I can’t stop having sex with my stepbrother and I dread our family finding out

DEAR DEIDRE: MY stepbrother and I can’t keep our hands off each other.

Despite trying to move on with another man, I can’t stop having sex with him.

It scares me to think what our family would say if they found out.

We met in our late teens when his mom met my dad.

We were always friends, and then two years ago he started helping me see that I was in an abusive relationship.

He was supportive and a true confidant. I am 34 years old, and my half-brother is 36 years old.

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On paper, my abusive boyfriend was the perfect man – rich, from a good family, and with a steady job.

Fortunately, my stepbrother gently let me know that my ex was isolating me from my friends and family.

He controlled my money and my life.

Shortly after I was done with him, I got together with my half-brother. He was incredibly passionate, the best sex I’ve ever had.

We stayed cooped up in my apartment for days, often only venturing out to get food and then straight back to bed.

We reluctantly agreed to end our relationship a few months later, knowing that we would destroy things within the family.

We also knew that apart from sex and close friendship, nothing more could happen.

We both moved on and I started dating a lovely man.

We’ve been seeing each other for three months and even though it’s still early and we’re going slowly, we could have a future together.

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Embarrassingly, since I’ve been in this relationship I’ve slept with my half-brother on three occasions.

We can’t stay away from each other.

DEIDRE SAYS: You can’t have both, that’s for sure. You and your half-brother are not related by blood, so this is not an incestuous relationship and it is not illegal.

However, cheating on your boyfriend is wrong and sooner or later the truth will come out.

Your boyfriend sounds like a wonderful man who doesn’t deserve to be cheated on.

Sure, it’s exciting to be in a relationship, but you admit that there’s no future for you with your half-brother other than a close friendship.

Tell him you need space to get things going in your new relationship – and so you can’t see him. Then stick with it.

My Torn Between Two Men support package will help you.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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