How To Get Alolan Marowak in Pokémon Go

have a chance to Pokémon go For those trainers who want to add them to their collection. Currently, Pokémon go The Season of Alola event is underway. It has been active for the past few months and will feature smaller events, each with its own new Pokémon and rewards. With Season of Alola slated to end on June 1, it’s time for the event to finally bring it all together.

The Alola To Alola event will run from Wednesday, May 25 to May 31. Throughout the season, coaches are tasked with completing four different types of special research missions by theme. Alolan. After the event begins, trainers who complete all missions will receive the final special research mission for free. Those who don’t complete all levels by June 1 will be able to purchase these quests from the store for $4.99.

Your best chance of catching Alolan Marowak is during the Alola To Alola event. For this event-specific study, coaches were asked to choose their own adventure from four possible paths. These trails are Melemele, Akala, Ula’Ula and Poni, each representing an island different from the Alola region. Coach wants to catch Alolan Marowak Pokémon go Akala Island Trail needs to be selected. These challenges will focus on catching a certain number of Pokémon or making a specific throw. Completing them all grants 1 Incense, 1 Incubator, 1 Super Incubator, an Avatar Hat Oricorio item and encounters Alolan Marowak. It also has a chance to appear in a shiny form.

Catch Alolan Marowak in Pokémon Go

Not only that, during this event, any captured Cubone can evolve into Alolan Marowak. Normally, Cubone evolves into Marowak in his normal Kanto form. It does, however, require 50 Cubone Candies, which can be earned by walking with Cubone as the player’s friend. Additionally, evolving it during the Alola to Alola event will also teach it to move Shadow Bone. This charged attack gives 75 Power in Trainer battles and 8 Power in Gym and Raid challenges.

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Alolan Marowak gets rewarded for cleaning Pokémon goresearch breakthrough mission. After collecting seven stamps by completing seven field research missions, the player can open a gift containing a variety of useful items.

Pokémon go Now available on iOS and Android.

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