How to Find (& Catch) Shiny Hippopotas in Pokémon GO

Shiny Hippo is available in Pokemon Go. This guide will show players how to find and catch it in the Sinnoh Collection Challenge.

Shiny Hippopotas debut Pokémon go. This guide will show the player how to capture it. Shiny Pokemon is the most valuable Pokemon in existence. These creatures are rarer than any Legendary or Mythical Pokemon that the player will encounter in various areas of the game. When it comes to Shiny Pokemon, finding them is purely by chance. They don’t even do anything different from regular Pokemon. They only differ in color from regular Pokemon, but that’s why players want them so much. Players can find shiny hippos by Pokémon go.

Currently, Pokémon go is running the Sinnoh Collection Challenge, which requires catching 9 specific Pokémon from the Sinnoh region over the weekend. Some of these Pokemon are easy to find, such as the entry-level Pokemon Turtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup, while others can take a while to find, such as Shadow Snover and Shadow Stunky. In the meantime, however, the game has increased the spawn rate of Pokémon Sinnoh to make this a bit easier. Here’s how players can find their shiny hippo.

How to Find (and Catch) Shiny Hippos in Pokemon Go

Hippo Pokémon 4 Generations

The important thing about hippos is that Pokémon have different colors depending on their gender. As for Hippopotas, since all the colors on the Pokemon are reversed, its shape also differs between the male and female versions. It becomes even more pronounced when evolving into Hippowdon. To find the Shiny version, the best thing a player can do is use Incense to increase the spawn rate. Players will be able to buy incense at the Poke Shop using PokeCoins which they earn by spending money or fighting in the gym. For 1 hour, Pokemon will appear more often. Just focus on hippo to get shiny. Not only does it save time, but catching every Pokémon can cause players to miss the Shiny they need.

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In addition, players can use the regular Lure Module on the PokeStop to further increase the number of spawned Pokemon. It’s also great to do with friends, saving time and resources. This process can take some time as shiny Pokemon are hard to find in the game. Keep using Incense until it shows up. Also, try to get 50 candies to evolve the hippo into its final form.

Pokémon go Now available on iOS and Android.

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