How to Write Awesome Product Descriptions That Convert Like Crazy!

Whether you have a large eCommerce website with hundreds of pieces or just a few, creating great written stories is key to turning as many of those “clicks” into “buyers” as possible.

The question is: How can you write amazing product descriptions for your products that convert like crazy?

Read on and we’ll share some valuable insights…

First, let’s clarify the effect of great written presentations on your website.

Is it useful to add valuable product descriptions?

Many of us would find images to have a bigger impact on customers’ minds than a written product description. But it is also an undeniable fact that these visual elements can easily be twisted or screwed up on the internet.

Another more accepted fact about images is that they are worth 1000 words. However, you must remember that the image can also be misleading. For example, a model wearing an item may not fit the part perfectly, but the image can be improved before publication.

However, image flaws can be remedied with a complete, visible written narrative not shown in the image, such as “fashionable item of clothing”, “fashionable look”, etc. Your image also helps define other descriptive characteristics, such as its size. , draping shape and so on. Additionally, job specifications and highlights can usually be best explained in engaging written narratives.

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Therefore, the product description is very useful to offer your customers an informative source for a better evaluation of the products. Not only do they help increase sales, but they also offer much more to the business.

Here is a list of benefits that an attractive display offers.

  • Provide transparent information to customers.
  • They are useful for standing out from the competition.
  • Improves the SEO (search engine optimization) of your website.
  • Helps establish a relationship of trust with customers.
  • It also improves the overall appearance of the company’s website.

Therefore, after learning about the benefits of an interesting written narrative, it is clear that they are a great weapon to differentiate your business from the competition. You will be able to present your pieces in a more professional way, showing excellent quality and offering a promising price.

Also, it is important to learn how to sculpt such functional portraits. So keep reading to understand better…..

Product Description for Cotton T-shirt

Talk to your ideal client

The key to writing the perfect product story is to fully understand your ideal customer. You must approach them directly and personally. What are their biggest problems and how can your product solve them?

And remember: always use the word ‘YOU’!

lead with strengths

Yes, you should list all the features, but when you’re optimizing your listings, you have to ask yourself: what are the benefits? How will this particular product affect the lives of your customers? People want to know not only what they are getting, but also what their lives will be like with this new product in them.

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avoid clichés

“XYZ’s flagship product will really be all you need to get the best results in blah blah.”

*He rolls his eyes*.

Avoid the boring “yes, yes” clichés and say something different! If you were to randomly select 1000 eCommerce websites, chances are the vast majority of stories written would read the same thing.

Skip the cheap writers and hire some talent!

Use the imagination of your readers

Every consumer has a very powerful tool in his head, and he can use it for free if he knows how!

Invoke your imagination and create a compelling copy that paints a picture in your mind.

The fact is that when they shop online, people buy blind. So make sure you write a product description that actively encourages your website visitors to imagine themselves in a specific setting using your pieces; you will have a much better chance of converting them if you do.

sensitive words are seductive

Describe the piece in vivid detail. For example, if you’re selling chocolate, you don’t want to just refer to the taste: how delicious does it look? How does chocolate feel in your mouth? And how does it sound when you bite into it?

There are billions of words at your fingertips, so choose wisely.

Bullet List Features and Specifications

The features and specs aren’t too exciting, but they are important, and how you have to squeeze them into your writing stories:

  • And you too
  • make it easy
  • To digest

Add social proof

No consumer wants to take their word for it.

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It’s easy for brands to sit down and talk about how great their products are, but what about their customers? Take your social proof and highlight it in your portraits:

“Here’s what our customers have to say about it.”

Add some authentic testimonials showing the happy deals you’ve made with your clients. Show the prevailing sense of satisfaction among your existing customers that would motivate new people from the target area to become your customers.

keep it short and sweet

Your portraits should be easy to “see.” As we suggest using bulleted lists for features and specifications, keep the content short and easy to read.

Basically, you want to describe the product and its benefits as little as necessary. Reduce fat!


Hire professionals! It’s very easy to underestimate the power of a well-written description. What could be just 150 waffle words to you could be the difference between selling tens or thousands of items through your website. A well written product description can transform your business. So if you need more time and want to invest in creating exceptional sales copy for your website, we recommend hiring an SEO agency that can handle this on your behalf.

Categories: How to
Source: HIS Education

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