God Of War: Horns of Veithurgard Artifact Locations

The Horns of Veithurgard are a set of artifacts in God of War that players can find in Veithurgard itself. Veithurgard is one of the many locations that Kratos and Atreus have access to as they journey through Midgard, but only once the father and son duo can explore the Stone Falls area. The Stone Falls beach is where players can pick up the Hammer Fall side quest, allowing them to open the gates to Veithurgard.

There are six artifacts that are part of the Horns of Veithurgard set, and each of them can be sold to Brok or Sindri to get more Hacksilver in God of War. Selling the total set will net Kratos 15,000 Hacksilver, which goes a long way towards upgrading weapons and armor for the God of War and Atreus. Additionally, every found Horns of Veithurgard artifact rewards Kratos with XP, and a large bonus amount of XP is gained once every artifact in the Horn of Veithurgard set is found in God of War.

To start the Hammer Fall side quest, row to Stone Falls beach and speak with the spirit to gain this favor in God of War. The Hammer Fall favor requires Kratos and Atreus to destroy another statue of Thor deep in the Veithurgard territory. In addition to the Horns of Veithurgard artifact set, Veithurgard is full of puzzles and other collectibles like the Skadi Jotnar Shrine location in God of War.

Where To Find All Horns Of Veithurgard Locations in God of War

These are the locations of the Horns of Veithurgard artifacts in God of War:

  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 1: The first Horns of Veithurgard artifact can be found at the end of the dock on the left after first beaching the rowboat.
  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 2: On the left side of the beach, use the chain to open the gate and continue through it. Climb up to the top of the cliff, then head back down towards the beach. After the first drop, turn around and find the second Horns of Veithurgard artifact behind the breakable wooden board.
  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 3: Deeper inside Veithurgard are three shines that need to be destroyed to free Otr, one of the few dragons in God of War. Between the second and third shrines is debris that can be blown up with a firepot, and behind the pile is the third artifact.
  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 4: Near the altar that frees Otr is a corpse near a waterfall on the left with the fourth Horns of Veithurgard artifact laying beside it.
  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 5: Past the Jotnar Shrine on the left up the staircase is another corpse with the next Horns of Veithurgard artifact in front of it.
  • Horns of Veithurgard Artifact 6: As Kratos drains the water to enter the Dwarven fortress, the final Horns of Veithurgard artifact can be found inside the channel.
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As players complete their adventure in Veithurgard, they should also keep an eye out for one of the Nornir chests. This chest contains one of the Horns of Blood Mead in God of War, and every three of these chests found increases Kratos’ Spartan Rage meter.

God of War is available on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 and will be available for PC on January 14, 2022.

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