Harry Potter: 10 Secrets About The Hufflepuff Common Room

Oh that’s right, Hufflepuff. Hogwarts House is the most underrated because honestly they have nothing to do with the main house Harry Potter The story continues until Newt Scamander becomes Hufflepuff’s MVP. (Sorry Cedric, you may rest in peace or become a sparkling vampire.)

Since the group doesn’t really have friends or enemies consistent with Hufflepuff, in the end we know very little about the Hufflepuff Common Room other than the fact that it exists. Oi?

Here are 10 secrets about the Hufflepuff common room, which represents the loyalty and pride of the Hufflepuff people.

included in the book

Initially, our brave trio — or at least Harry Potter himself — was supposed to visit the common room of every house in Hogwarts. They only have three quarters. Gryffindor is natural, Ron and Harry sneak into Slytherin’s dungeons as Crabbe and Goyle, and Luna Lovegood takes Harry into Ravenclaw Tower in search of the Ravenclaw crown.

To be fair, visiting Hufflepuff’s common room didn’t help at all. Cedric and Harry are not really friends, and the Hufflepuff Trophy has been assigned to Bellatrix Lestrange. Of course she won’t put the cup in the most conspicuous place. So the intention is yes, the conspiracy to ban it.

Location at Hogwarts

The Hufflepuff common room is located in the Hogwarts basement, next to the kitchen. Isn’t basement a better word than dungeon? Looks like we’re going to lock up Slytherins for the crimes they might commit in the future.

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Dorms are just one floor off the ground, and compared to towers like Ravenclaw and Gryffindor, they’re the most comfortable sleeping places. Sure, heat can travel upwards, but that’s pointless in an old castle without up-to-date insulation!

access to common room

To get to the common room, students must go to the kitchen located in the basement of the castle. The specific entrance is “on the right corner of the kitchen hallway”, behind a pile of crates.

Unlike other common rooms, access to the Hufflepuff common room does not require a code. But it requires knowledge and precision. You need to hit Helga Hufflepuff from the second crate in the bottom center of the second row. If done correctly, the lid will open to reveal a path for students to crawl through.


Hufflepuff remembers the badger symbol. The whole basement element makes the common room feel like a mezzanine, so cute and awesome on the nose.

All doors and windows have a circular pattern in bronze, gold and black. Looks like none of this should ever be put together, but the official artwork looks great.


Although underground, Hufflepuff’s common room is described as very friendly. It’s not just people who do this. Low ceilings and bright colors create a warm and cozy space.

All the official descriptions of the common room make it look like a hobbit’s hole, and it’s pretty good. You know Hufflepuffs have a Monday breakfast.


Professor Sprout is Head of House Hufflepuff and Professor of Herbology. Although they may have existed in common rooms before, Sprout has been credited with bringing the plants into the room and placing them in windows or hanging from the ceiling. The trees make it a more lovely place as some of them dance, talk (what???) and wave. There are also plenty of cacti, proving the common room is a warm and dry place. Glad they skipped the damp basement.

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Like other hostels, the Hufflepuff hostel is for boys and girls only. Apparently there are plenty of other tunnels branching off from the common room, but we’re not sure where they go. The dorms themselves have typical four-poster beds with patchwork blankets.

To maintain the overall aesthetic of the common room, the dormitories are equipped with copper lamps and heated copper beds. It’s weird that there’s heating everywhere Harry Potter running. Like, it was just the mid 90’s. But hey, bed heaters are still a valid and useful invention!


To reach the common room, students must go directly through the kitchen. Makes sense, considering the kitchen is Helga Hufflepuff’s contribution to Hogwarts. She is the author of many cookbooks at Hogwarts and is also exceptionally adept at food-related spells.

Hufflepuff probably knows how to get into the kitchen. They have a reputation for sneaking in for snacks! On the way to the common room, there was a bowl of fruit still alive. Tick ​​a pear and a doorway will appear. Ha, appeared.

punishment for failure

Unlike all other common rooms, Hufflepuff has a pre-installed security system. In true Hufflepuff fashion, it’s more of a nuisance than a real defense mechanism. This is only to prevent others from breaking in and not to harm the intruder.

If the “password” is entered incorrectly, a bucket in the stack will pop out and cover the intruder with vinegar. Look? It’s scary if you don’t close your eyes.

last secret

Not included in the book has its legend privileges. Meet Gabriel Truman, Hufflepuff Prefect during Harry’s first year at Hogwarts. Wow, is he a typical Hufflepuff? As the prefect of a tournament on Percy, he gave a very enthusiastic speech and interjected a few anecdotes about Hufflepuff’s pride.

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But the most important piece of information he gave us that clearly makes Hufflepuff the best home is that the Hufflepuff common room hasn’t been seen by non-Hufflepuff students for at least a thousand years. . Considering Harry has access to Slytherin and Ravenclaw’s shared rooms, this makes Hufflepuff the most secure of the four shared rooms.

Of course, you could say that the looters were involved in the making of the looters’ map, but consider that the general location of the public room is known. Magic can handle the details on the map without the bandit having to move to the exact location.

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