took so long to find him, despite rescuers calling in a helicopter and drones.

A sniffer dog was also brought from Athens – and was seen with his paws burned by the blistering hot stones.

But rescue teams were often seen starting the search around midday and often arrived within hours due to the heat.

Just a day earlier, rescuers were looking around the corner of the mountain where his body was, and a low-flying helicopter circled Agia Marina after identifying it as a likely place where he might be.

But they never found him.

The mayor told British journalists that they were currently searching Agia Marina the morning he was found, but when we arrived there was no one there.

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At one point the teams appeared to be within 50 meters of where the body was finally found.


Why were the teams searching the wrong area?

Greek authorities initially feared that Dr Mosley had fallen into the sea or had been bitten by one of the island’s venomous snakes.

Search crews initially focused their efforts on scouting the southern part of the bay between Saint Nikolas Beach and Pedi.

But the search shifted inland when CCTV images emerged on Friday afternoon showing Dr Mosley holding an umbrella as he walked through the town of Pedi.

By Saturday, the search was focused on the route to Agia Marina, with teams searching the rocky area above the dangerous underwater cave system known to locals as the Abyss.

Why didn’t anyone spot him on CCTV?

New CCTV seen by The Sun showed Dr Mosley leaving Pedi and walking down a mountain route towards Agia Marina.

It is seen descending towards the wall before disappearing from view. It is not clear whether he sat down or tripped.

Dr Mosley was seen on camera at 3.44pm – two hours and 14 minutes after he left St Nicholas Beach.

It would also take about an hour and 45 minutes to walk through Pedi.

Questions remain over why CCTV of the area was not checked earlier after search teams reported that Dr Mosley had passed that way.

Bar staff admitted it was a “mystery” how Dr Mosley had slipped up.

One said: “How we missed it is a mystery.

“He was in distress from exhaustion, but no one saw him.

“This is heartbreaking.”

An autopsy completed today in Rhodes signaled that Dr. Mosley may have finally rested just 90 seconds from the safety of the bar.

According to police sources, according to the first findings, the doctor died around 4 pm on the day he disappeared.

The Greek coroner’s report shows that from the position of his body, the doctor appears to have rested his hand on the wall before collapsing.

The autopsy also shows that Dr. Mosley did not appear to have suffered any injuries that would indicate criminal activity.

It is understood that due to the condition of the remains, it is difficult to determine the doctor’s exact cause of death.

Which way did Dr. Mosley go?

On Wednesday Dr Mosley and his wife visited St Nicholas Beach with two friends.

I decided to go back to their accommodation in the town of Symi, where I left my phone.

The trip should have taken about 20 minutes. CCTV showed him in the town of Pedi, walking with an umbrella to shield himself from the strong sun.

But he ended up walking for nearly two hours in unrelenting 37C heat.

Mosley’s movements from when he was last seen in Paddy’s shortly before 2pm to when he was seen on CCTV taking his final walk towards the bar at around 3.45pm remain a mystery.

The walk from Pedi to Agia Marina – where it was found – usually takes about 30 to 40 minutes if you stick to the path, but it took Dr Mosley at least one hour and 45 minutes.

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His body was found away from a marked path bordered by barbed wire.

There are theories that Dr Mosley was either trying to get to the resort or headed towards the sea hoping to cool off in the 37C temperatures, then collapsed or slipped and hit his head.

At what point did he take a wrong turn?

Dr Mosley is believed to have taken a wrong turn on his way, leaving him to climb over a rocky two-mile path towards Agia Marina, which can only be reached on foot or by water taxi.

After passing through Pedi, it is not clear whether he used the coastal path all the way to Agia Marina or left the path and went inland before arriving at the marina.

The location where his body was found was more than two miles away from his intended destination.

In her emotional tribute, Dr Mosley’s wife said: “We take solace in the fact that he almost made it

“He made an incredible climb, went the wrong way and crashed where the extensive search team could not easily see him.

“Michael was an adventurous man, that’s part of what made him so special.”


Ed Southgate, at Symi

Early yesterday we headed to Agia Marina with British journalists to tour an area known as the Abyss Caves following fears that Dr. Michael Mosley may have fallen in there.

What we found was far worse than anything I could have imagined.

He had endured more than two hours of walking in high temperatures to reach this point.

Sun photographer Simon Jones and I wanted to shoot a feature explaining the latest developments.

But we were interrupted by the manager of the bar, who let us know that he had seen something on the other side of the barbed wire fence.

I peeked out and saw the body of Dr. Mosley, with the umbrella dropped nearby.

I froze. It was horrible and incredibly devastating. An intense shock and sadness hit me. I felt sick and in a few moments I was on the verge of tears.

It’s one of the saddest stories I’ve worked on.

I immediately rushed back to the restaurant where everyone else was supposed to help raise the alarm.

“There’s a body over there,” I said as the bar manager urged his colleague to call the police.

Then it got chaotic. I was still trying to process what I had just seen.

Staff were running around trying to keep people away as tourists came in trying to see what was going on.

I came to report on the search for Dr. Michael Mosley.

The tragedy is that he was only a few meters from the beach where he could sit down and drink water.

Searches have searched so close to this area for the past few days without noticing his discovered body, and even a low-flying helicopter searched the area. But he was never found.

Dr Mosley pictured with his wife Clare


Dr Mosley pictured with his wife ClareThe Sun has seen CCTV showing his final movements before sinking near where his body was found


The Sun has seen CCTV showing his final movements before sinking near where his body was foundAn ambulance arrives by boat with a stretcher after the TV doctor is found


Emergency services arrive by stretcher boat after TV doctor is found Credit: PA

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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