Green Arrow Gets an Iron Man Costume Upgrade in New Cover

Green Arrow is currently missing after Dark Menace, but it looks like his uniform and signature bow have received a major upgrade.

Warning: Likely spoilers Green Arrow #2 Arrow shows off a new Iron Man-inspired outfit and signature weapon in the new cover for its upcoming DC Comics series. Oliver Queen’s current whereabouts are unknown, but it looks like his uniform and bow have received a major upgrade.

Arrow’s newest outfit appears on Sean Izaaske’s May’s . main cover Green Arrow #2. Oliver Queen still wears his signature green hood and cape, but the rest of his new outfit bears some resemblance to Iron Man. His chest is now covered with thick silver armor and his bow has a number of new tech upgrades, including targeted holograms. The full call for questions is as follows:

Green Arrow in Iron Man armor with bow hologram main cap

Green Arrow #2

  • Written by Joshua Williamson
  • Variant cover of DAVID NAKAYAMA
  • EJIKURE variant cover 1:25
  • $3.99 | 32 pages | 2 of 6 | Variation $4.99 (cardstock)
  • Released 5/23/23
  • Green Arrow is alive… but where is he? ! That’s what Roy Harper and Black Canary wanted to know, and their search led them inside Belle Reve. But they should hurry – the stranded Oliver Queen and another missing member of the Arrow family are both hunted down by a brand new villain named… The troublemaker.

Arrow family is about to reunite

Arrow 1 full cover featuring Arrow, Black Canary, Roy Harper, Connor Hawke and more

This new skin is just the latest Arrow announcement from DC. The publisher is relaunching the character and his series of supporting actors Green Arrow Miniseries this April.After the incident dark crisisWith Oliver Queen missing, Black Canary and Roy Harper are determined to find him. The main cover page is Green Arrow #1, as outlined above, promises some long-forgotten but still-loved Arrow characters like Lien Harper and Mia Dearden, as well as new ones like Red Canary.

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Despite the return of some classic Arrow characters and relationships, Oliver’s new, heavily upgraded costume suggests the book won’t be completely stuck in the character’s past. For obvious reasons – specifically Arrow’s ancient weapon of choice – there isn’t always enough room to update an archer’s appearance and arsenal. This new outfit is a much-needed gesture for the character’s future.

Readers don’t just want to learn about Oliver Queen’s dark crisisand how he got technology that even Iron Man would envy. Between this new look and the promise of an Arrow family reunion, Green Arrow The miniseries got off to a strong start before the first issue hit shelves.

Check Green Arrow #2 Available from DC Comics in May!

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