How to Fix The Tracker in Stray

one of the main missions of lost The player quests to repair a broken tracking device to help NPC Seamus find his long-lost father, Doc. This may seem like a quick fix at first, but repairing a broken tracker is a daunting task that requires the player to traverse the slums, collect items, and trade with NPCs. other. Fortunately for most players, lost does a good job of increasing the difficulty of many puzzles, words lost From the computer room puzzles in Chapter 3 to more complex puzzles in later chapters. However, the solution to the puzzle lostincluding the Broken Tracker quest, which can be a bit confusing at times.

After another meeting with the helpful NPC Momo lost In Chapter 6, he asks the player to talk to Seamus, the son of his missing friend Doc. Although Doc has been missing for years, the player can convince Seamus to help them track down his father by uncovering a secret lab in Doc’s apartment that contains a broken tracking device. The problem is that only Elliot from Elliot Programming can fix the tracker and he’s too cold to work with.

Some of you may have come across Elliot while searching lost Slum Memory B12 is collectible, but he won’t say much until the player comes to him and shows him the broken tracker. He needs a cloth to keep him warm, and the player needs to figure out where to get it.

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Fix broken tracker in Vagrant

This is a good test of the player’s local knowledge. After exiting the Elliot Programming front door and turning right, the player will see Grandma Clothing, one of the thriving local businesses in the area. Granny will knit a cape for the player’s kitten, which sounds perfect for keeping Elliot warm. But first, she needs some cables to braid. Trader Azooz in the marketplace under the stairs to the right of the Guardian has some cables to trade, but he will only buy Super Spirit Cleaner for it. Unfortunately, look for some cleaners lost Vibrant cyberpunk themed cities don’t seem easy.

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To obtain the Super Spirit Detergent, the player must return to the neon-lit bar where they met Momo before, and then climb to the roof. From here, they can see two robots throwing paint cans at each other on the roof. The player should interact with the paint can and let the cat sit on the robot’s paw. A meow prompt will appear and the player needs to time the meow just right so it distracts the robot, causing a can of paint to fall to the road below. The mess will upset the laundromat below. It’s a pretty funny depiction of cats causing chaos, just like cats do in real life. lostA cat protagonist can do it. On the street, the player will see the laundromat owner cleaning, so the player can sneak in and pick up Super Spirit laundry detergent on the table to the left as they enter.

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How to find cables among lost people

After the player gets the cleaning tool, the player gets straight to the point: return to Azooz in the Market to exchange for the cable.

How to get Elliott’s Poncho

After exchanging the cable for Azooz’s cleaner, go back to Grandma and have her knit the cable into a poncho, then return to Elliott with the poncho in hand (foot?). Let him try it on and Elliot finds it to his liking, prompting him to fix the player’s broken tracking device.

lost Now available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PC.

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