How to Write a Report After an Internship

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This article was co-authored by Alyson Garrido, PCC. Alyson Garrido is a Professional Certified Coach (PCC), International Coach Federation accredited presenter and speaker. Using a strengths-based approach, she supports her clients in their job search and career advancement. Alyson provides training in career guidance, interview preparation, salary negotiation and performance reviews, as well as customized communication and leadership strategies. She is a founding partner of the New Zealand Systemic Coach Academy. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved after it receives enough positive feedback. This article received 20 testimonials and 90% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our Reader Approved status. This article has been viewed 655,462 times.

The internship report may be a requirement for completing the internship, but it is also an opportunity to share your experiences. Organization is important when writing an effective report. You’ll need a professional-looking cover page, followed by a series of neatly labeled sections describing your internship. If you share your experiences clearly and objectively, your report is likely to be successful.

  1. Step 1 Number each page...

    Number each page in the report. Make sure the page number is listed in the upper right corner of every page you write, except the title page. You can turn on the page number function using menu options on the toolbar of your word processor. It automatically marks the page numbers for you.

    • A page number allows readers to use your content.
    • Page numbers help you organize your report and replace missing pages.
  2. Step 2 Create a cover...

    Create a front page with the title of your report. The front page is the first page your readers see. Type your title at the top in bold. An effective headline describes what you did during your internship. Avoid adding jokes or comments about internships here.[1]

    • For example, you could write: “Internship report on investment banking at Gringotts Bank.”
    • A generic title like “My Internship Report” is usually acceptable if you can’t think of anything else.
  3. Step 3 Include your name and internship information on the cover page.

    Under the title, indicate the date of the internship. List your name, the name of your school, and any advisors you have. Also include the name and contact information of the organization where you interned.[2]

    • For example, write “My internship report. Crimson Permanent Assurance. May-June 2018.”
    • Keep the information neat on the page. Center the text and leave a space between the lines.
  4. Step 4 On the next page, mention any special recognitions.

    Title the page after the title page as “Thank you”. This page gives you the opportunity to thank everyone who helped you during your internship.

    • You might want to mention your school supervisor, work supervisor, and anyone else you’ve worked with.
    • For example, say, “I would like to thank Dr. Noah for providing me with the internship opportunity.”
  5. Step 5 Include the table...

    Turn on a content if your report is long. A table of contents page is useful if your report has 8 or more sections. In the table of contents, you list the section headings of your report along with the page numbers where each section can be found. It helps your reader get to the specific parts they want to read.[3]

    • A thank you page should be listed in the table of contents. It is not necessary to specify the title page.
    • If your report includes graphs or figures, you may want to include a separate table of contents indicating where they can be found.
  6. Step 6 Write a summary...

    Write a summary page describing his internship. An executive summary, also called an executive summary, gives your reader a brief overview of your internship duties. In it, explain who you worked for and what you did for them. Keep this part short, briefly reflecting on your work and experiences in one paragraph.[4]

    • For example, start with, “This report describes a summer internship at Stark Industries in Malibu, CA. I worked in the Robotics Department.”
  1. Step 1 Title each section of the report.

    Whenever you reach a new section in the report, switch to a new page. Come up with a descriptive title for the section. Place it at the top of the page, centered and bold.[5]

    • For example, the section could be called “Gringotts Bank Overview”.
    • A few simple section titles are “Introduction,” “Internship Reflections,” and “Conclusion.”
  2. Step 2 Open your intro...

    Open your introduction with facts about your employer. Use your introduction to expand on your summary. Start by getting to know your employer’s business in depth. Talk about the organization, their position in their field, what they do and how many people they employ.

    • For example, write: “RamJack provides service robots to countries around the world. As a pioneer in its industry, Ramjack is uniquely qualified to clean up environmental disasters.”
  3. Step 3 Explain the part of the organization you worked for.

    Every company or organization consists of different branches. Describe the part you were involved in, as precisely as possible. Use this part of the introduction to bring up your personal experience.[6]

    • For example, mention: “From May to June 2018, I worked in Ramjack’s electrical engineering department as an intern along with 200 other workers.”
    • Remember, this is a story about you, so use your personal style to engage readers.
  4. Step 4 Describe your responsibilities during the internship.

    Explain what you did during your internship.[7]
    Go into as much detail as possible. Even if a task seems routine at first, like cleaning or taking notes, it can add meaning to your report.

