How to Schedule Social Media Posts Like a Pro?

Time management is often cited as one of the most important skills in a professional’s toolbox. This is largely true. Time is money, as the old saying goes, and making the most of social media is even more money. But how to do it? How do you find time to find posts worth sharing and then find time in the day to do it? Consistently, at that.

The answer is that you need a schedule. Keeping a social media schedule keeps you accountable and ensures you never miss a single deadline. So if you want to create posts with your rewards in mind, such as Facebook ad size and click-through rate, then you’ve come to the right place. First, though, let’s define what exactly a social media schedule is.

What is a social media calendar?

A social media calendar is just that. It is software that allows you to plan your posts days or weeks and sometimes even months in advance, helping you track when to post what and find the most optimal times and dates to post what.

Its main advantage is that it allows you to animate things to come because you know exactly what you’re doing.

Schedule Social Media Posts with Circleboom Publish

social media

As the most comprehensive social media management platform, Circleboom Publish allows users to schedule images, videos, reels, polls, events, and offers across Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google My Business, and TikTok. Fast and easy.

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You can manage multiple accounts from these supported platforms on Circleboom. Thanks to the integrated tools: Canva, Unsplash and Giphy, you can design content for social networks with templates, filters, effects, images, gifs, animations, stickers, emoticons, etc.

You can automate your social media posts thanks to the RSS Feed link and queue scheduling feature. You can add your own RSS feeds and automatically share blog posts, newspaper and magazine articles. Or, you can set time slots and customize your order. You can then automatically and continuously publish your posts within these intervals.

Main features:

  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Twitter Thread Calendar
  • Instagram Reels Scheduling
  • Hashtag generator, location tagging, online post creation
  • LinkedIn Survey Scheduling
  • The first comment option
  • Advanced Google Business Profile Posts with CTA Buttons
  • Management of Facebook groups and pages
  • Tagging a LinkedIn Company Page
  • RSS feed link
  • queue scheduling function

consistency is king

On social media, consistency is key. By posting regularly, your name stays in front of your customers. Consistency will grow your fan base and improve your engagement levels over time. The main problem is that constantly posting without a plan is quite complicated.

A social media calendar lets you know when to post and collect material ahead of time! Staying active and involved on social media is key if you’re running a business.

Prepare content for publication in advance.

Procrastination is often the downfall of many enterprising people. You wait until the last possible moment to discover that you haven’t decided what to put on your social media profiles. This not only creates tension for you, but also reduces the quality of your writing.

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You’ll have plenty of time to figure out the best pieces for your audience if you start looking for material weeks in advance. The more time you give yourself, the better off you’ll be. You can then fill in your schedule or calendar according to your plans and requirements to ensure you never miss a beat.

Monitor audience engagement

Yes, you can scroll through your past posts and see the number of likes, comments, and shares, and that’s fine, but you only start to find out what your audience likes and wants when you start using scheduling tools and digging deeper into analysis of each publication The software you use will give you all the data you need.

Measuring the success of each article is crucial to developing a stronger content strategy. Consider the following scenario: You own a healthcare company. If you post about potatoes and how certain recipes can help your health, and it works well, then you know your audience is hungry for flavorful content.

Knowing what your audience likes will show you what they want to consume from you, and then you can give them exactly that.

Reuse and recycle your best posts

Do you have to locate exactly such an article to republish if the content is good? Not at all. Instead, consider simply upcycling an old item! This may seem like cheating, but it is a useful technique for posting true and verified information.

Because a social media calendar lets you measure post performance, it also lets you know when to recycle or repost your best stuff. Social media scheduling tools give you quick access to past posts to recycle later.

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Know the right time to post

There is no single solution that can solve all your problems for you. You will have to do the work yourself. Find out when your audience is online with tools like Facebook Insights and Twitter Analytics. Once you know who you’re marketing your content to, you’ll have a better chance of getting your message across to your audience if you post right before they sign up.


It’s hard to keep up with today’s fast-paced social media environment. There’s always something new to read, something new to post, and more people to interact with. Choose your timing and frequency carefully, and always remember to constantly test and adjust your approach and style until you find the right balance for your audience and yourself.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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