How Real (Or Fake) Is Wicked Tuna?

The fishing-centric reality series has a lot of drama (pun intended) every season, but how much is right (or wrong) evil tuna? The past decade or so has seen a proliferation of reality TV shows about people in high-risk occupations. runway truck driverfor example, track truckers delivering goods to remote communities across frozen lakes and rivers, while American lumberjack And ax wielder Dissect the dangerous logging world. One of the most popular shows in the subgenre is most dangerous fishing It follows the exploits of crab fishermen in Alaska’s Bering Sea.

evil tuna have a similar premise most dangerous fishing But the focus is on a few crew members based in Gloucester, Massachusetts, who fish the lucrative bluefin tuna off the coast of New England. The series premiered on the National Geographic Channel in 2012 and has run for 11 seasons to date, with an off-season spin-off called Evil Tuna: Outside Bank Follow the fishermen of North Carolina. It’s one of National Geographic’s highest-rated shows, but questions have been raised for years about the authenticity of the actual series.

in an interview food and wine, evil tuna Captain TJ Ott said that the program “hard work“Worked as a commercial fisherman. However, like many reality TV shows, the show combined clever cinematography and quick editing to enhance the drama and ensure it was more engaging. One aspect where it comes into play is how evil tuna It often feels like their crew is fishing all the time, when in reality this job involves more people sitting around waiting for the bluefin to take a bite.

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According to industry insiders, evil tuna The profits of bluefin tuna fishing are often overstated. While some species of giant bluefin can fetch up to $25/pound for crews, a Cape Cod fisherman and charter owner reported in 2018 that the seasonal average actually is almost $6/pound. evil tuna The actors themselves say that when expenses such as boat maintenance, fuel and gear are factored in, the show is not as profitable as it is often portrayed.

Live evil tuna Conflicts that arise within and between crew members due to the highly competitive and stressful nature of the work are also highlighted, but such incidents are often edited to feel sensational. To be fair, the series accurately portrays how difficult it is to be a commercial fisherman, but — like any other reality show — evil tuna It takes some artistic freedom when editing actions together to make it interesting.

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