    • You could write, “My responsibilities at Ramjack included soldering electrical wires, but I also did component maintenance.”
  5. Step 5 Write about what you learned during your internship.

    Transition from talking about work obligations to results. Come up with a few examples of what you gained from your internship. Describe in detail how these changes came about.[8]

    • Think about the ways in which you have changed as a person, not just as a worker.
    • For example, you might say, “I learned a lot about how to interact with people in the community who are very different from me.”
    • While you’re doing your internship, keep track of the things you’ve enjoyed and accomplished on a weekly basis. That way, you can review your notes while writing your report.[9]
  6. Step 6 Rate your internship experience.

    You can criticize the organization you worked for, but be as fair and neutral as possible. Stick to facts and concrete examples, focusing on what you learned and what you can apply in the future. Avoid swearing at anyone.

    • You could write, “Ramjack would benefit from improved communication. It was often not clear to the superiors what they expected from me.”
  7. Step 7 Think about how your internship was.

    Conclude your report by discussing how the experience went. Be objective, expressing all positive and negative experiences about it.[10]
    You can include any feedback you received during your internship.

    • You can write something like: “At first I was too quiet, but I learned to be braver and more confident so that management took my ideas seriously.”
  8. Step 8 Use the plugin...

    Use a plugin section to include other sources. The extras section is for journals, published papers, photos, recordings and any other extra material you have. The amount of material you have will vary depending on your internship duties. Try to include some material to give the reader a taste of your accomplishments during the internship.[11]

    • For example, if you’ve worked in communications, include press releases, ads, letters, or tapes you’ve produced.
    • If you have nothing to add, you may need to write a paragraph about why you have no additional material.
  1. Step 1 Organize your data...

    Organize your data in outline before writing. Before tackling the body of the report, break down your experience into its parts. Make a rudimentary outline on paper, listing the points you want to cover in each section.

    • This helps you stay organized. You want the sections to fit together well without repeating information.
  2. Step 2 Write at least 5 to 10 pages.

    Give yourself enough space in the report to convey your experiences in detail, but avoid going off topic. Longer reports can end up being less focused and polished. For most reports, a medium length is appropriate.

    • If you don’t have enough material to stretch the paper, it’s better to keep it shorter.
    • You may need to write more than 10 pages, especially if you have had an extensive internship or are studying for a higher degree.
    • Site requirements may vary depending on your internship program.
  3. Step 3 Maintain an objective tone throughout the report.

    Your report is academic material and should be treated as such. Present yourself positively by sticking to facts and specific examples that describe your experience. Be careful in your writing and avoid sounding overly critical.[12]

    • For example, you could say, “I had a hard time working at Wayne Industries, but I learned a lot.” Avoid saying “Wayne Industries is the worst.”
    • An example of fact-based writing is: “Wayne Industries has a 75% share of the gadget market.”
  4. Step 4 Use specific examples to describe your internship.

    Avoid speaking in generalizations. Showcase your experiences on paper by giving examples of any topic you bring up. Specific details allow your reader to imagine your internship experience.[13]

    • For example, write: “Acme Corporation left out an unsecured bundle of dynamite. I felt unsafe working there.”
    • You might write, “My supervisor sent me to photograph a river dolphin that was washed up near a remote Bolivian village.”
  5. Step 5 Include observations you have about real life.

    Life knowledge goes beyond the scope of school duties. They can include the organization you worked for, the people who work there, and the world at large. These insights vary depending on the scope of your internship, but if you have them, they show that you’ve grown as a person.[14]

    • You can work in a laboratory and write: “Employees are on their feet all day, but they know they are helping people, so they come in the morning full of energy.”
    • Another example is: “Oscorp is very busy, and employees would be happier with extra help. That’s a problem for a lot of businesses across the country.”
  6. Step 6 Review your report after writing it.

    Take the time to read your report at least once. Note any sentences that do not go together well. Pay attention to the experiences you describe in the report as well as the general tone of the report. The entire report must appear cohesive, objective and clear to the reader.

    • Reading aloud can help, as can letting someone else read your work.
  7. Step 7 Edit the report...

    Edit the report before handing it over. You may need to go back a few times and make changes. Refine your report as much as it takes to make it great. Once you’re happy with it, make it your supervisor to let it read about your experience.

    • Be aware of any submission deadlines your program has. Give yourself plenty of time to edit by writing your report beforehand.
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Cover letter for postinternship report

Postinternship report

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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