How to Use Closed Captions and Subtitles on Hulu?

Hulu is one of the best streaming services out there. “Subtitles and Subtitles” features on its platform for easy viewing and enhanced user experience for streaming TV shows and movies. It can be used during streaming mode to watch your favorite Hulu content.

An OTT media platform gives you the freedom to decide if you want the text to appear at the bottom of the screen or not. Since some users find the subtitle annoying as it divides their attention, you also have an option “On or off” he subtitles or subtitles

However, there are some movies and TV shows in other languages ​​that you may need subtitles to understand. You can use such features on almost your entire content library at your convenience, and the good thing is that you can turn them off at any time.

Is Hulu accessible outside of the United States?

Hulu is only available in the United States, due to copyright and content licensing regulations. This means that if you live outside of the US, Hulu will deny all users access to your content and display a streaming error stating that Hulu is not available in your location.

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If you’re a geek, you probably know that you can geographic spoofing trick Hulu’s detection systems into thinking you live in the United States. All you need is a VPN connection to access your entire Hulu library from anywhere. As Hulu in the UKHulu in Canada, Hulu in Germany and so on.

When connecting to a server in the United States, the VPN will assign you an American IP address. As a result, Hulu will see that you are streaming your library from a US location, allowing you to bypass content restrictions, allowing you to easily watch Hulu in the UK or any other country.

How to use “Subtitles” and “Subtitles” on Hulu?

Here’s how to use “Closed Captions and Subtitles” on Hulu streaming content.

1. Watch Hulu in web browsers

It’s fast and easy to use subtitles and subtitles on the Hulu website from your web browser for the best streaming experience.

  1. Go to the “Settings” tab while playing a movie/TV show.
  2. Click the “Subtitles & Audio” menu from the list of options.
  3. Choose your preferred language and enjoy watching subtitles and subtitles
  4. If you don’t need it, just select “Disabled” in the same menu
  5. You can also customize the font style and color of the Description.
  6. Click on the Settings tab and apply the desired changes, then press the “Done” button.

2. Watch Hulu on mobile devices

If you are streaming on iOS or Android mobile devices, simply follow the three-step process below:

  1. Click on the settings logo when streaming any movie or TV show.
  2. Go to the “Captions & Descriptions” tab and turn Automatic on or off.
  3. Save your settings and enjoy watching with “Subtitles and Subtitles”.
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3. Watch Hulu on the living room TV

If you want to turn on subtitles and subtitles on Hulu shows on your living room devices, follow the instructions below:

  1. Select a TV show or movie and press play
  2. Click the up arrow button on the remote.
  3. Click the Up button again to open the “Settings” window.
  4. Go to “Subtitles and Subtitles”
  5. Click “Activate” or “Deactivate”

How to adjust subtitles and subtitles on Hulu?

Hulu fans can customize their caption/subtitle screens to enhance Hulu streaming on all major streaming devices such as Android phones, iOS, iPad, MacBook, Apple TV, Smart TV, Firestick, Chromecast, game consoles, Roku and more.

All you need to do is login “Settings” menu and make the necessary changes save clicking on “made” to enjoy them in front of your screen. However, you can adjust the background color and opacity, transition effects, font style, font color, font size, text opacity, and shadow style.

How to change the language of “subtitles” in Hulu content?

Hulu offers three languages ​​for its content: English, Spanish, and Spanish. However, in most of the videos you will find only two options i.e. English and Spanish. Therefore, in most of the contents you can choose between English or Spanish.

This is how you can change the language.

  1. Select a movie or show
  2. Click the play button.
  3. Open the “Settings” menu.
  4. Click “Subtitles”/ “Subtitle Language”
  5. Choose English, Spanish or Spanish and enjoy Hulu your way

To end

hulu it is undoubtedly a premium service that competes well Netflix, due to binge-worthy content and awesome incentives like Disney Bundle, subtitles/subtitles, premium network add-ons, etc. We hope this guide helps you understand how subtitles and subtitles work.

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Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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