How To Complete “An Elegant Tail” In Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Legendary Pokémon: Arceus Offers a large number of requests for players to claim throughout the Emerald Vast region, including Claim 41 “A Graceful Tail.” The player can initiate this request by talking to an NPC named Asabei in Jubilife Village, and like many requests in the game, it asks them to find and capture a specific Pokémon in the wild. Fortunately, the Pokémon Northward wants to meet is easy to catch and even easier to find, allowing players to complete this simple request in minutes to earn rewards.

“Graceful tail” in Legendary Pokémon: Arceus After the player appeases the Pokémon elves and accepts the “New Quest” story quest, the player will head to the Cobalt Coast to further investigate. Shallow Kita can then be found near the South Gate on the southwest side of Jubilif Village, his location will be marked on the map with the “New Claim” icon. He will tell the player that he has discovered a Pokémon with a tail that curls gracefully like a spring, but since he can’t see anything but the tail, he’s not sure what kind of Pokémon it is. Asabei will ask the player to find the Pokémon he is talking about and bring it back to him so he can see its tail again.

The class Pokémon mentioned is Glueow and it can be easily caught by players Legendary Pokémon: Arceus Cobalt Coast area. Just outside the seaside campsite where the player first entered the area, several Glameows can be found on the junction, so the player doesn’t have to venture far to get one. However, Glameow is very shy and will run away if the trainer approaches, so the player must sneak in for the best chance of taking advantage of Asabei’s request.

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How to catch Glueow in Pokémon Legends: Arceus

Thank Glueow at Legendary Pokémon: Arceus, the player can use stealth to catch it before it escapes. Players can hide in tall grass, but they can also use smoke grenades to create more cover when approached. The player can also lure and distract the Glameow with berries, which will make it easier to catch or give the player an opportunity to sneak into the tall grass unnoticed when it exits the Poke Ball.

After successfully capturing Glameow, the player can return to Jubilife’s Asabei to complete the request. Unfortunately, Glameow and Asabei don’t actually become friends, but the player will keep their captured Glameow after completing the request. As a reward, Asabei will give the player 2 Aux Evasion and 2 Grit Gravel when the player joins Legendary Pokémon: Arceus.

Legendary Pokémon: Arceus Available on Nintendo Switch.

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