G20 Summit 2023: Meet the legacy to be presented on the Cultural Corridor

India is all set to host the G20 summit on September 9-10, 2023. As the current chair of the G20, the country will showcase the heritage of all countries through a digital museum.

This museum will include at least one significant artifact or digital representation from each country. It will be a unique “phygital” museum that will combine digital and physical exhibits.

The second level of the Bharat Mandapam will showcase this physical exhibition of iconic artworks from all 20 member countries and 9 guest countries of the G20. It will be known as the Cultural Corridor.

The Media Information Office states: “Culture Corridor – G20 Digital Museum is an international project organized for the G20 leaders’ summit in India. This exhibition will be unveiled at the Bharatmandapam, the venue of the G20 Leaders’ Summit, on September 9, 2023, and will be open to the public after the Leaders’ Summit”.

“Conceived as a legacy of the G20 project, this Cultural Corridor – G20 digital museum is the first cooperation project of its kind that sought the participation of G20 countries in the creation of a ‘museum in the making’. The Cultural Corridor will serve as a powerful platform for promoting understanding and appreciation of different cultural expressions, for knowledge exchange, inclusiveness and equality, and for fostering a sense of common identity. The Culture Corridor will include iconic and significant cultural objects and heritage of G20 members and 9 invited countries,” is added.

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Physical exhibits will be on display at the summit venue in New Delhi, India. Digital exhibits will be available online. The G20 Digital Museum is an excellent way to promote cultural understanding and appreciation among member countries. It is also a way to showcase the world’s rich and diverse cultural heritage.

What different artifacts will be exhibited in the Cultural Corridor?

The cultural corridor is spread over an area of ​​10,000 square feet on the second floor of the Bharat Mandapam in Central Delhi. The corridor has numerous niches and wide-format screens that will display the rich and diverse cultural heritage of the G20 and guest countries.

Here are some of the artifacts that will be presented at the G20 summit:

  • Panini’s Ashtadhyayi, the linguistic text that set the standard for writing and speaking Sanskrit, will be represented by India at the Cultural Corridor. The Ashtadhyayi (Eight Chapters) was written by the scholar Panini in the late fourth century BCE.


Source: Wikipedia

  • The famous Mona Lisa painting created by Leonardo da Vinci will also appear digitally at the G20 summit.


Source: NBC News

  • The Magna Carta is a royal bill of rights agreed to by King John of England at Runnymede on June 15, 1215. The Magna Carta was drawn up by a group of rebel barons who sought to limit the king’s power. The charter guaranteed certain rights to the barons, including the right to a fair trial, the right to property, and the right to due process.


Source: Domain Of Mizanur R Mizan

  • Gutenberg’s Bible: This is the first large book printed with movable type in Germany. It was printed by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz in the 1450s. The Gutenberg Bible is considered a major turning point in the history of printing and is one of the most important books in the world.


Source: Library of Congress

  • Statue of Coatlicue: This is an Aztec sculpture representing the goddess of the earth. It is made of volcanic stone and is located in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City. The statue of Coatlicue is a powerful and imposing image that reflects the complex beliefs of the Aztecs about the cosmos.


Source: Atlas Obscura

  • Abrahamic Family House: This is an interfaith complex in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. It was officially opened in 2020 and is dedicated to the three Abrahamic faiths: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The house of the Abrahamic family is a symbol of peace and understanding between different religions.


Source: Religion News Service

  • Kosode: This is a short-sleeved garment that was the direct predecessor of the kimono in Japan. It was worn by both men and women and was made from a variety of materials, including silk, cotton and hemp. Kosodes were a popular item of clothing for centuries and were eventually replaced by kimonos in the 17th century.


Source: Wikipedia

What is the theme of the G20 summit in 2023?

The theme of the important event in India is “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” which translates as “One Country, One Family, One Future”.

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The theme emphasizes global unity and India’s commitment to sustainable development and its belief that the world’s economies must work together to protect the planet.

The theme is drawn from the ancient Sanskrit text of the Maha Upanishad. The Upanishads are a collection of philosophical texts that explore the nature of reality and the relationship between humans and the universe. The phrase “One Earth, One Family, One Future” affirms the interconnectedness of all life on Earth and the need to work together to ensure a sustainable future for all.

The G20 summit will focus on a number of issues related to sustainable development, including climate change, food security and poverty eradication. G20 leaders will discuss ways to promote investment in clean energy, protect biodiversity and reduce pollution. They will also discuss ways to improve food production and distribution and to ensure that everyone has access to affordable and nutritious food.

Categories: Trends
Source: HIS Education

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