I thought swinging was a great idea until the sad reality set in…

DEAR DEIDRE: MOST of my friends would switch with me in a heartbeat, but a night of rocking threatened to destroy my marriage.

I am 33 years old, and my wife is 31 years old. I am a kitchen installer and my wife is a tattoo artist.

Our sex life went bad and she mentioned it to her work colleague.

This colleague is single, 35 years old and plays with a lot of guys. She said she knew the perfect aphrodisiac – a swinger’s club.

My wife was intrigued and persuaded me to try it, to “spice things up”. We were both really nervous though and had a few drinks before going there.

The drinks definitely helped and we started chatting with other couples, dancing a bit and flirting.

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Soon a handsome guy approached my wife and asked her to dance, and his partner joined him.

They looked about the same age as us. She started caressing my wife’s back and inviting me to join them.

They knew what they were doing and invited us to a quiet room where we all got down to business.

It got pretty hot and my wife was having sex with the man while the woman approached me.

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I enjoyed the experience and felt flattered, but I never want to see my wife in that situation again. I felt so jealous.

She was always so special because she was all mine. I don’t see her like that anymore. I can’t shake the feeling that the magic is gone.

She wants to go back to the club, but I don’t. Please help.

DEIDRE SAYS: Even the strongest couples can sometimes experience a slump in their sex lives.

Some try to open up their relationship, but this can be harmful if you haven’t anticipated and addressed the potential pitfalls.

Fantasy and reality are rarely the same, and when it comes to open marriages, it’s crucial to agree on boundaries.

You felt jealous watching men desire your wife and take over your role.

She enjoyed the feeling of desire – but is it something you can encourage?

When was the last time you sent her a sexy text or told her you’d like to rip her clothes off?

Talk to her about your feelings that night and suggest reading my support pack 50 Ways to Put the Fun Back in Sex, which has ideas on how to strengthen your relationship in the bedroom without the risk of third parties getting involved.

Categories: Optical Illusion
Source: HIS Education

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