Genshin Impact: All Lore Revealed About Khaenri’ah So Far

according to the legend Genshin ShockKhaenri’ah nation is the most advanced civilization in the world. It was destroyed 500 years before the start of the game in an event known as Cataclysm. It was a terrible disaster with far-reaching consequences. Although Khaenri’ah is located in a different land from the seven nations of Teyvat, it still has a great influence on the world. Genshin Shock.

Warning: This article contains spoilers of Genshin Impact’s main content.

Such a horrifying disaster, it was just the latest in a long series of destructive events. An example is Genshin ShockThe Archon War that took place over 2000 years ago saw a battle between the gods and the gods for control of Teyvat. The victorious gods became seven gods, many of whom still hold power to this day. This means that some of them were present in the events that led to the downfall of the Khaenri’ahs. The role of the Archons of the Seven Nations in the destruction of Khaenri’ah is unknown. However, the disaster spread beyond the borders of Khaenri’ah, seemingly affecting the whole of Teyvat. At least two previous Archons died in the Cataclysm: Grand Lord Rukkhadevata and the first Raiden Shogun Makoto (Baal).

The story of Khaenri’ah seems to have been inspired by the story of Atlantis, although its inhabitants have Norse or Germanic names. Like Atlantis, Khaenri’ah was a powerful, technologically advanced society, far from other civilizations, but ultimately destroyed by the gods due to its arrogance. Let’s know about the legend Genshin Shock Can be a difficult task. Much of its context is intentionally ambiguous, drawn from a variety of sources, and published out of chronological order. The legends are also incomplete, most of which are explained or even contradicted by different sources. In addition, some important legends Genshin Shock Legends are easy to miss. Information about Khaenri’ah comes from Discover the World. Some come from multiple books or game notes, or sometimes the information comes from quests. Players are challenged to unravel various aspects of the lore related to Khaenri’ah.

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The Fall of Khaenri’ah in Genshin Impact

While the seven nations of Teyvat were led by their respective archers, the kingdom of Carnria was unique in that there was no god ruling it. The Eclipse Dynasty were the rulers at the end of Khaenri’ah. The last king was named Irmin and had only one eye. His subjects seem to use this property as a fashion accessory, covering their eyes with an eye patch or part of a mask. Khaenri’ah was founded deep underground outside Teyvat as “Pride of Mankind”. The people here have created robots with extremely advanced technology, many of which can be like Genshin ShockRuin Grader and many other destruction machines. Relic Guards are called growers, but they are war machines, not farm implements.

The people of Khaenri’ah were also proficient in alchemy, especially the art of alchemy known as the Art of Khemia. Its most famous alchemist was Rhinedottir, sometimes called Gold. Using Khemia’s art, she created synthetic life forms. Many of Reindottir’s experiments failed, becoming monsters that continued to haunt Teyvat. However, Rhinedottir had two successes. One of them was a dragon named Durin, which went on to destroy Mondstadt in the Great Flood and was eventually stopped by Dvalin. Durin died on this hill known as Genshin ShockLong Cat Area. Durin’s remains can be found in the Wyrmrest Valley.

Genshin Impact Dainsleif is playable

Rhinedottir’s second successful creation was Albedo, a synthetic human who was also Genshin Shockplayable character. He is currently the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius, but due to the disasters he has caused in the past, he tends to hide his knowledge of Khemian art from them. The creation of life was considered the kingdom of the gods, and the creatures of the Rhinedottir were what caused the wrath of the gods. In the end, the gods of Celestia destroyed Carnria. Fortunately, Albedo survived, and while keeping his history a secret from most people, Albedo explained his basic story to tourists. He trusts the tourists, assuming they are all unusual.

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Very few citizens of Carnria survived the Great Flood, and most of those who survived were irrevocably altered. However, a few people survived when the Alberich family took over the subjugated kingdom after the fall of the Eclipse dynasty. The Alberich family did not have a royal bloodline, but there were not many people who could refuse, and even fewer people who wanted to refuse. Despite the clan’s best efforts, they were never able to restore Khaenri’ah to its former glory. There is at least one living member of the Alberich family, the house Genshin ShockKaeya’s playable character. Kaeya was originally sent to spy on Mondstadt as a young boy, although he seems to have given up allegiance to Khaenri’ah as he grew up. At least, Kaeya is no longer trying to cause Monderstadt’s downfall, as his father had originally planned for him.

A former resident of Khaenri’ah was not like that. Dainsleif was an important figure when disaster struck because he was there when it happened. Dainsleif, known as the Twilight Sword, is the knight-captain of the Khaenri’ah royal guard. He served the ruling Eclipse Dynasty until its demise. During the Great Flood, Dansref commanded a royal guard named Halfdan to protect the people of Carnria. Unfortunately, he ultimately failed. Halfdan and the rest of their royal guard became Genshin Shockvoid area. The people of Khaenri’ah transform into various types of monsters, including hilichurl, but also monsters from the depths, such as pit mage. Dainsleif was cursed to be immortal, forever bearing the burden of defeat. It was physical pain for him, though he has so far tried to counteract its effects in some unspecified way.

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It is also possible that Piero, the first of Fatou’s pioneers, was of Khaenri’ah blood. Nothing has been confirmed yet, but he looks like someone from Khaenri’ah. That is, his irises are shaped like Genshin ShockThe Primogems were shared by Dainsleif and Kaeya, who covered part of his face with a mask possibly in honor of King Irmin. He has a withdrawn personality, and currently very little is known about him.

There was another person who witnessed the destruction of Khaenri’ah, even though they were not citizens, and that was the tourist in the Genshin Shock. The player characters are called travelers, but their siblings have very different journeys. When the Traveler lost consciousness, the two brothers witnessed the fall of Carnria. The brother and sister briefly traveled with Dainsref and currently lead the Order of the Abyss. Since Dainsleif has vowed to fight the Abyss Order whenever possible, it appears that he and the Traveler siblings are in Genshin Shock. Both have a grudge against Celestia and the gods, but the methods of revenge are very different. How it will play out remains to be seen.

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